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Subject: 新增個人會籍類別 New individual membership Type [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 26/10/2018 19:08     Subject: 新增個人會籍類別 New individual membership Type


成年學生會員( T 類別 ):
- 18歲或以上
- 在香港居住人士
- 就讀於香港認可院校的全日制日間課程的學生
- 申請入會或續會時,必須提供學生証副本
- 不設5年會籍
- 只限收取電子版的香港鳥類報告及會員通訊
- 2019年度會費為$200-
- 不得帶附家屬會員

HKBWS is committed to promoting bird watching activities to the public from different classes and categories. Special membership fee is offered to selected category to allow more people joining together to share all about birds. In addition to the elderly, student and family membership types, "Adult Student member" is introduced for adults who have yet to finish their education.

Adult Student Member (Category T):
- aged 18 or above
- residing in HK
- Full time day course student studying in a recognized institution in Hong Kong
- copy of student card required upon application or renewal of membership
- not applicable for 5-yr membership
- entitled to digital version of HKBR and Bulletin only
- membership fee for 2019 is $200-
- not entitled for carrying family membership

香港觀鳥會 辦事處
HKBWS Office

Image Attachment: NewCat-Chi.JPG (26/10/2018 19:14, 157.75 KB) / Download count 679

Image Attachment: NewCat-Eng.JPG (26/10/2018 19:14, 151.84 KB) / Download count 662

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