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Subject: 誠徵新田雀鳥觀察記錄 Request San Tin Bird Records [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Suet Mei    Time: 1/06/2023 19:00     Subject: 誠徵新田雀鳥觀察記錄 Request San Tin Bird Records



The Development Bureau recently announced the scope of San Tin Technopole development plan, which will not only encroach into more than 150 hectares of Wetland Conservation Area, but also involve the filling of over 90 hectares of fishpond wetlands. The first phase of the construction is expected to start next year. The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society is compiling bird records in the affected Wetland Conservation Area and sincerely invites everyone to submit your bird records in the San Tin and Sam Po Shue area. We will use this information in our submission and hope that the government would revise the development plan to protect the important wetlands.

If you are interested in submitting the bird records in San Tin, please download the below record sheet and send it to after filling. Thank you.

Click here to download the record sheet
Click here for the Map of the affected Wetland Conservation Area in San Tin

[ Last edited by HKBWS Suet Mei at 1/06/2023 19:05 ]

[ 本帖最後由 HKBWS Suet Mei 於 23/08/2023 17:56 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: SanTinBirds.jpg (2/06/2023 15:53, 160.95 KB) / Download count 177

Author: K_Chan    Time: 4/06/2023 12:01     Subject: 新田科技城

今天明報(6月4日)在A4全版,報道了佔地超過600 公頃 【編按:約850個職業比賽足球場】的新田科技城,做EIA評估濕地保育的問題。
三篇文章,提到了一衆政府B/D之外,也引述養魚協會「就哥」【按:新田為全港主要淡水魚供應地之一】、長春社、觀鳥會的觀點。文中並提及今年初該處出現過的「極度瀕危」青頭潛鴨(Baer's pochard)。


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