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Subject: Mai Po 米埔 2007 Winter 冬 [Print This Page]

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 17/11/2007 00:13     Subject: Mai Po 米埔 2007 Winter 冬

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Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 8/12/2007 09:29

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 01 – 07 Dec 2007

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

013 Lesser Frigatebird 白斑軍艦鳥 x 1 (Lut Chau) [Very rare record for HK]
302 Japanese Thrush 烏灰鶇 x 1 (#18) [1st report of the winter at Mai Po]

094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#8) [1st report of the winter at Mai Po]
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 2 (#8)
285 Bluethroat 藍喉歌鴝(藍點頦) x 1 (#8) [1st report of the winter at Mai Po]
335 Black-browed Reed Warbler 黑眉葦鶯 x 1 (#8)
387 Chinese Penduline Tit 攀雀 x 17 (#8) [Ringed]

015 Purple Heron 草鷺 x 2 (#8)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (Car Park)
418 Yellow-billed Grosbeak 黑尾蠟嘴雀 x 1 (Car Park)

045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 8 (#20e) [Highest count of the winter so far]
050 Spot-billed Duck (zonorhyncha) 斑嘴鴨 x 4 (#23)
063 Osprey 鶚(魚鷹) x 2 (#20)
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹) x 57 (Southern Mai Po)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1 (#18)

026 Yellow Bittern 黃葦鳽 x 1 (#3)
035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺 x 1 (#19)
074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 2 (#20)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#17b)

026 Yellow Bittern 黃葦鳽 x 1 (Access road)
030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#23)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#18)
431 Common Starling 紫翅椋鳥 x 1 (Lut chau)

050 Spot-billed Duck (zonorhyncha) 斑嘴鴨 x 13 (#23)
052 Garganey 白眉鴨 x 28 (#20)
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼 x 1 (#20)
303 Common Blackbird 烏鶇 x 1 (Car Park)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#18)

Previous Records : Dec05 Dec06

Gei wai #19 continues to be drained this week and is attracting in lots of herons, egrets and spoonbills (150+). Tufted Duck are numbering about 1,000 on Pond #20 most days and around 6,000 Northern Pintail are roosting overnight on gei wai #16/17. This winter the Black-faced Spoonbill have chosen gei wai #11 as a night roost (~200), but a small flock still use gei wai #8.

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 14/12/2007 21:53

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 8-14 Dec 2007

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

069 White-bellied Sea Eagle 白腹海鵰 x 1 (Deep Bay)
074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 4 (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 (#20)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (Car Park)

049 Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 1 (#20) [Male]
163 Black-tailed Gull 黑尾鷗 x 1 (Deep Bay)
--- Black Scoter 黑海番鴨 x 1 (#20e) [First year bird] [First record for Hong Kong]
Please also find the results from WWF Morning Bird Count HERE(4835 birds recorded)

015 Purple Heron 草鷺 x 3 (#23)
026 Yellow Bittern 黃葦鳽 x 1 (#23)
085 Common Kestrel 紅隼 x 1 (#23)
126 Far Eastern Curlew 紅腰杓鷸 x 1 (#16/17)
178 Whiskered Tern 鬚浮鷗 x 7 (Southern Mai Po)
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#18)

074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 4 (#20)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (#20)

035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺 x 2 (#19)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 2 (#20)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#19)
094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#19)

Although the Nature Reserve is closed to the public, essential WWF bird research work is not affected. We will continue to post these weekly bird summaries on the BBS using records/sightings from this work.

081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (#23)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 (#20)
094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#19)
099 Ruddy-breasted Crake 紅胸田雞 x 1 (#19)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (#10)

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
Mai Po Nature Reserve

Author: tmichael    Time: 14/12/2007 23:44

But shouldn't we be worried about your safety while carrying out essential bird work? We wouldn't want anyone to contract a fatal illness for the sake of an accurate BfS count!

Mike Turnbull
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 21/12/2007 10:54

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 15-21 Dec 2007

Although the Nature Reserve is closed to the public, essential WWF bird research work is not affected. We will continue to post these weekly bird summaries on the BBS using records/sightings from this work.

094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#19)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1 (#19)

054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 1 [male] (#20e)

081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 (#20)

045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 4 (#20f)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 2 (#14)

044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 2 [male] (Boardwalk)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 4 (#16/17) (#20)
063 Osprey 鶚(魚鷹) x 3
165 Heuglin’s Gull 烏灰銀鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
Mai Po Nature Reserve

Author: tbob    Time: 21/12/2007 20:18

Just a quick question, I thought the reserve was closed to all except WWF staff, how are visitors and birders etc getting sightings on the reserve  (as per your last post). Personally when the reserve is closed to all except WWF isn't it better not to report the bird sightings.
Author: kmike    Time: 21/12/2007 21:02

I guess the line at the top is a standard one on all postings for Mai Po, and that they are actually WWF staff records.

