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Subject: [China] Sichuan Nov 2007 [Print This Page]

Author: John Holmes    Time: 20/11/2007 09:40     Subject: Sichuan Nov 2007

Sichuan Nov 7 - 18 2007
Qing Cheng Shan, Tang Jia He NNR & Wang Lang NNR

Jemi and I arrived in smoggy Chengdu on Nov 7th and first went ot Du Jiang Yan at the edge of the mountains to the west.  We had a look at the hillside around Ling Yan Temple and then spent two nights at Qing Cheng Hou Shan.

On Nov 10th we were joined in Chengdu by Wong Choi On and Tam Yiu Leung.  We birded Tang Jia He NNR (elevation 1500m) in Qing Chuan County from 11th to 14th, best day count: 50 species.  We moved to Wang Lang NNR (elevation 2560m) on the 14th. We saw fewer birds than at TJH but the higher elevation meant there were some new ones for the trip. Apart from the birds pictured below, highlights included Green Shrike Babbler and Golden Eagle at Tang Jia He, and Blood Pheasant, Crested Tit Warbler, Barred Laughingthrush, Spectacled Parrotbill and Three-toed Parrotbill at Wanglang. It was snowing as we left on Saturday 17th.  

Here are some contacts and photos from the trip... a "proper" trip report will follow in due course. Meanwhile, if anyone would like further details of our arrangements  
just send us a message.

Tangjahe  National Nature Reserve   唐家河国家级自然保护区
Ms Li Executive Manager  李仕清 执行总经理
(86) 839-7809868
Qing Xi  青溪 Mini Van Driver
Mr Wang 王师傅 (86)13881205061  

Wanglang National Nature Reserve 王朗国家级自然保护区
Tan qing Manager  谭庆 - 经营部经理
(86) 816-8896096

Wanglang Mini Van Driver
Mr Xiong   熊师傅 13990151648

You Yi Cun (Village), Qingcheng Hou Shan,  Dujiang Yan
都江堰 青城后山 又一村
Ms Jiang Qu  蒋群
(86) 13608220524

Ling Yan Temple 灵岩寺
Ginkgo Hotel, Dujiang Yan 银杏宾馆 都江堰
(86) 028-87138777

Image Attachment: 03_JW1_7118-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:40, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1928

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Image Attachment: 01_JW1_7291-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:40, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1933

Author: John Holmes    Time: 20/11/2007 09:45     Subject: Mammals of Tang Jia He NNR and Wang Lang NNR

Stump-tailed Macaque
Blue Sheep

Image Attachment: 04_JW1_7046-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:45, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1889

Image Attachment: 05_JW1_7607-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:45, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1890

Image Attachment: 06_JW1_7846-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:45, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1932

Author: John Holmes    Time: 20/11/2007 09:48     Subject: Birds of Tang Jia He NNR and Wang Lang NNR

Golden Pheasant
Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush

Image Attachment: 07_JW1_7174_1a-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:48, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1890

Image Attachment: 08_JW1_7754_crop1-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:48, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1904

Image Attachment: 09_JGH_9613-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:48, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1875

Author: John Holmes    Time: 20/11/2007 09:52     Subject: Birds in Wang Lang NNR

Great Parrotbill
Rusty-breasted Tit
White-browed Tit-warbler

Image Attachment: 11_JW1_7922-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:52, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1846

Image Attachment: 12_JGH_0084-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:52, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1877

Image Attachment: 13_JW1-White-browed-Tit-war.jpg (20/11/2007 09:52, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1869

Author: John Holmes    Time: 20/11/2007 09:58     Subject: Birds of Wang Lang NNR by Wong Choi-on

White-cheeked Nuthatch

Three-banded Rosefinch

Image Attachment: WongChoiOn04-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:58, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1856

Image Attachment: WongChoiOn06-01.jpg (20/11/2007 09:58, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1894

Author: John Holmes    Time: 20/11/2007 10:01     Subject: Birds of Tang Jia He NNR by Wong Choi-on

Slaty Bunting

Eurasian Nuthatch *

Collared Finchbill

*The author of "Tits, Nuthatches and Treecreepers" (Harrap 1996) noted that Chestnut-vented Nuthatch and Eurasian Nuthatch may "intergrade" in this part of Sichuan, so the visitor can while away many hours wondering which species (if Chestnut-vented IS a valid species) he is looking at !

Image Attachment: WongChoiOn03-01.jpg (20/11/2007 10:01, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1868

Image Attachment: WongChoiOn02-01.jpg (20/11/2007 10:01, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1861

Image Attachment: WongChoiOn01-01.jpg (20/11/2007 10:01, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1883

Author: jemi    Time: 16/01/2008 18:18     Subject: Trip report of Sichuan Province, China November 2007

Here is the link of report

Trip report of Qingchengshan, Tangjiahe & Wanglang NNR Nov 2007

[ Last edited by jemi at 1/09/2008 23:40 ]

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