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Subject: 一起監測蒲台島的土地勘測工程 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Suet Mei    Time: 5/11/2020 16:11     Subject: 一起監測蒲台島的土地勘測工程




Let’s monitor the ground investigation works on Po Toi together

In late September this year, Water Supplies Department (WSD) notified the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society that ground investigation (GI) works would be scheduled in mid-October and ended in late December this year on Po Toi in order to handle the water supply issues for villagers as soon as possible. Given that Po Toi is an ecologically sensitive area, while the proposed locations for GI works are very close to the mature trees that are important for migratory birds to forage and roost, and are also close to areas with records of the globally endangered Romer’s Tree Frog, we therefore immediately wrote to WSD to request postponing the GI works to commence in December, so as to avoid unnecessary disturbance to the species of conservation concern and their habitats. We received a reply from WSD yesterday, stating that the GI works would start in mid-November and will probably be completed in or before January 2021.

We would like to invite you to monitor this GI works with us together. The site area (refer to the above Figure) should not encroach into areas with mature trees. But if you discover any suspected eco-vandalism, such as tree felling, vegetation clearance, or improper disposal of construction waste in vegetated areas during the construction period, please leave a comment/email to us via with the photo(s), date, time, location and your observation.

Image Attachment: Figure-01-01.jpg (5/11/2020 16:11, 876.25 KB) / Download count 462

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