Also let remember that the Government  Centre for Disease Prevention rules on closing Mai Po are utterly foolish. Mai Po, with 1 case 2km away  is closed, but Tuen Mun park with 2 cases inside the park is open!

Its hard to respect such inconsistency, especially when the leading disease experts in Hong Kong say there is a microscopic risk of catching bird flu from wild birds (0 cases worldwide tells the story!!)

Finally, even if we are not allowed in, its interesting to know what is there - please keep the information coming!


Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 28/12/2007 18:51

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 22-28 Dec 2007

Although the Nature Reserve is closed to the public, essential WWF bird research work is not affected. We will continue to post these weekly bird summaries on the BBS using records/sightings from this work.

369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (Car Park)

081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#8)

049 Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 1 (#8)
074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 3 (MPNR)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (#15)

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
Mai Po Nature Reserve

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 2/01/2008 12:54

Dear Bob and Mike,

Just to add a bit more to your comments.

Our postings include bird records from Mai Po Nature Reserve and surrounding areas such as Lut Chau, the ponds beside the Mai Po access road and Deep Bay. These areas outside the reserve boundary are not affected by the Mai Po Nature Reserve closure and their inclusion in the posting is something that "evolved" over the years.

I think if anything we should change the name from "Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve" to "Bird Records from Mai Po" or "Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve and surrounds" to avoid confusion and accurately reflect the records in each posting.

Also as Mike points out, bird records from within Mai Po Nature Reserve during the closure period are made by WWF staff carrying out field research work. I do think it is in the interest of all birdwatchers to know what birds are inside the reserve during closure periods, so we will continue to include these in our postings.

Hope this clarifies the matter.

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

Author: tbob    Time: 2/01/2008 15:27


Thanks for the update, I queried the posting only because last time the reserve was closed it was decided not to post
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 4/01/2008 18:49

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 29 Dec 07 – 04 Jan 08

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

049 Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 2 [male & female] (#8)

026 Yellow Bittern 黃葦鳽 x 1 (#17b)
035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺 x 2 (#3)
043 Eurasian x American Wigeon 赤頸鴨 x 1
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 3 (#20 & #23)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (#16b)

178 Whiskered Tern 鬚浮鷗 x 7
193 Red Turtle Dove 火斑鳩 x 1 (#15)
252 Red-rumped Swallow 金腰燕 x 1 (Mai Po Car Park)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (#10)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#6)

049 Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 1 (#23)
050 Spot-billed Duck (zonorhyncha) 斑嘴鴨 x 23 (#6 & #23)

Previous Records : Jan06 Jan07

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
Mai Po Nature Reserve

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 11/01/2008 19:06

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 05 – 11 Jan 08

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 2 (#23)

045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 1 (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (#23)

285 Bluethroat 藍喉歌鴝(藍點頦) x 1 (#8)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1 [male] (Mai Po Car Park)
387 Chinese Penduline Tit 攀雀 x ~25 (#8)

015 Purple Heron 草鷺 x 2 (#8 & #23)
054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 1 (#20)
074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 4 [including 1 male] (#20)
--- Red-headed Bunting x 1 (Access Road) [New species for HK]

049 Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 2 [male & female] (#8)
054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 1 [female] (#22b)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (#8 & #23)
085 Common Kestrel 紅隼 x 1 (#24g)
199 Yellow-crested Cockatoo 小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡 x 1 [captive origin]
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1 (Mai Po Car Park)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 2 (Mai Po Car Park & #16b)
WWF Morning Bird Count Summary Report (4598 birds counted) Click Here

Previous records: Jan06 Jan07

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
Mai Po Nature Reserve

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 18/01/2008 19:05

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 12 - 18 Jan 08

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#8)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 1
049 Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 2
054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 2
335 Black-browed Reed Warbler 黑眉葦鶯 x 2 (#8 & #10)

044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 4 (Boardwalk)
108 Pied Avocet 反嘴鷸 x 15900 (Boardwalk) [New high count for HK]
112 Pacific Golden Plover 太平洋金斑(行鳥) x 520 (Boardwalk) [Good count]
130 Common Greenshank 青腳鷸 x 1400 (Boardwalk) [Good count]
163 Black-tailed Gull 黑尾鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)
169 Glaucous Gull 北極鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk) [1st winter]
172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)

