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Subject: [China] South West Yunnan Province March 2008 雲南西南 [Print This Page]

Author: John Holmes    Time: 4/03/2008 23:09     Subject: South West Yunnan Province March 2008 雲南西南

South West Yunnan March 2008

Feb 29
Shenzhen – Kunming 深圳 飛 昆明

Kunming Jijie Binguan 昆明机械宾馆
RMB 108 Mini Single Room
RMB 148 Double Room (internet access)

Mar 1-6
Kunming  - Luxi  昆明 飛 潞西
Luxi – Ruili 潞西 - 瑞麗

Black taxi, hire a taxi RMB 200 – 240
Share a taxi RMB 60/person
Red Taxi to Luxi town, then get a bus to Ruili

Ruili Yong Chong Hotel 瑞麗永昌酒店
RMB 70 – 100 (internet access)

Hotel to Nanjingli  酒店 - 南京里
Taxi – Single journey RMB 30

Hotel to Wanding Eco Park 酒店 - 畹 町生態园
Taxi – Single journey RMB 60
Ticket RMB10/person, ( would like to see captive peacocks)

Hotel to Moli Waterfalls  酒店 - 莫里瀑布
Taxi – Single journey RMB 60

Mar 6-8

Ruili to Husa 瑞麗 - 戶撒
Taxi – Single journey RMB 150-180
We paid RMB 250 as start at 08:00, birding on route, arrived guesthouse in Husa at 13:30

Gusong Binguan 古松賓館
RMB50 a standard room

Husa to KM152 (12Km)
Mini Van RMB100 Round trip
Birded along the logging trail,  Red-tailed Laughingthrush, Rusty-fronted Barwing, Long-tailed Broadbill, Golden Babbler, White-browed Fulvetta, Black-headed Sibia...etc.

Mar 8
Husa (户撒) -  Tengchong(騰衝)
RMB150 hired a mini van from Husa to Yingjiang.
Yingjiang to Tengchong by bus RMB 20/person.
"Tengchong Red Guest House" 騰衝紅房子青年旅舍
mobile: 13508751451
RMB 60 a standard room with with wireless internet access.

Mar 9
Guest House to Laifengshan 來鳳山
Hire taxi to the top of Laifengshan RMB 30-40 and walk down hill.

Mar 10

Tenchong - Cherry Valley (Yinghua gu) 30+Km
Mini van RMB 150 07:30 - 13:00

Mt Bamboo Partridge, Slaty-bellied Tesia....

Mar 11
Tengchong Guesthouse to Laifengshan
Mini Van RMB 20

Mar 12
Tengchong to Baihualing, Gaoligongshan 高藜貢山百花嶺
Mini Van RMB 400

Baihualing Head quarter (HQ) standard room + breakfast + dinner + management fee
HKID Holder RMB250 / person / night.
(There is a home stay ~ 100m near the HQ <RMB30 room + food /person/night>  
Thanks Samson & Kwok Jai for the info.

Baihualing HQ > Jiujiezi  >  Danuchang 百花嶺保護站  >舊街子 >大奴廠 (7.5km very rough road)
by Chinese pickup RMB180- 200
Beautiful Sibia, Chestnut-winged Fulvetta, White-throated, Yelllow bellied Fantails…

Mar 13
Baihualing HQ  > Danuchang 百花岭保护站 >大奴厂
by Chinese pickup.

We walked from Danuchang > Jinchanghe > Danuchang  > Jiujiezi 大奴廠> 金廠河> 大奴廠>舊街子
Hill Partridges, Black-headed Babbler, Beautiful Sibia, Whiskered, Rufous-vented Yuhinna, Fire-tailed… Sunbirds….

Mar 14
Baihualing HQ  > Jiujiezi 百花嶺保護站  >舊街子
by Chinese pickup.

Jiujiezi >Danuchang> Ertaipo> toward Dafengbao > Ertaipo> Jiujiezi
舊街子> 大奴廠> 二台坡> 大峰包> 二台坡> 舊街子>
Slender-billed S-Babblers, Fire-capped, Black-throated, Yellow-browed Tits, Ward Trogon, Silver Pheasants, Beautiful Sibia, Brown-winged Parrotbills, Grey-cheeked Warbler, Black-faced Warblers, Yuhinnas, Fulvetta Flying Squirrel…etc

Mar 15
Baihualing HQ  > Danuchang 百花嶺保護站  > 大奴廠
by Chinese pickup.

