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Subject: Tai Po Kau 大埔滘 2007/08 Winter 冬 [Print This Page]

Author: hgeorge    Time: 27/12/2007 21:34     Subject: Tai Po Kau 大埔滘 2007/08 Winter 冬

A good day for Verditer Flycatcher with five birds in four situations. A pair was found near the banana forest on blue walk.

Another records as below,
high count of four Greenish Warbler.
Blyth's Leaf Warbler - 2
Black Bulbul - 1, may be the same bird from September, almost stay for three months.
Buff-bellied Flowerpecker is abundant in Tai Po Kau in this winter.
Hair-crested Drongo  -1
Japanese Thrush - 1male

A Red Muntjac was also seen on the red walk.
Author: kpokuen    Time: 29/12/2007 18:15

Dec 29, 0800 - 1230

-Palla's Leaf Warbler
-Blyth's Leaf Warbler
-Yellow Browed Warbler
-Russet Bush Warbler
-Rufous Tailed Robin
-Japanese Robin (male)
-Grey Headed Flycatcher
-Verditer Flycatcher (2X)
-Small Niltava (male)
Author: hgeorge    Time: 29/12/2007 18:46

i just had
Japanese Thrush
Crested Serpent Eagle
Asian Stubtail
Author: Starshing    Time: 31/12/2007 10:10

Dec 30, 1000 - 1630

Yellow Browed Warbler
Palla's Leaf Warbler
Blyth's Leaf Warbler
Blyth's Leaf Warbler - goodsoni (1x)
Black-naped Monarch (1male,1female)
Striated Yuhina
Chestnut-crowned Warbler (1x)
Grey Headed Flycatcher
Verditer Flycatcher (1x)
Pygmy Wern Babbler
White-bellied Yuhina
Author: kpokuen    Time: 4/01/2008 20:31

Jan 4, 0800 - 1200

-Scaly Thrush
-Siberian Thrush (male)
-Brown headed Thrush
-Grey backed Thrush
Author: hgeorge    Time: 5/01/2008 20:06

A possibly male Rufous-bellied Niltava was seen near the junction for choosing red or blue walk.

I managed to see it for seconds by its fully uniform chestnut underpart from the breast to the vent. Hence, it is different from Fujian Niltava by its washed out lower part of belly and vent. Also, I can also see its black face and complete throat, so Vivid Niltava can be ruled out. For its sound, it is rather soft and is slightly different from Fujian Niltava.

By the way, i am not confident for Rufous-bellied Niltava because of weak light condition near darkness around five-forty. May be .... it is just a dark version of Fujian Niltava.

I also got one Verditer Flycatcher, one White's Thrush and many invisible thrushes on the red walk.
Author: gary    Time: 6/01/2008 14:55

White-spectacled Warbler x1
Blyth's Leaf Warbler x1
Grey-headed Flycatcher x3
Mountain Bulbul x4
Asian Stubtail Warbler
White-bellied Yuhina x1

Mountain Bulbul (abundant)
Black Bulbul x 2
Blyth's Leaf Warbler
Blyth's Leaf Warbler (goodsoni) x 1
Grey-headed Flycatcher
Grey-chinned Minivet (abundant)
Asian Stubtail Warbler
White-bellied Yuhina x1
Author: Starshing    Time: 6/01/2008 19:20

Jan 6, 1000 - 1700

Verditer Flycatcher
White-spectacled Warbler
Blyth's Leaf Warbler (goodsoni)
Asian Stubtail Warbler
White-bellied Yuhina
Japanese Thrush (male)
Rufous-tailed Robin
Author: hgeorge    Time: 9/01/2008 23:16

No big surprise today, just
An unidentified Phylloscopus warbler was seen twice. (see detail in following link)

Also, an unknown spectacled warbler was seen on blue walk in long long long distance. No idea which is it for.

Also, with many Mountain Bulbul around the forest and several Tristram's Bunting.
Author: hgeorge    Time: 9/01/2008 23:46

A clear view of Red Muntjac was also seen near the studying garden.
Author: Starshing    Time: 13/01/2008 22:50

Jan 13, 1000 - 1400

Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Yellow Browed Warbler
Asian Stubtail Warbler
Striated Yuhina(30+)
White-bellied Yuhina
Black Bulbul
Author: pchunchiu    Time: 20/01/2008 16:40

A good walk in Tai Po Kau today.

