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Subject: 2008 International Black-faced Spoonbill Census 2008全球黑臉琵鷺普查 [Print This Page]

Author: yyattung    Time: 2/03/2008 15:08     Subject: 2008 International Black-faced Spoonbill Census 2008全球黑臉琵鷺普查

Dear all,

The 2008 International Black-faced Spoonbill Census has been carried out successfully in the second weekend of January. Below are the results of the census.

South Korea: 28
Japan: 224
China Mainland: 313 (another 26 birds recorded outside the census period)
Taiwan: 1030
Deep Bay (Hong Kong and Shenzhen): 369
Macao: 50
Vietnam: 49
Thailand: 2

Total: 2065

It is a historical moment as the global known population of the Black-faced Spoonbill breaks into 2,000 individuals. The spoonbill number reached to 1,000 individual in 2003 and it just needs five years to make the number double. It reflects that the spoonbill’s population is really recovering and various conservation measures in several sites have been successfully implemented.

Report of this census will be prepared soon and any further information of this census is still welcome. Thank you very much to you help on the census and your participation is the most important part in this census.

Yat-tung YU

International Black-faced Spoonbill Census
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society


2008年全球黑臉琵鷺普查已經在1月中成功進行, 今年的結果如下:

韓國: 28隻
日本: 224隻
中國大陸: 313隻 (另有26隻在普查時間外錄得)
台灣: 1030隻
后海灣(香港及深圳): 369隻
澳門: 50隻
越南: 49隻
泰國: 2隻

總數: 2065隻

這是一個歷史時刻!! 這是全球黑臉琵鷺的數字首次突破二千大關!! 黑臉琵鷺的數字在2003年達到一千, 在短短的五年間數目上升一倍, 這不但反映黑臉琵鷺的族群由已往的小數量恢復過來, 以及各地多項的保育措施正取得成效。

是次普查的報告快會撰寫, 若再有其他的資料請馬上寄送給我。 非常感謝各位同好對這普查的支持及幫助, 你們的參與是這普查可以順利開展最重要的原因!!



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