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Subject: a strange Sparrow [Print This Page]

Author: waixiangzhu    Time: 14/05/2019 10:11     Subject: a strange Sparrow

Yesterday I saw a Strange Sparrow in Long Valley.

It also has 3 “dots” (2 dots on cheek and 1 dot on neck) but it’s head had many white feather. It size was bigger and it always stay alone.  

I think this is not a Sparrow.

Image Attachment: 1.jpg (14/05/2019 10:11, 831.85 KB) / Download count 563

Image Attachment: 2.jpg (14/05/2019 10:11, 801.87 KB) / Download count 570

Author: badesc    Time: 14/05/2019 22:50

Eurasian Tree Sparrow with partial leucism.
Author: waixiangzhu    Time: 15/05/2019 10:35

thanks a lot

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