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Subject: 《香港鳥類圖鑑》修訂版 A Photographic Guide to the Birds of HK [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 2/04/2019 12:54     Subject: 《香港鳥類圖鑑》修訂版 A Photographic Guide to the Birds of HK


HKBWS is preparing to revise the book named "A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong". This revised version is based on the 2009 edition which contents will be updated and new species will be added. You are invited to contribute “Photos of birds taken under natural condition in Hong Kong”, especially the bird species in the table below which are not included in the last edition. Photos with more details of the bird species that have been included in the 2009 edition are also welcome. Once the photo(s) is/are chosen, in addition to the acknowledgment in the book, photographer(s) will also enjoy a discount in purchasing this new book. The photo(s) is for one-time use by the publisher.  The photographer still own all rights to the photo.  

Species not included in "A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong" 2009 edition.

照片請使用一般通用的格式如 jpg,請依據以下格式命名照片檔名稱:
例如 John Chan 於2018年4月在塱原拍攝到家麻雀,則檔案名稱可以是:
504_John Chan_Apr2018_Long Valley_PJC918542.jpg

For the submitted photos, please save as a common format such as jpg. Please name the photo file according to the following format:
(The latest checklist number of the bird) _ (photographer name) _ (shooting date mmmyyyy) _ (photographing location) _ (any name)
For example, John Chan took a House Sparrow photo in Long Valley in April 2018, and the file name will be:
504_John Chan_Apr2018_Long Valley_PJC918542.jpg

鳥類名錄編號請參考: ... &extra=page%3D1
For the latest checklist, please refer to: ... &extra=page%3D1

Please try to upload photos to the cloud storage space for download, or contact us to arrange photo submission methods.

此外,誠邀讀者指出2009年版《香港鳥類圖鑑》的錯漏之處,請電郵資料至  hkbws 。謝謝!
Besides, readers are invited to provide the mistakes and omissions of the 2009 edition "A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong". Please email the information to Thank you!

Deadline of submission: 30 June 2019

For inquiry:

Hong Kong Bird Watching Society

香港鳥類圖鑑Photographic Guide of Birds.xlsx (14.35 KB)

Image Attachment: bird list.jpg (2/04/2019 12:54, 863.33 KB) / Download count 624

Attachment: 香港鳥類圖鑑Photographic Guide of Birds.xlsx (2/04/2019 12:54, 14.35 KB) / Download count 704
Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 23/05/2019 16:14


Your support is NEEDED! Deadline of submission: 30 June 2019

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