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Subject: 海外足旗涉禽目擊紀錄 Overseas leg-flagged Shorebird Sightings [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 26/03/2014 09:22     Subject: 海外足旗涉禽目擊紀錄 Overseas leg-flagged Shorebird Sightings

Overseas leg-flagged Shorebird Sightings

Dear members,

You might have seen some shorebirds with colour flags in Deep Bay area every year, please note flag(s) colour(s), position(s), species and percentage of breeding plumage of those birds. We could see these shorebirds with local flags (White over Yellow) or overseas flags (e.g. orange, orange over yellow, yellow, black over white, etc). Members are encouraged to submit their sightings of leg-flagged shorebirds, especially those with overseas leg-flags. Such information can be posted here, through email ( or PM.

Thank you very much,
Tse Wai Lun

會員們, 大家好,

每年都會有大量涉禽經過或停留於香港米埔,當中有些是帶有足旗的。除了有本地的(即上白下黃),也有一些是海外的(如黃,橙,黑,白等)。請你將資料記下,如顏色,位置,該鳥的種類,繁殖羽毛的百分比,然後把資料寄給我(電郵至 或 pm),或張貼在下面。

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 27/03/2014 13:28

Greater Sand Plover - Upper Right: White

Great Knot - Upper Right: Black, Lower Right: Orange
Author: ajohn    Time: 27/03/2014 15:34

Ivan, I think it is unlikely that the GSP was originally flagged with white only. I have previously corresponded with people from New Zealand (where white flags are used) and they reported that they have never flagged a GSP (which I think is rare there).

Your GSP may have had a very faded yellow flag (NW Australia), but probably the most likely is that this is a Chongming bird (black and white) which has lost the black flag. This was the final conclusion of the bird I saw last year, which I saw on 27th March and may even have been the same bird!
Author: ddavid    Time: 1/04/2014 17:32

March 31 2014
New Hide, Mai Po Boardwalk

Greater Sand Plover - white flag above blue flag on left leg. P4.
Author: lrichard    Time: 2/04/2014 21:44

Mai Po boardwalk 2 April

Greater Sand Plover - P4 (white over blue on left leg) again
Author: lrichard    Time: 3/04/2014 17:59

Mai Po boardwalk 3 April 2014

Red-necked Stint - single rectangular orange flag on right leg, no alphanumerical
Author: lrichard    Time: 4/04/2014 18:32

Mai Po boardwalk, 4 April 2014

Great Knot - YCR (yellow flag on right leg)
Curlew Sandpiper - no alphanumerical (orange flag on right leg)
Author: John Holmes    Time: 5/04/2014 17:03

Mai Po boardwalk, 5th April 2014

Great Knot - UTZ (Yellow flag on right leg)
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 7/04/2014 20:46

Mai Po boardwalk, 5th April 2014
Hard to identify



[ 本帖最後由 ((華仔)) 於 7/04/2014 21:10 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: DSC_5821.jpg (7/04/2014 20:46, 67.27 KB) / Download count 1487

Image Attachment: DSC_5823.jpg (7/04/2014 20:46, 70.29 KB) / Download count 1520

Image Attachment: DSC_5978.jpg (7/04/2014 20:46, 53.94 KB) / Download count 1477

Image Attachment: DSC_5979.jpg (7/04/2014 20:46, 61.26 KB) / Download count 1456

Image Attachment: DSC_5965.jpg (7/04/2014 21:08, 74.52 KB) / Download count 1465

Author: John Holmes    Time: 8/04/2014 10:38     Subject: MP boardwalk 7th April 2014

Great Knot - three flagged birds, all Yellow flag on right leg.


             BY? or RY? (muddy) perhaps same as photographed by Wah Jai yesterday


Curlew Sandpiper - Orange flag right leg no number.
Author: ajohn    Time: 9/04/2014 10:59

The two Great Knot with unknown digits are RYN and YCR. I saw both on Saturday and have reported these. YCR is interesting because it was last seen in Australia (Broome) on 25th March, only 10 days before it was first reported in HK (on 4th April).

