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Subject: Mikania research project 薇金菊研究 [Print This Page]

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 21/05/2019 16:54     Subject: Mikania research project 薇金菊研究

Mikania is a common invasive climber species in Hong Kong.
In order to know more about its rate of spread and physiological function, Professor Cheryl Swift and her team will conduct a research project in the bunds of Gei Wai #3, #4, #10, #16/17 and fresh water pond (in colour blue, red, yellow and green). The working period of the project starts from May 20 to June 2.
If you have any inquiry, please contact Mai Po staff 2471-6212

薇甘菊為香港常見的入侵性攀緣植物。為了進一步了解其擴展速度及生理情況,Professor Cheryl Swift 及其研究團隊會於本月20日至六月2日在基圍#3,#4,#10,#16/17及淡水塘的橫壆上進行研究。

Image Attachment: 螢幕快照 2019-05-21 下午4.52.30.png (21/05/2019 16:54, 1.82 MB) / Download count 529

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