Crested Goshawk - 1
Crested Serpent Eagle - 1
Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike - 2
Mountain Bulbul - 3
Striated Yuhina - 30
Blyth's Leaf Warbler (fokiensis) - 5
Blyth's Leaf Warbler (goodsoni) - 1
Small Niltava - 1
Black-naped Monarch - 2
White-spectacled Warbler - 1
Author: shey    Time: 20/01/2008 22:54

Here are record photos of the White-spectacled Warbler seen today (20Jan08)

Image Attachment: White-spectacledWarbler_TaiPoKau_20Jan08_SYH_2 (Medium).jpg (20/01/2008 22:54, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2760

Image Attachment: White-spectacledWarbler_TaiPoKau_20Jan08_SYH (Medium).jpg (20/01/2008 22:54, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2748

Author: shey    Time: 20/01/2008 22:55

And Here are record photos of the Small Niltava seen Today (20Jan08).

Image Attachment: SmallNiltava_TaiPoKau_20Jan08_SYH_3 (Medium).jpg (20/01/2008 22:55, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2759

Image Attachment: SmallNiltava_TaiPoKau_20Jan08_SYH_2 (Medium).jpg (20/01/2008 22:55, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2750

Image Attachment: SmallNiltava_TaiPoKau_20Jan08_SYH_1 (Medium).jpg (20/01/2008 22:55, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2749

Author: Starshing    Time: 21/01/2008 09:01

Jan 20, 10:00-16:00

Just add a Verditer Flycatcher
Author: kpokuen    Time: 30/01/2008 17:26

Jan 30, 1300 - 1600

-Grey headed Flycatcher
-Mugimaki Flycatcher (male)
-Red flanked Bluetail (male x 2, female X 3)
-Rufous tailed Robin X3
-Pale legged leaf Warbler
-Blyth's Leaf Warbler (Goodsoni)
-Yellow browed Warbler
-Palla's Leaf Warbler
Author: hgeorge    Time: 8/02/2008 20:03

One male Fujian Niltava was seen at picnic area around 1645pm.
Author: Allen    Time: 10/02/2008 11:28     Subject: Very very far record photo

Tai Po Kau

Very very far record photo of Fujian Niltava

[ Last edited by Allen at 5/12/2013 14:46 ]
Author: hgeorge    Time: 10/02/2008 22:01

Really look like a Rufous-bellied Niltava by its fully rufous breast to lower belly.
By this link, another angle of the same bird shows obvious blue crown and shoulder. The wing is not long.

For this photo of Fujian Niltava, the lower part of belly and vent is obviously whitish without any rufouscent and blue forehead.
Author: hgeorge    Time: 11/02/2008 20:45

Mr. Tai Sheung Lai reported a female Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher was seen near banana forest at blue walk.
Author: kpokuen    Time: 12/02/2008 19:37

Feb 12, 0900 - 1700

-Grey backed Thrush
-Scaly Thrush
-Eyebrowed Thrush
-Japanese Thrush
-Red flanked Bluetail
-Rufous tailed Robin
-Blyth's Leaf Warbler
-Blyth's Leaf Warbler (Goodsoni)
-White Spectacled Warbler
-Pallas's Leaf Warbler
-Asian Stubtail
-Rufous Gorgeted Flycatcher (juv)
-Fujian Niltava
-Bay Woodpecker

Rufous Gorgeted Flycatcher

White spectacled Warbler
Author: HKBWS Surveyor    Time: 13/02/2008 14:34

Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher is still present at blue walk on the morning.
Male Fujian Niltava is again seen.
Eyebrowed, Pale, Japanese and Grey-backed Thrush were also found along red walk.

I think there are two large size of Niltava in this winter. One of it is apparently Fujian Niltava by its whitish underpart. Another one is uniformly rufous underpart. The second one could possibly be Rufous-bellied Niltava. I still think about it!!! Hope someone can help photograph it.


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