The last bird in post 9 (Curlew Sandpiper P1) is a Hong Kong-flagged bird (the white upper flag is slightly discoloured). This bird was last reported in Bohai Bay (northeast China) on 24th May 2013. We get good numbers of resightings of HK-flagged Curlew Sandpipers in Bohai Bay, which is clearly an important stopover for our birds (but is also under serious threat from development!)
Author: lrichard    Time: 21/04/2014 17:02

Mai Po boardwalk, 21 April 2014 (seen by Mike Kilburn & me)

Red-necked Stint - single orange flag on right leg, no alphanumerical (2 individuals)

Curlew Sandpiper - single yellow flag on right leg, no alphanumerical (1 individual)
Red-necked Stint - single yellow flag on right leg, no alphanumerical (2 individuals)

and these three sightings from earlier this month which I posted in the wrong place:

Mai Po boardwalk, 2 April 2014

Great Knot - single yellow flag, no alphanumerical (1 individual)
Greater Sand Plover- single yellow flag, no alphanumerical (1 individual)

Mai Po boardwalk, 4 April 2014

Greater Sand Plover- single yellow flag, no alphanumerical (1 individual)
Author: John Holmes    Time: 21/04/2014 21:07

On the outgoing tide at MPNR today, 21st April 2014

Image Attachment: [Red-necked Stint] FlaggedRNStint_140421_jjh.jpg (21/04/2014 21:07, 53.63 KB) / Download count 1432

Image Attachment: [Curlew Sandpiper] FlaggedCurlSand_140421_jjh.jpg (21/04/2014 21:07, 42.92 KB) / Download count 1485

Author: lrichard    Time: 23/04/2014 21:03

Mai Po boardwalk, 23 April 2014

Curlew Sandpiper - single yellow flag on right leg ACE
Curlew Sandpiper - single yellow flag on right leg EVL
Curlew Sandpiper -  single orange flag on right leg, no alphanumerical
Red-necked Stint - orange flag above knee & yellow flag below knee on right leg; no alphanumerical
Author: John Holmes    Time: 24/04/2014 19:18     Subject: Flagged Red-necked Stint, Mai Po 24th April 2014

(North) Western Australia ?

FWIW the ring can be read in a couple of photos…   "737 84"

But these would be more fun if they put letters on the stint-size flags -

[ Last edited by John Holmes at 25/04/2014 19:17 ]

Image Attachment: flags_140424_jjh01-01.jpg (24/04/2014 19:18, 76.1 KB) / Download count 1421

Author: John Holmes    Time: 24/04/2014 19:20     Subject: Mai Po boardwalk 24th April 2014

Victoria, Australia

Image Attachment: flags_140424_jjh10-01.jpg (24/04/2014 19:20, 70.32 KB) / Download count 1452

Author: John Holmes    Time: 24/04/2014 19:24     Subject: Two flags for the price of one

Mai Po Boardwalk, 24th April 2014

Yellow over orange - so that's "SW Western Australia", I believe. The lower flag has faded somewhat

The ring has "035" reading vertically… perhaps the ring size ?

Image Attachment: flags_140424_jjh09-01.jpg (24/04/2014 19:24, 72.56 KB) / Download count 1443

Author: lkatherine    Time: 26/04/2014 09:08

Yes John, vertical "035" is the ring size and series no.

Author: John Holmes    Time: 30/04/2014 18:16     Subject: Flying Ace

Thanks for that clarification, Katherine.

Today, 30th April on the falling tode

Curlew Sandpiper ACE  -  Yellow Flag upper right leg
Author: lrichard    Time: 5/05/2014 19:35

Mai Po boardwalk, 5 May 2014

Red Knot - single yellow flag on right leg, no alphanumerical
Red-necked Stint - single orange flag on right leg, no alphanumerical
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 8/05/2014 02:24




Image Attachment: DSC_4712.jpg (8/05/2014 02:24, 99.72 KB) / Download count 1466

Image Attachment: DSC_8952.jpg (8/05/2014 02:24, 107.28 KB) / Download count 1445

