WWF Hong Kong will hold it's annual Walk for Nature fundraising event at Mai Po on 3rd and 4th November 2018.
The Walk for Nature is one of WWF's major public outreach and fundraising events, highlighting the importance of conservation to participants by providing a first-hand experience of wetlands and wildlife.
Please check this website for the route for the event: https://www.wwf.org.hk/en/your_s ... kfornature/course/. This year some participants will be joining guided tour into the floating boardwalk. WWF staff and volunteers will be situated along the route to inform visitors about the wetlands at Mai Po and their importance for wildlife.
Please note:
- Hide #6 will be reserved from 09:00 - 17:00 for the event use on both days. Please use other hides around Gei wai #16/17.
- Rotary Club and Hong Kong Jockey Club Floating Bird hides will be reserved from 09:00 – 17:00 for the event use on both days. Please use other floating bird hides.
- The Car Park will not be accessible for public vehicles, and will be reserved for events related to the Walk for Nature and coaches bringing participants to the event. If you are planning to visit the reserve on the dates mentioned above, we advise you to take public transport.
We apologize for any inconvenience to regular visitors to the reserve, but the event is an important part of the WWF to raise money and promote the conservation message to members of the public.
Please contact at 6439-0461 if you need further information.
Thank you for your advice.
Due to miscommunication, two volunteers accidentally entered GW#21/22 during our Walk for Nature event. We have since followed up on the incident and will ensure better arrangements in future Mai Po events.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused to birdwatchers that day.
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