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Subject: Various Banded Birds seen on 2Nov20 [Print This Page]

Author: esther03166    Time: 3/11/2020 00:06     Subject: Various Banded Birds seen on 2Nov20

2Nov20 Maipo Broadwalk
BE Common Redshank

J9 Red necked Stint

E4 Pacific Golden Plover

X3 Whimbrel

T0 Common Redshank

Blue and Green Common Redshank

Author: lkatherine    Time: 3/11/2020 12:42

Thank you so much for the sightings!

Redshank BE was ringed on 20-Sep-20 as a first-year bird, already been reported several times at Mai Po.

Red-necked Stint J9 was ringed on 7-Apr-19 as an adult. It was reported in Shenzhen in Sep-Oct 2019, and then Sep-20. First time for it to be sighted at Mai Po!

Whimbrel X3 was also ringed on 20-Sep-20. Seen a few times at Mai Po mudflat since then.

Redshank T0 was an old one. It was ringed on 4-Aug-12 as a second-year bird, i.e. born in 2011 summer. It was reported at Mai Po in 2012-2018 for 22 times. No body report it in 2019 and then sighted again in Feb-20. Nice to see it back again.

Redshank blue-over-green flag is from (outer) Mongolia. Presume the same bird as reported last week. Ringed at Chukh Bird Research Station. I have passed on the sighting to their researchers.

Waterbirds Ringing Group
Author: esther03166    Time: 3/11/2020 19:55

Katherine, thank you very much, it is very interesting.
do you have any information about Pacific Golden Plover E4?
Author: lkatherine    Time: 3/11/2020 22:48

Hi Esther,

Sorry for missing E4!
Pacific Golden Plover E4 was ringed at Mai Po on 15-Oct-20 as a first-year bird. First sighting of it.

Author: esther03166    Time: 4/11/2020 20:00

Thank You ! Katherine
Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 17/11/2020 09:30

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