Image Attachment: DSC_9522.jpg (8/05/2014 02:24, 142.5 KB) / Download count 1412

Author: John Holmes    Time: 10/05/2014 17:06     Subject: "South Australia"

From the new hide, 10th May 2014

From the several shots taken, the ring number includes the sequence " 76141 "

[ Last edited by John Holmes at 12/05/2014 20:42 ]

Image Attachment: MaiPo_140510_jjh13.jpg (10/05/2014 17:06, 56.16 KB) / Download count 1439

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 12/05/2014 12:33

原帖由 John Holmes 於 10/05/2014 17:06 發表
From the new hide, 10th May 2014

From the several shots taken, the ring number includes the sequence " 76141 "
Same as JOHN's Photo

Image Attachment: DSC_5859.jpg (12/05/2014 12:33, 133.23 KB) / Download count 1429

Author: ajohn    Time: 13/05/2014 09:38

I have contacted the Australian Wader Studies Group about this bird. Fortunately the ring number is enough to know which individual is involved. "76141" was flagged on 22 July 2003 at Nene Valley in the south-east of South Australia. It was one year old at the time.
The bird is now 11 years old, and has presumably migrated each year between South Australia and Siberia - an impressive achievement for such a small bird!

We get very few reports of movements of stints, so this record is very useful. If anyone gets close views of a ringed stint it may be worth trying to get photos from several different angles to work out the full ring number, as was possible in this case. Congratulations to John and Wah jai for managing to get such close shots of this bird.
Author: John Holmes    Time: 18/05/2014 20:03     Subject: South Australia-flagged Red-necked Stints

Thanks for that information, John, I didn't know stints could live as long as twelve !

Here is a more distant photo from among my shots from May 10th.  A different bird, I think - fuller breeding plumage.

But far too far for reading of the leg rings...

Image Attachment: [miles away] flags_140510_jjh01.jpg (18/05/2014 20:03, 59.34 KB) / Download count 1461

Author: esther03166    Time: 23/05/2014 00:13

20May14 MP Pond 16/17


The following photos were taken by my friend PY

28Apr14  MP Mudflat



MP Pond 16/17


Author: lrichard    Time: 4/10/2014 11:53

Mai Po boardwalk, 4 October 2014

Kentish Plover rectangular blue flag over yellow flag - I didn't note which leg, but I think it was the right leg
Author: esther03166    Time: 6/11/2014 23:15

6Nov14 Maipo 三層烏屋
Blace face spoonbill S76; s27; E66
Author: Allen    Time: 16/03/2015 19:42

Mai Po boardwalk

Great Knot with Thailand Flag

Image Attachment: 150224M3324bb.jpg (16/03/2015 19:42, 189.68 KB) / Download count 1285

Author: John Holmes    Time: 23/03/2015 21:32     Subject: Great Knot with Thailand flags

Mai Po Boardwalk, 19th March 2015

Image Attachment: [Black-over-Green] _M4A2953.jpg (23/03/2015 21:32, 56.98 KB) / Download count 1330

Author: hkinni    Time: 26/03/2015 17:37     Subject: Kentish Plover with Blue and Yellow leg-flagged

Mai Po

Image Attachment: D81_7614ss.jpg (26/03/2015 17:37, 166.14 KB) / Download count 1303

Author: John Holmes    Time: 27/03/2015 08:07     Subject: Marsh Sandpiper with Taiwan flags - "25"

MPNR boardwalk, rising tide 26th March 2015

Image Attachment: ["25"] _M4A3420.jpg (27/03/2015 08:07, 55.79 KB) / Download count 1412

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 27/03/2015 14:40

Original posted by hkinni at 26/03/2015 17:37
Mai Po
This Kentish Plover was flagged at Bohai Bay, China possibly! Good find!
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 27/03/2015 14:45

Original posted by John Holmes at 27/03/2015 08:07
MPNR boardwalk, rising tide 26th March 2015
Thank you John! This bird was flagged on 24 Oct 2010 at Han-pao wetland, Changhua County(Taiwan). This was sighted at MP in 2013 Autumn and 2014 spring too!
Author: John Holmes    Time: 3/04/2015 14:50     Subject: MPNR 3rd April 2015

Curlew Sandpiper - right upper leg Yellow (N Western Australia) - "UK" (no photo)

The lettering on the flag seems finer and harder-to-read than on the Australian flags we have grown used to.
Author: John Holmes    Time: 5/04/2015 13:47     Subject: MPNR boardwalk 4th April 2015

Red-necked Stint (25% breeding) Right leg Yellow above knee, white at ankle  (Sakhalin, Russia?)

