Seen in Yung Shue Long Valley, Lamma Island this morning. Shame about the perch :cry: Author: mguy Time: 28/09/2007 05:56
No takers..... googled it & found a very similar image from I-Owen, HK... so am going with immature Plaintive Cuckoo Author: sgeoff Time: 28/09/2007 08:01
There is an image by Allen To on the HKU site with a back pattern almost identical to yours:
But the bill on your bird looks unusally large and chunky. I'd be interested to hear from someone with experience of this bird in the field. Author: ajohn Time: 28/09/2007 14:21
I would say this is a plaintive cuckoo - the overall coloration and upperpart patterning (especially the pattern of the tail) is typical for that species. Size is difficult to judge, but I would say it seems like a small bird (as plaintive).
The bill does look a little bit heavier than normal but is probably within the range for plaintive.
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