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Subject: 13 Banded Common Redshanks [Print This Page]

Author: kc3018    Time: 24/03/2023 14:04     Subject: 13 Banded Common Redshanks

AN, AU, WZ, CA, DY, J8, K4, LD, PJ, SW, VD

Mudflat outside South Floating Hide, MPNR









Blank Bands

Blue+Green Bands

[ Last edited by kc3018 at 30/03/2023 12:25 ]

Image Attachment: AN_Z62_6164-1.jpg (24/03/2023 14:04, 471.14 KB) / Download count 218

Image Attachment: AU+WZ_Z62_6230-1.jpg (24/03/2023 14:04, 429.32 KB) / Download count 210

Image Attachment: DY+CA_Z62_6130-1.jpg (24/03/2023 14:04, 399.27 KB) / Download count 184

Image Attachment: J0_Z62_6205-1.jpg (24/03/2023 14:04, 516.27 KB) / Download count 187

Image Attachment: K4_Z62_6208-1.jpg (24/03/2023 14:04, 436.69 KB) / Download count 190

Image Attachment: LD+PJ_Z62_6178-1.jpg (24/03/2023 14:04, 378.75 KB) / Download count 174

Image Attachment: SW_Z62_6245-1.jpg (24/03/2023 14:04, 387.32 KB) / Download count 213

Image Attachment: VD_Z62_6242-1.jpg (24/03/2023 14:04, 410.82 KB) / Download count 168

Image Attachment: Blank_Z62_6238-1.jpg (24/03/2023 14:04, 304.4 KB) / Download count 174

Image Attachment: BG_Z62_6217-1.jpg (24/03/2023 14:04, 443.58 KB) / Download count 156

Author: kc3018    Time: 28/03/2023 10:31

same day, same place
but the letters on the band was hard to identify   

[ Last edited by kc3018 at 30/03/2023 12:24 ]

Image Attachment: UR_Z62_6204-1.jpg (28/03/2023 10:31, 410.05 KB) / Download count 164

Author: lkatherine    Time: 29/03/2023 13:35

Thank you very much.

AN was ringed on 20-Sep-2020. Reported 12 times since, both at Mai Po and Shenzhen Futian.

AU and CA were also ringed on the same day. Both reported 14 times, all from Mai Po.

WZ was ringed quite recently on 26-Nov-2022. Report in Jan and Feb at Mai Po.

DY was ringed on 14-Feb-21. It was reported 25 times at Mai Po since!

J0 might more likely to be J8 base on previous records. It was ringed on 19-Aug-2016, now it is 7.5 years old. Reported previously in 2016/17, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2021/22 winters. Most recent record is 9-Oct-22.

K4 was ringed on 30-Sep-2019. Recorded 13 times at Mai Po, it was in Futian last month on 12-Feb-23.

LD was ringed on 4-Dec-2021. Reported 17 times both at Mai Po and Shenzhen Futian.

PJ was ringed on 2-Sep-2022. Recorded 2 times at Mai Po, once in Futian in Feb.

SW was ringed on 28-Sep-22. Only reported once in Futian last month.

VD was ringed recently on 26-Nov-22, only reported once at Mai Po last month.

The bird with plain flag was ringed prior to Aug-2010, so it is quite an old bird.

The bird with blue over green flag was ringed in Mongolia. There seems to be some faded letters on the green flag, which might identify it down to individual. Please see if you have other photos which might help.

Author: kc3018    Time: 30/03/2023 13:00

Original posted by lkatherine at 29/03/2023 13:35
Thank you very much.

AN was ringed on 20-Sep-2020. Reported 12 times since, both at Mai Po and Shenzhen Futian.

AU and CA were also ringed on the same day. Both reported 14 times, all from Mai Po.

Thank you for your information, Katherine.

I've boosted the photo of the bird with blue over green flag, it seems to be AF or AP, any ideas?

Image Attachment: BG_Z62_6217-1 copy.jpg (30/03/2023 13:00, 509.95 KB) / Download count 180

Author: lkatherine    Time: 2/04/2023 23:16

Thanks KC.

Still difficult to guess as I am not sure what letters/numbers that the Mongolian ringers use on their legflag.

Would you like to post it on the EAAF Shorebird Legflag Facebook page to check with Mongolian ringers?

Author: kc3018    Time: 4/04/2023 11:24

Original posted by lkatherine at 2/04/2023 23:16
Thanks KC.

Still difficult to guess as I am not sure what letters/numbers that the Mongolian ringers use on their legflag.

Would you like to post it on the EAAF Shorebird Legflag Facebook page to ch ...
Just posted.
Author: kc3018    Time: 7/04/2023 11:53

Quoted from EAAF Shorebird Legflag Facebook Page:

Altangerel Tsogtmagnai of the Page wrote, "...Blue over green is the Mongolian combination. This is our ringed Redshank in Chukh Bird Research Station. Letters looks like AP, if so this bird ringed 2021.08.02. If is it AF not AP, bird was ringed on 2021.08.03 in Chukh."

Isn't it amazing that the bird flew about 3200km if the journey was a straight line from Mongolia to Hong Kong?

[ Last edited by kc3018 at 8/04/2023 11:36 ]
Author: lkatherine    Time: 9/04/2023 02:29

From a few GPS trackers that we've deployed on Common Redshank, we know that some of them breed in Mongolia.
They do make a few stops around inland lakes (such as Poyang Lake) or along coastal China (Shandong) before flying to breeding ground.
On the way back to Mai Po they do similar stopovers.

Author: kc3018    Time: 11/04/2023 10:40

Original posted by lkatherine at 9/04/2023 02:29
From a few GPS trackers that we've deployed on Common Redshank, we know that some of them breed in Mongolia.
They do make a few stops around inland lakes (such as Poyang Lake) or along coastal China ( ...
Thank you for your information. Hope to see the bird next year.
Author: kc3018    Time: 22/04/2023 17:49

K4 and DY were spotted again on
Pond 16/17, Outside Bird Hide #7



Image Attachment: K4_Z62_6830-1.jpg (22/04/2023 17:49, 553.21 KB) / Download count 221

Image Attachment: DY_Z62_6855-1.jpg (22/04/2023 17:49, 625.25 KB) / Download count 160

Author: lkatherine    Time: 22/04/2023 20:38

Well received, thank you KC!


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