Curlew Sandpipers (2 birds, one 25% and one 75% breeding plumage) Orange on right upper leg  (Victoria,Australia)

Greater Sand Plover Yellow flag, upper right leg (N Western Australia)

Taiwan-flagged (white over blue) Marsh Sandpiper  "25" , reported before on March 26th, seen again 4th April

Taiwan-flagged Greater Sand Plover (white over blue), 25% breeding plumage - number not readable
Author: esther03166    Time: 10/04/2015 14:15

9Apr15 Mai Po Gei Wai (pond no 8)
Curlew Sandpiper
Author: lrichard    Time: 11/04/2015 08:49

Mai Po boardwalk, 10 April 2015

Bar-tailed Godwit (summer-plumaged male) - no alphanumerical; flags yellow over green over red on right leg and yellow over green on left leg; aluminium ring above left foot

Bar-tailed Godwit (summer-plumaged male)  - no alphanumerical or leg flags; aluminium ring above left foot

Greater Sand Plover - no alphanumerical; single bright yellow flag on right leg
Author: John Holmes    Time: 14/04/2015 10:22     Subject: 12th April 2015

Greater Sand Plover - yellow flag, upper right leg "SU"
Author: lrichard    Time: 14/04/2015 19:33

Mai Po boardwalk 14 April 2015

Greater Sand Plover single yellow flag on right leg - 9TJ
Author: John Holmes    Time: 21/04/2015 19:57     Subject: Mai Po, incl. Pond 11 and boardwalk

April 20th

Curlew Sandpipers Yellow flag upper right leg (N Western Australia ?)  "EPS" "EUD" "DXE" + one with no letters
                  Orange flag    "     "    "  (Victoria ?)         three with no letters

Curlew Sandpiper  Green-over-yellow right leg, no letters readable  (Gulf of Carpentaria, Aus)
                  Black-over-green    "     "        "       "     (Thailand)

Ruddy Turnstone   Orange-over-yellow - no letters readable
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 22/04/2015 11:40

15-04-07 M0

15-04-07 U9

15-04-12 AOK



15-04-19 N7

[ 本帖最後由 ((華仔)) 於 22/04/2015 13:17 編輯 ]
Author: esther03166    Time: 22/04/2015 19:13

21Apr15 MaiPo broadwalk
Author: lrichard    Time: 22/04/2015 21:25

Mai Po boardwalk 21 April 2015

Red-necked Stint single yellow flag on right leg, no alphanumerical
Red-necked Stint single orange flag on right leg, no alphanumerical

Curlew Sandpiper single yellow flag on right leg, no alphanumerical
Author: John Holmes    Time: 23/04/2015 07:58     Subject: April 21st - b/w and scrape, Mai Po

Curlew Sandpipers - upper right leg YELLOW - "CLZ" and "DXH"
Curlew Sandpiper - upper right leg ORANGE - no letters

Curlew Sandpiper - upper right leg ORANGE - "U5"

Red-necked Stint - upper right leg YELLOW - no letters

April 22nd
Curlew Sandpiper Right leg YELLOW - "DMC"

(and from April 12th Curlew Sandpiper - upper right leg YELLOW - "DHB")

[ Last edited by John Holmes at 23/04/2015 10:17 ]
Author: Sze    Time: 25/04/2015 10:54

24/04/2015 16:00-17:30

Image Attachment: 24Apr2015_0831s.jpg (25/04/2015 10:54, 177.34 KB) / Download count 1232

Image Attachment: 24Apr2015_0330s.jpg (25/04/2015 10:54, 175.38 KB) / Download count 1246

Author: derekhon2    Time: 25/04/2015 17:58     Subject: same as SZE's stint

MP mudflat


BTW, thanks SZE for teaching me so much!

