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Subject: 蒲台島威脅未除?Po Toi Island in peril, again? [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Suet Mei    Time: 28/04/2022 17:13     Subject: 蒲台島威脅未除?Po Toi Island in peril, again?


2012年,蒲台島大幅生境被破壞並鋪設石板,懷疑有人「先破壞,後發展」,試圖興建地下骨灰龕位。事件促使規劃署制訂發展審批地區圖,管制違例發展。2015至2016年制圖期間,逾7,000人參與本會的網上請願活動,支持將蒲台納入郊野公園。根據蒲台群島分區計劃大綱核准圖編號 S/I-PTI/2,包括疑似骨灰龕場在內三分二蒲台土地,已被劃為「自然保育區」。

10年過去,蒲台島的發展壓力似乎仍未解除。當年其中一間涉事並支持興建骨灰龕場的發展商 Splendid Resources Inc.,最近被浩柏國際以1,300萬元收購45%已發行股本,更有報道指 Splendid Resources Inc.「正計劃將該土地打造成寵物愛好者的主題公園及花園」。這是一個警號,提醒我們不能鬆懈,須繼續監察蒲台島的發展,以防島上的重要生態及地質受破壞。


Splendid Resources Inc. 持有蒲台島多幅地塊,正計劃將該土地打造成寵物愛好者的主題公園及花園。在疫情期間,香港人常與朋友和心愛的寵物到郊野公園和離島遊玩,在香港形成了新的生活方式,集團預計這種潮流日益盛行,而收購事項將標誌著集團自然擴張及作為項目擁有者將業務多元化拓展至新領域的開始。


Po Toi Island in peril, again? Suspected columbarium development site may turn into a pet theme park

In 2012, extensive habitat destruction occurred on Po Toi Island. Stone slabs were laid, potentially paving way for the development of an underground columbarium. This suspected incident of "destroy first, build later" caught the attention of the Planning Department. A Development Permission Area plan was then published for Po Toi Island so as to regulate unauthorized development. During the plan-making process from 2015 to 2016, more than 7,000 people signed our online petition in favour of the designation of Po Toi country park. According to the Po Toi Islands Outline Zoning Plan Approved Plan No. S/I-PTI/2, two thirds of Po Toi land including the suspected columbarium development site has been zoned as "Conservation Area".

After a decade, Po Toi is still subject to development pressure. 45% of the shares of Splendid Resources Inc., a developer which was involved in and supported the development of columbarium, was recently acquired by HAO BAI INTL at HKD 13 million. It is also revealed that Splendid Resources Inc. is planning to turn the land into a theme park and garden for pet lovers. It's a warning signal and we must keep an eye on the development of Po Toi Island, and prevent its important ecological and geological environment from being destroyed.

If you observe suspicious habitat destruction activity on Po Toi Island, please take pictures and make a report to HKBWS if it is safe to do so.

Excerpts from news article:
"Splendid Resources Inc. owns several pieces of land on Po Toi island and is planning to turn the land into a theme park and garden for pet lovers. During the pandemic, Hong Kong citizens often visit country parks and outlying islands with their pets. The company believes that the popularity of this new lifestyle is likely to keep growing, and recent acquisition marks the expansion of its business into new markets."

"Support Po Toi Country Park" Campaign :
HKBWS' Proposal for a Site of Special Scientific Interest and Support for Country Park Designation on Po Toi Islands (2015)

[ 本帖最後由 HKBWS Suet Mei 於 28/04/2022 17:44 編輯 ]

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