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Subject: 2023生境復修及設施改善工程 Major habitat restoration works in 2023 [Print This Page]

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 11/04/2023 16:11     Subject: 2023生境復修及設施改善工程 Major habitat restoration works in 2023


除了咸淡水濕地的傳統基圍,米埔自然保護區亦有其他生境類型如淡水沼澤及池塘。本會將於今年夏天進行#20淡水塘生境改善工程。工程包括將面積較小的淡水塘(#20a – f)變成一個水文互通的大淡水塘、降低內塘壆並變為人工鳥島、恢復適合水鳥的開闊水域生境。所有生境復修工預計於十月底前完成。

米埔自然保護區現正進行設施改善工程,項目包括重建的Jockey Club WWF 斯科特訪客中心,興建兩座全新的觀鳥屋以及改善由保護區入口至教育中心的無障礙自然教育路徑。為使對環境影響減至最低,項目將遵守已獲批准的「環境許可證」進行。觀鳥屋及自然教育路徑兩項工程將配合鄰近基圍復修及生境管理工程,並於2023年夏季分階段進行。自然教育路徑工程將於六月展開,各持證鳥友請根據現場路牌指示進出保護區。各項重建工程預計2023年第四季竣工。


Major habitat restoration works in 2023 Summer
To maintain water depth and facilitate water flow, there will be habitat enhancement work in gei wai #19b in 2023 summer. The work includes desilting its perimeter channel, hydrologically reconnecting gei wai #19a and #19b, restoring open water areas and creating islands for waterbirds.

Another habitat enhancement work will take place in Pond #8a. The work includes desilting part of its perimeter channel, restoring open water area, enhancing existing bird island land-profile and creating one new bird island.

Finally in Pond #20, the plan is to connect the sub-ponds (Pond #20a – f) hydrologically, creating submergible bird islands and restoring open water area.

All habitat restoration works are expected to be completed by the end of October 2023.

Mai Po Infrastructure Improvement Works
Furthermore, the infrastructure improvement works at Mai Po Nature Reserve will be in full swing this summer. These works include a rebuild of Jockey Club WWF Peter Scott Visitor Centre, a construction of two new bird hides, and a barrier free footpath (from reserve entrance to Education Centre) upgrade work.

The works will follow the approved Environmental Permit to minimize the environmental impact. The construction of bird hides and footpath will be conducted in phases and in coordination with the major habitat restoration works in Summer 2023. The footpath upgrade work will commence in June, birdwatcher with valid permit may follow the on-site signages to access Mai Po. All improvement works are expected to complete in the 4th quarter of 2023.

For further information, please contact WWF-Hong Kong Mai Po Office at 25261011

[ Last edited by WWF Mai Po at 29/05/2023 11:05 ]

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Author: kc3018    Time: 13/04/2023 13:46


Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 24/04/2023 10:03

兩座觀鳥屋分別座落基圍8a/7 塘壆 及 20e/19b塘壆。


Author: kc3018    Time: 25/04/2023 12:53

Original posted by WWF Mai Po at 24/04/2023 10:03
兩座觀鳥屋分別座落基圍8a/7 塘壆 及 20e/19b塘壆。


米埔教育中心展覽廳預計於本年第四季全面開放。 ...
Author: M.L.YIP    Time: 27/04/2023 11:09


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