[ Last edited by derekhon2 at 25/04/2015 18:02 ]
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 25/04/2015 21:51


[ 本帖最後由 ((華仔)) 於 25/04/2015 22:08 編輯 ]
Author: kc3018    Time: 26/04/2015 15:41

20150423 MP Boardwalk

Sorry, can't ID the bird

Image Attachment: _DSC3776a.jpg (26/04/2015 15:41, 123.11 KB) / Download count 1342

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 17/05/2015 16:50

MAI PO #16/17
Not exactly confirm the metal ring number
Compare those photos,
I think the no. may be [679653] or [79653] or [7963] or [7953]

[ 本帖最後由 ((華仔)) 於 17/05/2015 17:13 編輯 ]
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 21/08/2015 16:13

18-08-2015 & 21-08-2015

Grey-tailed Tattler
Single Yellow flag "ELT"

Dear members,
Autumn Migration was already started! You might have seen some shorebirds with colour flags in Deep Bay area every year, please note flag(s) colour(s), position(s), species and percentage of breeding plumage of those birds. We could see these shorebirds with local flags (White over Yellow) or overseas flags (e.g. orange, orange over yellow, yellow, black over white, etc). Members are encouraged to submit their sightings of leg-flagged shorebirds, especially those with overseas leg-flags. Such information can be posted here, through email ( or PM.

Thank you very much,
Tse Wai Lun

會員們, 大家好,

秋天的遷徙已經開始了,每年都會有大量涉禽經過或停留於香港米埔,當中有些是帶有足旗的。除了有本地的(即上白下黃),也有一些是海外的(如黃,橙,黑,白等)。請你將資料記下,如顏色,位置,該鳥的種類,繁殖羽毛的百分比,然後把資料寄給我(電郵至 或 pm),或張貼在下面。


Image Attachment: 1.jpg (21/08/2015 16:13, 598.63 KB) / Download count 799

Author: John Holmes    Time: 31/08/2015 12:52     Subject: Grey-tailed Tattler - ELT

Mai Po boardwalk, 30th Aug 2015

Image Attachment: _M4A9645.jpg (31/08/2015 12:52, 62.45 KB) / Download count 746

Author: edyip1999    Time: 31/08/2015 23:48

Same as what John found yesterday

Taken at Mai Po boardwalk (Aug 31, 2015)

Image Attachment: IMG_7683.jpg (31/08/2015 23:48, 159.54 KB) / Download count 690

Image Attachment: IMG_7696.jpg (31/08/2015 23:48, 155.8 KB) / Download count 671

Author: esther03166    Time: 4/09/2015 00:00

3Sep15 Mai po mudflat

Grey tailed tattler ELT
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 30/09/2015 09:58


A very old flag
Sim like (B4)

[ 本帖最後由 ((華仔)) 於 30/09/2015 10:00 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: DSC_5505.jpg (30/09/2015 09:58, 159.92 KB) / Download count 726

Image Attachment: DSC_5505a.jpg (30/09/2015 09:58, 109.46 KB) / Download count 756

Author: lexusjohn    Time: 3/10/2015 21:04     Subject: K9

26th Sep 2015

K9 by john yu, 於 Flickr
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 4/10/2015 23:49

Mai Po Board Walk



Image Attachment: S1.jpg (4/10/2015 23:49, 51.21 KB) / Download count 718

Image Attachment: A2.jpg (4/10/2015 23:49, 72.97 KB) / Download count 727

Author: irsychan    Time: 5/10/2015 17:57     Subject: Plain Prinia

Plain Prinia, 20th September 2015 at Mai Po
Ring marking is (in three rows):

[ Last edited by irsychan at 5/10/2015 17:58 ]

Image Attachment: Plain Prinia.jpg (5/10/2015 17:57, 72.11 KB) / Download count 630

Image Attachment: CHINGPOLAE1.jpg (5/10/2015 17:57, 38.72 KB) / Download count 644

