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Subject: Brown shrike 紅尾伯勞 [Print This Page]

Author: irsychan    Time: 31/12/2020 01:34     Subject: Brown shrike 紅尾伯勞

20201230@ Cornwall Street Park

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Image Attachment: _DSC3449a.jpg (31/12/2020 01:34, 1.05 MB) / Download count 464

Author: happyman    Time: 31/12/2020 17:13

What a surprise to see it in this park! May I know which part of the park you saw it?  I live nearby and would like to take some photos of it too.  Thanks.
Author: irsychan    Time: 31/12/2020 21:07

Original posted by happyman at 31/12/2020 17:13
What a surprise to see it in this park! May I know which part of the park you saw it?  I live nearby and would like to take some photos of it too.  Thanks.
I was also surprised to see a shrike in this park, which usually only has sparrows, oriental magpie robins and spotted doves.
I first saw it on Monday 28 Dec but didn't have birding gear with me.  The bird was rather friendly and didn't fly away when I walked near it and so I was able to take some photos of the bird with my mobile phone.  On 30 Dec, I took D500 camera and 80-400mm zoom lens and went there to look for the bird.  It didn't take me much time to find it as the bird was actually flying in front of me when I was walking along the trail near the centre of the park.   I have marked X on the locations where the bird has stayed.  Hope you can find it too.

[ Last edited by irsychan at 31/12/2020 21:11 ]

Image Attachment: [Brown shrike locations] CSP.png (31/12/2020 21:07, 1.71 MB) / Download count 484

Author: happyman    Time: 1/01/2021 11:34

Many thanks!  Will try my luck in the afternoon.  Guess the maids will be so surprised to see someone carrying such heavy gear.......
Author: happyman    Time: 1/01/2021 17:20

Saw it today.  Very actively foraging.  Major targets include bees and dragonflies.  Thanks again.
Author: irsychan    Time: 4/01/2021 23:34

The brown shrike was still there on 4 January 2021.  Also saw three masked laughingthrush and one white wagtail in addition to the spotted doves, oriental magpie robins and sparrows.

Image Attachment: [Brown shrike] _DSC3835a.jpg (4/01/2021 23:34, 984.3 KB) / Download count 438

Image Attachment: [Brown shrike] _DSC4004b.jpg (4/01/2021 23:34, 852.48 KB) / Download count 381

Image Attachment: [Masked laughingthrush] _DSC3929a.jpg (4/01/2021 23:34, 1.2 MB) / Download count 419

Author: irsychan    Time: 7/01/2021 00:33

Photographs taken on 5 and 6 January 2021 of the same bird.

[ Last edited by irsychan at 8/01/2021 01:05 ]

Image Attachment: _DSC4380a.jpg (7/01/2021 00:33, 1.08 MB) / Download count 459

Image Attachment: _DSC4376a.jpg (7/01/2021 00:33, 818.05 KB) / Download count 444

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Image Attachment: _DSC4197b_01.jpg (8/01/2021 01:05, 655.85 KB) / Download count 465

Author: happyman    Time: 7/01/2021 16:27

Brown Shrike shall be a migratory bird?  Just wondering how long will it stay.
Author: irsychan    Time: 8/01/2021 13:33

Original posted by happyman at 7/01/2021 16:27
Brown Shrike shall be a migratory bird?  Just wondering how long will it stay.
Just found out today that there are actually two brown shrikes in the park!  I visited the park at lunch time today and saw that the larger pond has been drained dry, and two brown shrikes were there.

[ Last edited by irsychan at 8/01/2021 15:12 ]
Author: happyman    Time: 8/01/2021 20:38

What a surprise! Not sure if they are couples........

Guess you work or live nearby?
Original posted by irsychan at 8/01/2021 13:33

Just found out today that there are actually two brown shrikes in the park!  I visited the park at lunch time today and saw that the larger pond has been drained dry, and two brown shrikes were ther ...

Author: happyman    Time: 12/01/2021 09:19

Went there on the last Sunday.  Saw the couples around the dried pool.  One is bigger and the other one is smaller.  They seldom stayed together, probably because there were too many maids nearby.
Author: irsychan    Time: 12/01/2021 13:35

Original posted by happyman at 12/01/2021 09:19
Went there on the last Sunday.  Saw the couples around the dried pool.  One is bigger and the other one is smaller.  They seldom stayed together, probably because there were too many maids nearby.
Both brown shrikes were still there when I visited the park during lunch time today.
Author: thomaslegg    Time: 13/01/2021 07:10

Brown Shrike shall be a migratory bird?  Just wondering how long will it stay.
I've had a Brown Shrike the last 2 winters stay until last week in April/first week in May here on Peng Chau. Have one currently that I have seen on and off for the last 2 months.
Author: happyman    Time: 13/01/2021 07:29

Quite a long stay for nearly 6 months!
Original posted by thomaslegg at 13/01/2021 07:10

I've had a Brown Shrike the last 2 winters stay until last week in April/first week in May here on Peng Chau. Have one currently that I have seen on and off for the last 2 months.

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