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Subject: 今日北面浮屋嘈到好似襯墟,觀/拍鳥請帶公德心! [Print This Page]

Author: casualife    Time: 17/02/2021 18:42     Subject: 今日北面浮屋嘈到好似襯墟,觀/拍鳥請帶公德心!

冇辦法明白點解某位攝友要不停講自己見過乜或見到乜,係不停地大大聲講;又唔多明點解有隻花面鴨喺8百公呎以外就要有四個人不停好似講賽馬咁報位置? 足足30分鐘都冇停過。最笑話係不停講自己見過乜果位女仕向空氣問"點解隻花面鴨唔游埋D?",咁多人聲,又真係幾難會游埋來,今日嘈到連大量出現嘅黑尾鷗、白鷺、大鸕鶿都離開浮屋頗遠,有師兄多次出聲提佢哋靜D,但完全不被理會,以往見過同一班攝友,但今日情況係最惡劣。加上呢陣子下午有大學生要落坭灘工作攞數據,有選擇的話都係唔需要去。

[ Last edited by casualife at 17/02/2021 19:06 ]

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Author: agane51    Time: 17/02/2021 19:15

Author: M.L.YIP    Time: 17/02/2021 21:18

非常同情casualife前輩今日不幸的遭遇. 這樣的情況在米埔絶非遇然, 因為我也是常常遇上.
或許祇能慨嘆, 今天自私缺德的觀鳥者是愈來愈多了.....!!!
Author: wkcheng    Time: 18/02/2021 09:20

Original posted by M.L.YIP at 17/02/2021 21:18
非常同情casualife前輩今日不幸的遭遇. 這樣的情況在米埔絶非遇然, 因為我也是常常遇上.
或許祇能慨嘆, 今天自私缺德的觀鳥者是愈來愈多了.....!!! ...
Author: kc3018    Time: 18/02/2021 18:44

Sometimes I wonder whether they have permit to enter the floating house or not. Since A&F staff are now working from home and nobody would check those who visit MPNR.
Author: coconutcat    Time: 19/02/2021 13:34

Original posted by kc3018 at 18/02/2021 18:44
Sometimes I wonder whether they have permit to enter the floating house or not. Since A&F staff are now working from home and nobody would check those who visit MPNR.
Author: casualife    Time: 20/02/2021 22:28

Author: happyman    Time: 21/02/2021 00:23

Original posted by kc3018 at 18/02/2021 18:44
Sometimes I wonder whether they have permit to enter the floating house or not. Since A&F staff are now working from home and nobody would check those who visit MPNR.
Author: casualife    Time: 21/02/2021 18:56

Author: kc3018    Time: 17/03/2021 12:21

A&F staff checked my permit on March 16, 2021 in the North Floating Hide. Perhaps they also read this Forum too.
Author: M.L.YIP    Time: 17/03/2021 20:19

I think the checking of visitor permit in bird hide is the basic duty of A&F staff in Mai Po.
I hope this practice can be persistent and frequent.
Anyway, I believe the most important point is that bird watchers should respect the right of others and keep quiet in the bird hide.

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