Image Attachment: CHINGPOLAE2.jpg (5/10/2015 17:57, 31.35 KB) / Download count 657

Author: lrichard    Time: 15/11/2015 18:29

Mai Po boardwalk 13 Nov 2015

Dunlin - no alphanumerical, blue over blue on upper left leg. The upper flag was smaller than the lower flag and had more of a turquoise sheen.
Author: coconutcat    Time: 20/12/2015 22:16

It looks like Marsh Sandpiper.  Taken at Nam Sang Wai 2015-12-20

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 20/12/2015 22:37

MP #16/17

Blue Yellow 00H

Image Attachment: 00H.jpg (20/12/2015 22:37, 136.76 KB) / Download count 683

Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 21/12/2015 09:50

The date was shown as 15-11-2015. Was it really photographed in November or just a typo?
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 21/12/2015 16:38

原帖由 HKBWS Tung 於 21/12/2015 09:50 發表
The date was shown as 15-11-2015. Was it really photographed in November or just a typo?
Yes, this photo was took on 15th November!
last time I made my mistake to post it on other topic
[Hong Kong engraved leg flags]
Now I just to correct it!

Sorry for any inconvemnice!

Image Attachment: 未命名2.jpg (21/12/2015 16:38, 146.7 KB) / Download count 711

Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 22/12/2015 09:47

Thank you very much for your verification!! It is a good re-sighting. I have reported it to the international coordinator and hope to receive more information of this bird later on.
Author: lrichard    Time: 14/01/2016 22:55

Mai Po boardwalk, 14 January 2016

Marsh Sandpiper  yellow over blue, "25" on yellow flag
Author: 9Wi    Time: 12/03/2016 21:32

Two Marsh Sandpipers with yellow flages, the letters cannot be read.

2016-03-11, 15:01

metal ring showing : ...IAS 6

Author: 9Wi    Time: 12/03/2016 21:40

Common Greenshank with two yellow flages, A6

2016-03-11, 15:06

metal ring showing : BRITAIN....LONDON 612

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 30/03/2016 22:48

board walk
Yellow flag with metal ring

Image Attachment: DSC_2399.jpg (30/03/2016 22:48, 60.04 KB) / Download count 634

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 3/04/2016 00:22

Board Walk
yellow flag JNE

Image Attachment: DSC_5476.jpg (3/04/2016 00:22, 96.97 KB) / Download count 662

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 3/04/2016 21:23

Mai Po Board Walk
Yellow flag LPX with metal ring

Image Attachment: DSC_6140.jpg (3/04/2016 21:23, 107.24 KB) / Download count 642

Image Attachment: DSC_6147.jpg (3/04/2016 21:23, 81.85 KB) / Download count 655

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 5/04/2016 17:23

春天遷徙季節已經開始,各位會員如果目擊到繫上海外足旗的涉禽,歡迎於此處報名或直接電郵至 謝謝!

Spring Migration is now going on. Any member have oversea leg-flatted shorebird sighting, please feel free to report in this post or email to Thank you!

Author: lchunfai    Time: 10/04/2016 18:10

10 Apr 2016

Curlew Sandpiper
Right: Yellow - BVC
Left: metal ring
Author: lrichard    Time: 10/04/2016 18:22

Mai Po boardwalk, 10 April 2016

Found by one of the photographers:

Curlew Sandpiper, summer-plumaged, small rectangular orange flag (no alphanumerical) on right leg, metal ring on left leg
Author: ddavid    Time: 11/04/2016 15:40

Mai Po scrape April 11

Summer-plumaged Curlew Sandpiper with single yellow flag JLE

(Bird was standing on one leg - other leg concealed)

[ Last edited by ddavid at 11/04/2016 17:15 ]
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 12/04/2016 01:15

MAI PO Board Walk

Image Attachment: DSC_7775.jpg (12/04/2016 01:15, 107.21 KB) / Download count 654

