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Subject: [China] 2007 Jianfengling National Forest Park of Hainan Province 海南省尖峰嶺國家森林 [Print This Page]

Author: jemi    Time: 28/10/2007 23:40     Subject: 2007 Jianfengling National Forest Park of Hainan Province 海南省尖峰嶺國家森林

這是我們第二次到海南省尖峰嶺國家森林公園觀鳥,上次是在2005年中國鳥類學會研討會之後,因行程緊密,只住了一天。 今次由10月17至24日都住在天池避暑山庄。

尖峰嶺國家森林公園距離三亞約110Km。 在三亞機場用了點牙力找了一輛出租車,到海南之前當然要先探探車價。車程約90分鐘便到達天池避暑山庄。因為是本地熱門旅遊點之一,食住都十分方便。 山庄就在鳴鳳谷旁邊,山徑也變了木板路。 大部份好鳥都在鋪了木板的山徑遇見。


謝謝海南林業局 蘇先生及尖峰嶺國家森林公園 蔣主任讓我們進入核心區內觀鳥。亦多謝嘉道理農場暨植物園 李國城及盧剛給我們意見。

We made a second visit to Jianfengling National Forest Park between 17th and 24th October having first been there after the 2005 Hainan meeting of the China Ornithological Society.

The reserve is about 110km from Sanya.  We got a taxi from the airport, which took about 90 minutes.  Jianfengling is quite tourist-oriented, and there are several different places to stay.  Most of the best birds were seen from a new boardwalk near our accommodation at the Tian Chi Mountain Resort .

Jianfengling is the site where Chinese ornithologists discovered the Chinese population of Yellow-billed Nuthatch in 1963.

Thank you to Mr Su of Hainan Forestry, Mr Jiang officer of Jiangfengling to allow us to get into the core area.  Lee Kwok Shing and Lu Gang of KFBG for their advice.

Image Attachment: 0840_JGH_7412-01.jpg (28/10/2007 23:40, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3008

Image Attachment: 0840_JGH_7409-01.jpg (28/10/2007 23:40, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2982

Author: jemi    Time: 28/10/2007 23:47     Subject: White-bellied Yuhina

White-bellied Yuhina

Image Attachment: WBYuhina-01.jpg (28/10/2007 23:47, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3061

Author: jemi    Time: 28/10/2007 23:52     Subject: Siberian Thrush

Siberian Thrush (Male)白眉地鶇 Zoothera sibirica

Image Attachment: SibeThrush-01.jpg (28/10/2007 23:52, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3125

Author: jemi    Time: 28/10/2007 23:53     Subject: Orange-headed Thrush 橙頭地鶇 Zoothera citrina aurimacula

Orange-headed Thrush 橙頭地鶇 Zoothera citrina aurimacula

Image Attachment: OHGThrush-01.jpg (28/10/2007 23:53, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3060

Author: jemi    Time: 29/10/2007 20:36     Subject: Sultan Tit Melanochlora sultanea 冕雀

Sultan Tit Melanochlora sultanea 冕雀

Image Attachment: 0871_JW1_5673-01.jpg (29/10/2007 20:36, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2967

Author: jemi    Time: 29/10/2007 20:38     Subject: GREY-CAPPED WOODPECKER Dendrocopos canicapillus swinhoei  星头啄木鸟

GREY-CAPPED WOODPECKER Dendrocopos canicapillus swinhoei  星头啄木鸟

Image Attachment: 0122_JGH_7571-01.jpg (29/10/2007 20:38, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2935

Author: jemi    Time: 29/10/2007 20:43     Subject: White-winged Magpie Urocissa whiteheadi whiteheadi 白翅蓝鹊

White-winged Magpie Urocissa whiteheadi whiteheadi 白翅蓝鹊

Image Attachment: 0627_JW1_6169-01.jpg (29/10/2007 20:43, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3030

Author: jemi    Time: 29/10/2007 20:45     Subject: Snowy-browed Flycatcher Ficedula hyperythra hyperythra 棕胸蓝[姬]鹟

Snowy-browed Flycatcher Ficedula hyperythra hyperythra 棕胸蓝[姬]鹟

Image Attachment: 0740_JW1_6032-01.jpg (29/10/2007 20:45, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3014

Author: jemi    Time: 29/10/2007 20:47     Subject: Rufous-cheeked Laughingthrush Garrulax castanotis

Rufous-cheeked Laughingthrush Garrulax castanotis

Image Attachment: 1020a_JGH_7758-01.jpg (29/10/2007 20:47, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2989

Author: jemi    Time: 29/10/2007 20:48     Subject: Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler Pomatorhinus ruficollis nigrostellatus棕颈钩

Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler Pomatorhinus ruficollis nigrostellatus 棕颈钩嘴鹛

Image Attachment: 1059_JGH_7303-01.jpg (29/10/2007 20:48, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2911

Author: jemi    Time: 29/10/2007 20:50     Subject: Grey-headed Parrotbill Paradoxornis gularis hainanus 灰头鸦雀

Grey-headed Parrotbill Paradoxornis gularis hainanus 灰头鸦雀

Image Attachment: 1141_JGH_7464-01.jpg (29/10/2007 20:50, 0 Bytes) / Download count 3004

Author: jemi    Time: 15/01/2008 23:57

Trip report:
Jianfengling National Forest Park, Hainan Province October 2007

2007 October Jianfengling, Hainan Trip Report

[ Last edited by jemi at 1/09/2008 23:28 ]
Author: oLDcaR    Time: 16/01/2008 11:15

your trip report is very useful and details !!
thx for sharing!!
Author: jemi    Time: 18/01/2008 20:46     Subject: Jianfengling National Forest Park, Hainan Province October 2007

your trip report is very useful and details !!
thx for sharing!![/quote]

Glad you find it useful,  it's good site for a short break from HK.   

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