Subject: [Egrets] Tseung Kwan O for egrets [Print This Page] Author: orientalstork Time: 19/04/2021 22:31 Subject: Tseung Kwan O for egrets
Today, I found about 250 cattle egrets near tseung kwan o area. Some were rising far up, circling. Others were moving in flocks, far overhead. Many locals were observing it, however, I clouldn't get a photo as I didn't carry my camera. I am planning to try tomorrow. For more details, this is the ebird checklist:
I also found 1 great egret in the flock. Also, I previously saw little egrets, and pacific reef herons. Inatrulist observation to pacific reef herons: ... &verifiable=any
Additionally, I found hobby (summer 2020), barn swallow (spring/summer 2020),olive backed pipit, collared crow and Eurasian magpie.. Can TKO be suggested as a birding hotspot?
[ Last edited by orientalstork at 19/04/2021 22:32 ]
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