Author: lngayee    Time: 12/04/2016 12:38

12 Apr 2016
Mai Po Boardwalk (Northern Hide)
Orange Flag (HU)

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 13/04/2016 22:00


Image Attachment: DSC_8159.jpg (13/04/2016 22:00, 80.05 KB) / Download count 650

Image Attachment: DSC_8161A.jpg (13/04/2016 22:00, 62.3 KB) / Download count 639

Image Attachment: DSC_8167.jpg (13/04/2016 22:00, 48.04 KB) / Download count 659

Author: lrichard    Time: 13/04/2016 22:40

Mai Po boardwalk, 12 April 2016

Greater sand Plover NHJ engraved on yellow flag on right leg
Curlew Sandpiper summer-plumaged bird with orange flag on right leg
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 16/04/2016 00:38

Board Walk




[ 本帖最後由 ((華仔)) 於 20/04/2016 01:45 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: nrx.jpg (16/04/2016 00:38, 79.05 KB) / Download count 675

Image Attachment: DSC_9197.jpg (16/04/2016 00:38, 32.92 KB) / Download count 628

Image Attachment: 16-4-15 NHI.jpg (20/04/2016 01:45, 62.59 KB) / Download count 669

Author: John Holmes    Time: 18/04/2016 14:20

MPNR boardwalk, 18th April 2016

Image Attachment: [Curlew Sand - "HAS"] _DJH4096-01.jpg (18/04/2016 14:20, 88.52 KB) / Download count 683

Image Attachment: [Gtr Sand Plover - "NRX"] _DJH4116-01.jpg (18/04/2016 14:20, 97.11 KB) / Download count 669

Image Attachment: [GT Tattler - Chongming Dao ?] _DJH4251-01.jpg (18/04/2016 14:20, 79.82 KB) / Download count 642

Author: John Holmes    Time: 19/04/2016 14:06

MP boardwalk, 19th April 2016

Image Attachment: [BW] _DJH4528-01.jpg (19/04/2016 14:06, 154.28 KB) / Download count 639

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 22/04/2016 23:54


Image Attachment: 16-04-20 R ring.jpg (22/04/2016 23:54, 84.08 KB) / Download count 644

Image Attachment: 16-04-20 Y ring.jpg (22/04/2016 23:54, 87.09 KB) / Download count 654

Image Attachment: 16-04-20 Y ring_2.jpg (22/04/2016 23:54, 97.74 KB) / Download count 612

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 25/04/2016 19:17


Image Attachment: 16-04-23 Y.jpg (25/04/2016 19:17, 42.66 KB) / Download count 638

Image Attachment: 16-04-23 Y2.jpg (25/04/2016 19:17, 42.78 KB) / Download count 642

Image Attachment: 16-04-23 Y3.jpg (25/04/2016 19:17, 95.93 KB) / Download count 600

Author: 9Wi    Time: 27/04/2016 10:12

鐵嘴沙鴴 Greater Sand Plover
地點 : 米埔 MP

日期 : 2015-04-26

[ Last edited by 9Wi at 27/04/2016 14:13 ]
Author: ((華仔))    Time: 2/05/2016 01:49




[ 本帖最後由 ((華仔)) 於 2/05/2016 21:32 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: 16-04-28 og ring.jpg (2/05/2016 01:49, 86.93 KB) / Download count 618

Image Attachment: 16-04-28 y jao-jad.jpg (2/05/2016 01:49, 41.89 KB) / Download count 625

Author: John Holmes    Time: 2/05/2016 14:40

30th April 2016 Curlew Sandpipers with Yellow flags.....JHJ,CHZ, JAD
Author: ajohn    Time: 3/05/2016 17:07

The stint photo from 28/4 is interesting. The combination is actually orange over blue, which indicates that the bird was flagged in Tasmania, Australia. We get very few birds from Tasmania. This bird was present on the mudflat again this morning.
Author: John Holmes    Time: 3/05/2016 20:48     Subject: 2nd May 2016 MP boardwalk

Two ringed waders from yesterday

Image Attachment: [Ring, no flag] 02May_DJH7350-01.jpg (3/05/2016 20:48, 93.15 KB) / Download count 619

Image Attachment: [Little Stint] 02May_DJH7372-01.jpg (3/05/2016 20:48, 87.43 KB) / Download count 675

