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Subject: Mai Po Floating Boardwalk Hides [Print This Page]

Author: hkwongkit    Time: 12/04/2024 13:09     Subject: Mai Po Floating Boardwalk Hides

I visited the twin boardwalk hides (old) on 09 Apr 2024.
The overgrown just outside these hides has become the show stopper; it has multiplied from last year rendering them almost useless now ...
Would WWF-HK Mai Po Habitat Management looks into that with appropriate follow-up action please!

Image Attachment: MPNR Boardwalk Hide.jpg (12/04/2024 13:09, 741.55 KB) / Download count 46

Author: M.L.YIP    Time: 13/04/2024 12:56

I share similar feelings but I'm afraid that our plea may only a cry in wilderness.
Author: subbuteo    Time: 13/04/2024 13:50

From my understanding of the situation, WWF are not responsible for the mudflat as it falls outside of Mai Po Nature Reserve.  The whole of the mudflat is managed by the HKSAR government and it their responsibility to clear the vegetation. It was explained to me that the vegetation clearance and reprofiling is actually a huge undertaking requiring machinery and the removal of many tons of mud. It would be much easier to move the hide further out.
Author: hkwongkit    Time: 13/04/2024 14:13

Original posted by subbuteo at 13/04/2024 13:50
From my understanding of the situation, WWF are not responsible for the mudflat as it falls outside of Mai Po Nature Reserve.  The whole of the mudflat is managed by the HKSAR government and it their  ...
Not true I'm afraid!
You can refer to the following threads from 2021 & 2019 ... WWF-HK does conduct management work on the vegetation on the 45ha of mudflats in front of the bird hides. ... &extra=page%3D1 ... &extra=page%3D2

[ Last edited by hkwongkit at 13/04/2024 18:47 ]

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