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Subject: [Herons] A grey heron shot on an overcast day [Print This Page]

Author: lwingkay    Time: 20/12/2007 18:00     Subject: A grey heron shot on an overcast day

Nam San Wai
Dec 18am
Swar 80 ATS + 30X + P5100

Image Attachment: DSCN0566c.jpg (20/12/2007 18:00, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1642

Author: tbob    Time: 20/12/2007 18:48

In my opinion, this has the potential to be a very good digiscope shot if you could spend a little more time doing some Photoshop (or what software program you may have) work.

The important thing is that you have a good shot to start with, with some basic work you can even see the rain droplets on the birds back.


Author: cwchan    Time: 20/12/2007 19:15

The tone is pleasing too.
Sometimes, for some subject, mono colour and high key is attractive.
This is one----carry on.  8)

Author: lwingkay    Time: 20/12/2007 21:33

Really got carried away seeing the comments. Thanks Bob and Wing for viewing and giving comments.

I use Olympus' Camedia software to handle digital images. I started with the Olympus prosumer when switching to the digital photography, the C5050 if I am not wrong about it and since then have been using its software for handling images.

One problem posting shots here is the limitation arising from image size: not exceeding 800X800 in pixels and 150kb by file size. While using the Camedia to resize shots, I have to try it several times before I can come up with a satisfactory one that falls within the limits imposed here. And the pity is: often time, the resized image has become too small to be of any significant visual value.

So, would be grateful if you would advise me how resizing could be done effectively for posting up here. This is the raw data I have to start with for resizing:
Prosumer type: Nikon's P5100
Pixel size: 4000X3000
File size:  4.2mb
Color management system: sRGB mode
Noise Reduction: On

Author: tbob    Time: 20/12/2007 21:44


I will leave the technical answers to somebody else as I am still learning Photoshop.

I have a site on, you can get a free account for a limited number of photos. I upload my shots to flickr and only post a link to those shots on the HKBWS BBS. There are many sites that you can upload to. I am sure somebody will reply with several more sites.


PS: I think Google has some free image editing software for PC. I am using a MAC
Author: kmatthew    Time: 20/12/2007 23:24

I use Photobucket to upload my photos onto the net, it have an unlimited storage (As far as I can see) and it is also free!!

You can resize the image size in the website, but I don't normally use that and I am not sure what is the results of it, but it is worth trying.

Hope this helps.
Author: lwingkay    Time: 21/12/2007 00:46

Thanks, Bob and Matt.

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