014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺 x 251 (#8) [On draining gei wai]
016 Great Egret 大白鷺 x 425 (#8) [On draining gei wai]
018 Little Egret 小白鷺 x 209 (#8) [On draining gei wai]
026 Yellow Bittern 黃葦鳽 x 1 (Mai Po Car Park)
030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#8)
036 Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺 x 258 (#8) [On draining gei wai]
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (#16b)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 2 (#16b & #19)

043 Eurasian x American Wigeon 赤頸鴨 x 1 (Boardwalk)
044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 1 [male] (Boardwalk)
074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 3 (#8)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (#8)
131 Nordmann's Greenshank 小青腳鷸 x 1 (Boardwalk)
181 Caspian Tern 紅嘴巨鷗 x 4 (Boardwalk)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#8)
075 Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹 x 1
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (#8)

074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 2 (#20)
080 Common Buzzard 普通鵟 x 2 (#23)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 4 [Possibly 5]
160 Ruff 流蘇鷸 x 1 (Boardwalk)
172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)

026 Yellow Bittern 黃葦鳽 x 1 (#14)
126 Far Eastern Curlew 紅腰杓鷸 x 1 (#16/17)
221 Himalayan Swiftlet 短嘴金絲燕 x 1 (Mai Po Access Road)

Previous Records : Jan06 Jan07

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 25/01/2008 17:31

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 19 – 25 Jan 08

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)

045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 4 (#23)
145 Long-billed Dowitcher 長嘴半蹼鷸 x 1 (#11)
172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)
216 Asian Barred Owlet 斑頭鵂鶹 x 1 (#17b)
335 Black-browed Reed Warbler 黑眉葦鶯 x 2 (#8)
340 Oriental Reed Warbler 東方大葦鶯 x 1 (#8) [Unusual record in winter]

045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 2 (#23)
141 Eurasian Woodcock 丘鷸 x 1 (Mai Po Car Park)

045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 2 (#23)
069 White-bellied Sea Eagle 白腹海鵰 x 2 [adult & sub-adult] (#23)
145 Long-billed Dowitcher 長嘴半蹼鷸 x 2

015 Purple Heron 草鷺 x 2 (#23)
069 White-bellied Sea Eagle 白腹海鵰 x 1 (#20)
085 Common Kestrel 紅隼 x 1 [adult male] (#24c)

043 Eurasian x American Wigeon 赤頸鴨 x 1 (Boardwalk)
167 Slaty-backed Gull 灰背鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)
172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 2 (Boardwalk)
221 Himalayan Swiftlet 短嘴金絲燕 x 3 (Access road)
225 Pacific Swift sub-species kanoi 白腰雨燕 (kanoi亞種) x 1 (Access road) [First record of the sub-species in HK]
252 Red-rumped Swallow 金腰燕 x 75 (Access road)
253 Asian House Martin 煙腹毛腳燕 x 1 (Access road)

165 Heuglin’s Gull 烏灰銀鷗 x 305 (Boardwalk)
172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 2 (Boardwalk)
176 Saunders’s Gull 黑嘴鷗 x 51 (Boardwalk)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (Mai Po Car Park)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (Education Center)

Previous record: Jan07 Jan06

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
Mai Po Nature Reserve

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 1/02/2008 20:37

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 26 Jan – 01 Feb 08

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

026 Yellow Bittern 黃葦鳽 x 1 (#22)
040 Common Shelduck 翹鼻麻鴨 x 4 (Boardwalk)
044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 1 [male] (Boardwalk)
141 Eurasian Woodcock 丘鷸 x 2 (Mai Po Car Park)
172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 2 (Boardwalk)

110 Northern Lapwing 鳳頭麥雞 x 1 (#16/17)
145 Long-billed Dowitcher 長嘴半蹼鷸 x 1 (Boardwalk)
158 Spoon-billed Sandpiper 勺嘴鷸 x 1 (Boardwalk) [Uncommon winter record]
163 Black-tailed Gull 黑尾鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)
170 Pallas’s Gull 魚鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)
172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 2 (Boardwalk)
263 Buff-bellied Pipit 黃腹鷚 x 1 (Access road)

040 Common Shelduck 翹鼻麻鴨 x 24 (Boardwalk)
116 Little Ringed Plover 金眶(行鳥) x 50 (Boardwalk)
152 Temminck’s Stint 青腳濱鷸 x 10 (Boardwalk) [High winter count]
163 Black-tailed Gull 黑尾鷗 x 3 (Boardwalk)
166 Yellow-legged Gull 黃腳銀鷗 x 2 (Boardwalk)
172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 2 (Boardwalk)
176 Saunders’s Gull 黑嘴鷗 x 38 (Boardwalk)
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (MPNR)
252 Red-rumped Swallow 金腰燕 x 2 (Access road)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 4 (MPNR) [Good count]