Author: John Holmes    Time: 3/05/2016 20:51     Subject: 3rd May 2016

Some flagged birds from the boardwalk today

Image Attachment: [Broad-billed Sandpiper] _DJH7836_03May-01.jpg (3/05/2016 20:51, 87.76 KB) / Download count 648

Image Attachment: [Curlew Sandpiper] _DJH7850_03May-01.jpg (3/05/2016 20:51, 85.77 KB) / Download count 658

Image Attachment: [TWO Red-necked Stints] _DJH7937_03May-01.jpg (3/05/2016 20:51, 82.5 KB) / Download count 629

Image Attachment: [Curlew Sandpiper] _DJH8644_03May-01.jpg (3/05/2016 20:51, 97.34 KB) / Download count 672

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 6/05/2016 11:21

Board Walk

Board Walk

Image Attachment: 15-04-30 FR JAD.jpg (6/05/2016 11:21, 45.55 KB) / Download count 621

Image Attachment: DSC_3435.jpg (6/05/2016 11:21, 43.61 KB) / Download count 658

Image Attachment: DSC_3569.jpg (6/05/2016 11:21, 62.63 KB) / Download count 614

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 14/05/2016 09:40

Board Walk

Image Attachment: 16-05-13 fr.jpg (14/05/2016 09:40, 73.43 KB) / Download count 640

Author: wsimon    Time: 15/05/2016 20:47

Pond #16/17 Mai Po, 14 May 2016

5 Red-necked Stint (4  Orange Flag & 1 Yellow+Metal Ring)

(with indicators)

[ Last edited by wsimon at 15/05/2016 23:27 ]
Author: John Holmes    Time: 18/05/2016 20:00     Subject: non-HK flags at boardwalk, 16th May

Grey-tailed Tattler Rxx

Image Attachment: [16th May] _DJH9872-01.jpg (18/05/2016 20:00, 77.95 KB) / Download count 666

Author: John Holmes    Time: 18/05/2016 20:03     Subject: Non-HK flags at boardwalk, 17th May

One Orange-flagged Red-necked Stint (not photographed) and..

Image Attachment: [Orange over Yellow] _DJH0627-01.jpg (18/05/2016 20:03, 85.03 KB) / Download count 622

Image Attachment: [Black over White (stained)] _DJH0589-01.jpg (18/05/2016 20:03, 67.83 KB) / Download count 637

Author: edyip1999    Time: 19/05/2016 22:25

The Orange-flagged Red-necked Stint that John mentioned. Thanks Jemi for spotting out this bird for me.

Taken at MP boardwalk in May 17

[ Last edited by edyip1999 at 19/05/2016 22:27 ]

Image Attachment: Red-necked stint.jpg (19/05/2016 22:25, 174.39 KB) / Download count 515

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 7/08/2016 23:22


Yellow flag with metal ring


[ 本帖最後由 ((華仔)) 於 10/08/2016 00:09 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: 16-08-05- K5 AUS.jpg (7/08/2016 23:22, 87.47 KB) / Download count 547

Image Attachment: 16-08-05- AUS.jpg (7/08/2016 23:22, 61.4 KB) / Download count 571

Image Attachment: 16-08-05 P2 HK.jpg (7/08/2016 23:26, 106.95 KB) / Download count 574

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 10/08/2016 00:02


Image Attachment: 16-08-08 FR ELT (1).jpg (10/08/2016 00:02, 74.23 KB) / Download count 557

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 13/08/2016 23:25


Image Attachment: DSC_6663.jpg (13/08/2016 23:25, 57.97 KB) / Download count 543

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 28/10/2016 00:06

Mai Po Board Walk
Single White flag with metal ring

Image Attachment: 16-10-25 Single White Flag+Ring.jpg (28/10/2016 00:06, 83.5 KB) / Download count 534

Author: ((華仔))    Time: 16/01/2017 16:23

Mai Po Board Walk

Image Attachment: 17-01-15.jpg (16/01/2017 16:23, 36.21 KB) / Download count 510

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