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Subject: Draft masterplan for Mai Po and Deep Bay wetland [Print This Page]

Author: wmartin    Time: 12/04/2023 12:07     Subject: Draft masterplan for Mai Po and Deep Bay wetland

I've posted re belief there are too few visitors to Mai Po; this is good for less disturbance for birds and birders, but also means less money and support for conservation - and especially for a reserve that is 40 years old this year, seems kind of frozen in time, out of step with major wetland reserves worldwide.

Yes, easier to talk about than solve; but still, I've drafted some ideas - notably for spreading extra visitors and their revenue to include other parts of the Deep Bay wetland.
As you know, this is not a paradise; and there are intense development pressures, with various ideas for concreting. More visitors, more money, more "fans" of wetlands and nature can help; this is the kind of conservation model that can prove effective elsewhere [as in my native UK; and yes I also know it has lost a lot of nature despite many people loving to watch nature on television!; but still, has multiple wetland reserves, compare HK number; and a great many people who visit and support them0.

The draft masterplan is intended as a discussion document; maybe some ideas are good, some bad, some unworkable [none easy peasy, but that's conservation for you); might lead to more and better ideas and, hopefully, a brighter future for Deep Bay and wetlands in other parts of Hong Kong - like Pui O, I dream...

Masterplan for a More Sustainable Future for Mai Po, Deep Bay Wetland and Beyond
- includes link to an article with info on wetland reserves elsewhere in the world, which also have great wildlife but far more visitors.

Some related images here; including Phase 3 of the masterplan.   Well, hilarious perhaps; but surely there is potential for moving on with Mai Po [which helps wetlands in other places, not so much Hong Kong it seems]?

[ Last edited by wmartin at 12/04/2023 12:09 ]

Image Attachment: peter scott in guardian bringing wildllife people together copy880px.jpg (12/04/2023 12:07, 30.88 KB) / Download count 219

Image Attachment: mai po marshes so many birds so few visitors.jpg copy.jpg (12/04/2023 12:07, 45.47 KB) / Download count 188

Image Attachment: deep bay for masterplan phase 31100px.jpg (12/04/2023 12:07, 167.07 KB) / Download count 180

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