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Subject: 用花鳥畫研究中國古代的生物 [Print This Page]

Author: ankeney    Time: 11/02/2020 00:28     Subject: 用花鳥畫研究中國古代的生物


我是美國科爾比大學東亞研究系“中國繪畫與自然歷史”研究團隊的魏文妮 (Ankeney Weitz)。我們正在用花鳥畫研究中國古代的生物,並希望您能幫助我們鑑別花鳥畫中的鳥類。為了給予世界各地的人們參與它的機會,本項目基於英國牛津大學的公眾科學網站 Zooniverse。期待您加入我們的研究!


請您在 Zooniverse 聯繫我們和其他參與人員

Ankeney Weitz, Ph.D.(魏文妮)
Ellerton M. and Edith K Jetté Professor of East Asian Studies
Colby College
Maine, USA
Author: ankeney    Time: 11/02/2020 00:36


關於 中國繪畫與自然歷史


Author: mchristine    Time: 30/04/2020 16:27     Subject: Meaningful and Interesting Study

I find this study both meaningful and interesting.  I had the experience of both watching and dreaming a sparrow building a nest on a tree. Some of my birder friends in Hong Kong said that I must be dreaming because no sparrows nor swifts would build nest on a tree.  By mere coincidence, I met an artist from Beijing who told me that there were tree sparrows in ancient Chinese paintings.  A few years later, a veteran birder 和平里的孩子 showed me REAL photos of tree sparrows taken by him in Beijing, I believe.   Last year, I found all these bird related photos in ancient Chinese arts exhibited in The Palace Museum 故官博物館, Shanghai Museum 上海博物館 and Museu De Arte De Macau 澳門藝術博物館.  I am thrilled that I had not gone crazy yet because of too much bird watching!!!!

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