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Subject: [China] 中國特有鳥種海報 Poster of Chinese endemic bird species [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 7/08/2007 17:43     Subject: 中國特有鳥種海報 Poster of Chinese endemic bird species

香港觀鳥會中國項目將制作一張讓國內鳥會使用、介紹中國特有種的海報, 用來向國內市民宣傳保育這些特別的鳥種, 海報中包含16種中國特有鳥類, 包括白眉山鷓鴣, 黃腹角雉, 暗色鴉雀, 灰冠鴉雀, 綠尾虹雉, 黑頭噪鴉, 白點鶥, 灰胸藪鶥, 褐馬雞, 黑額山噪鶥, 金額雀鶥, 白頸長尾雉, 白冠長尾雉, 海南山鷓鴣, 海南柳鶯, 台灣鵯。這張海報的初步設計跟早前制作的 “中國受威脅鳥種”海報相似 (請留意下面)。我們正找尋適當人選繪畫這些圖畫, 請問您們有興趣參與制作這張海報嗎? 如果有興趣的話, 請於八月三十一日或之前把畫好的一幅 “綠尾虹雉” (試畫)和您的聯絡資料以郵寄、親身或電郵的方式交到香港觀鳥會辦公室 (地址: 尖沙咀漆減道87-105號百利商業中心1612室中國項目收; 電郵:, 我們會作甄選。 如有查詢, 歡迎跟中國項目主任張嘉穎小姐聯絡 (電話: 2377 4387). 謝謝!

注: 由於完成制作海報的預期時間為十二月, 因此我們期望這16種鳥種的圖畫能於十一月中或之前完成。

HKBWS China Programme is going to produce a poster which will be used by bird watching societies in China to promote the 16 Chinese endemic bird species. These bird species include White-necklaced Partridge, Cabot’s Tragopan, Grey-hooded Parrotbill, Rusty-throated Parrotbill, Chinese Monal, Sichuan Jay, White-speckled Laughingthrush, Omei Shan Liocichla, Brown Eared-pheasant, Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush, Gold-fronted Fulvetta, Elliot’s Pheasant, Reeve’s Pheasant, Hainan Patridge, Hainan Leaf-warber and Taiwan Bulbul. The design of this poster will be similar to the “Chinese Endangered Bird Species” produced previously (please look the following). We are now looking for a suitable candidate to draw pictures of these 16 bird species. Are you interested in drawing the pictures? If you are interested, please submit a sketch picture (“Chinese Monal”) to the HKBWS office by mail, email or in person (Address: Room 1612, Beverley Commercial Centre, No. 87-105, Chatham Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; Email: on or before 31st August and we will make a selection later. If you have any enquiry, please contact Miss Fion Cheung at 2377 4387. Thank you very much!

P.S. Since the poster will be produced in December, all the drawings are expected to be finished by mid-November.

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