044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 1 (Boardwalk)
074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 6 [High count]
131 Nordmann's Greenshank 小青腳鷸 x 1 (Boardwalk)
145 Long-billed Dowitcher 長嘴半蹼鷸 x 1 (Boardwalk)
147 Red Knot 紅腹濱鷸 x 4 (Boardwalk)
148 Great Knot 大濱鷸 x 6 (Boardwalk)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 3 (#12/13)

172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 2 (Boardwalk)

081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (#20)
172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 2 (#19)
418 Yellow-billed Grosbeak 黑尾蠟嘴雀 x 22 (MPNR)

Previous record: Jan07 Jan06

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
Mai Po Nature Reserve

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 11/02/2008 10:58

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 02-08 Feb 08

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

073 Pied Harrier 鵲鷂 x 1  [male] (Deep Bay)

050 Spot-billed Duck (zonorhyncha) 斑嘴鴨 x 17 (MPNR)

Although the Nature Reserve is closed to the public, essential WWF bird research work is not affected. We will continue to post these weekly bird summaries on the BBS using records/sightings from this work.

035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺 x 6 (#3)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (#20)

Previous record:Feb07 Feb06

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
Mai Po Nature Reserve

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 15/02/2008 17:43

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 09-15 Feb 08

Although the Nature Reserve is closed to the public, essential WWF bird research work is not affected. We will continue to post these weekly bird summaries on the BBS using records/sightings from this work.

709 Eurasian Collared Dove 灰斑鳩 x 1 (near Mai Po)

305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1 (Mai Po Car Park)
340 Oriental Reed Warbler 東方大葦鶯 x 1 (#6)

247 Eurasian Skylark 雲雀 x 1 (Access Road)

305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 2 (Mai Po Car Park)

015 Purple Heron 草鷺 x 1 (#14)

049 Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 1 [Female] (#14)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#14)

Previous record:Feb07Feb06

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
Mai Po Nature Reserve

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 22/02/2008 16:18

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 16 - 22 Feb 08

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 13 (#12 & #23)
049 Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 2 (#23)
050 Spot-billed Duck (zonorhyncha) 斑嘴鴨 x 25 (#23)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 (#20)
083 Bonelli’s Eagle 白腹山鵰 x 1 (#15b)
124 Whimbrel 中杓鷸 x 1 (#16/17)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1 (Mai Po Car Park)
407 Chestnut Bunting 栗(巫鳥) x 1 (AFCD Warden Post)

081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (#23)

007 Dalmatian Pelican 卷羽鵜鶘 x 1 (Deep Bay) [First report of the winter]

083 Bonelli’s Eagle 白腹山鵰 x 1 (#15b)

007 Dalmatian Pelican 卷羽鵜鶘 x 1 (Deep Bay)  
152 Temminck’s Stint 青腳濱鷸 x 5 (Deep Bay)
255 Yellow Wagtail (macronyx race) 黃鶺鴒 x 5 (Deep Bay)
709 Eurasian Collared Dove 灰斑鳩 x 2 (Mai Po Car Park)
---   Large Gull sp. x 168 (Deep Bay)

Previous Records : Feb06 Feb07

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 29/02/2008 18:12

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po : 23 - 29 Feb 08

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

131 Nordmann's Greenshank 小青腳鷸 x 1 (Boardwalk)
172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)

073 Pied Harrier 鵲鷂 x 2 (Intertidal Mangrove)
074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 4 (Intertidal Mangrove)
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼 x 1 (#16/17)

007 Dalmatian Pelican 卷羽鵜鶘 x 1 (Deep Bay)
340 Oriental Reed Warbler 東方大葦鶯 x 1 (Intertidal Mangrove)

163 Black-tailed Gull 黑尾鷗 x 2 (Boardwalk)

058 Greater Scaup 斑背潛鴨 x 1 (#4) [male]
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (#3)

172 Relict Gull 遺鷗 x 1 (Boardwalk)

Previous Records : Feb06 Feb07 Mar06 Mar07

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

Author: Beetle    Time: 5/03/2008 19:26

Mai Po
(5 March)

Great Bittern (#7)
Japanese Bush Warbler (car park)

a record photo for the great bittern.

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 7/03/2008 18:59

Empty Posting.

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