Danuchang > Ertaipo > Dafengbao 大奴廠>二台坡> 大峰包
Grey-sided, Red-tailed, Black-faced, Scaly Laughingthrush, Black-eared Shirke-babbler,  Rufous-goreted Flycatcher…

Jiujiezi  舊街子> 1.5Km > Ertaipo  二台坡
Jiujiezi > 2.5Km > Danuchang 大奴廠
Jiujiezi > 4.5Km > Dafengbao 大峰包
Jiujiezi > 7 Km > Huangzhu He (Old Bridge) 黃竹河 (古橋)
Jiujiezi > 13Km > Nanjigongfang 南濟公房
Jiujiezi > 19Km > Tengchong BaoTeng Highway Km80 騰衝保騰公路KM 80

Baohuzhan 保護站 > 3Km > Huitouwan 回頭彎
Baohuzhan > 5Km > Jiujiezi 舊街子
Baohuzhan > 7.5Km > Danuchang 大奴廠
Baohuzhan > 10Km > Jichanghe 金廠河

Danuchang 大奴廠 > 500m steep path > Ertaipo  二台坡

Mar 16
Baihualing HQ  > Baoshan Town 百花嶺 >保山市
Mini Van RMB270

Baoshan town > Xiaguan(Dali town) 保山市> 大理市
Coach RMB 57/person

Xiaguan(Dali town) > Dali ancient town 大理市>大理古城
Taxi RMB 30-40
Mini bus RMB 2/person

MCA Guesthouse, Dali ancient town  (many choices)
RMB 80 – 100 standard room
A21 – A24 room with nice view.

Mar 17
Dali Ancient Town > Cangshan (3,100m) 大理古城> 蒼山
Mini van Mr Yeung13988534759 RMB 250-300  

Lady Amherst’s Pheasant x 2 males & 1 Juv, Spotted Nutcrackers, Black-browed, Rufous-vented Tits, Godlewski’s, Yellow-throated Bunting…

Mar 18
Dali Ancient Town > Zhonghe temple 大理古城> 中和寺
Cable chairlift  RMB 90 / person ( discount ticket can be bought thru travel agents @ RMB70+)

Mar 19
Dali Ancient Town > Xiaguan (Dali town)  Taian Road Bus stop
RMB 30 / per taxi

Xiaguan(Dali town) > Jingdong town 下關>景東市
RMB 46 /person 6.5hrs  (06:40 to 12:40, every 40 mins medium size bus from Xiaguan to Jingdong)

Jingdong town > Xujiaba station, Ailaoshan 景東市> 哀牢山徐家壩保護站  
Mini Van RMB 250- 300, 3 hours drive up and down field terraces

A remote area like this, having a standard room is luxury.
RMB 100/person/day ( food and accommodation)
Ticket RMB5/person

Mar 20 - 22
Contact person :
Liu Yuhong
Director, Senior Engineer
Ailaoshan Station for Subtropical Forest Ecosystem Studies

70 species 2 and a half day....
Streaked Barwing, White-tailed Nuthatch, Chinese Babax,  Silver Pheasants, Rufous-vented, Collared, Striated-throated Yuhina ...etc.

Mar 22
Jingdong Town 景东
Kai Hua Hotel 凯华大酒店
Standard Room RMB 60

Mar 23 - 24
Bus to Chuxiong 楚雄 RMB 69/person
Taxi to  Zixi Shan 紫溪山 RMB70
Ticket RMB 15/person

Wanghai Shan Zhuang, Zixishan, Chuxiong 楚雄紫溪山望海山庄
2 Star Hotel RMB 80 a standard room
(86) (878) 3810381
Hire a Mini van half day RMB100

Mar 25-26
….. > Kunming
Kunming Jijie Binguan 昆明机械宾馆


Ruili, Yunnan Province  March 2008 雲南瑞麗

A few highlight of our visit to Ruili on Yunnan and Myanmar border.

Black Eagle
Nanjingli (南京里), Ruili
March 2, 2008

Crimson Sunbird
Wanding Eco-park (瑞丽生态园)
March 2, 2008

Dark-sided Thrush
Moli Waterfalls (莫里瀑布), Ruili
March 3, 2008

[ Last edited by hjohn at 22/06/2008 22:03 ]

Image Attachment: 1U8U3661-01.jpg (4/03/2008 23:09, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2302

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Author: John Holmes    Time: 4/03/2008 23:37     Subject: Wire-tailed Swallow - Ruili, Yunnan

Wire-tailed Swallow
Wanding Eco-park (瑞丽生态园)
March 2, 2008

Image Attachment: 1U8U3568a-01.jpg (4/03/2008 23:37, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2332

Author: kmike    Time: 5/03/2008 07:03

Great stuff - more more more!
Author: John Holmes    Time: 5/03/2008 23:55     Subject: Swallows - Striated and Wire-tailed

Great stuff - more more more!"
Oh..... Okay!  more shots....  

We re-vsited the Wanding Eco-park (瑞丽生态园)this afternoon (March 5, 2008).   

We had Wryneck(1), Red Avadavats(6),  Striated Swallows (60+) , Wire-tailed Swallows (3) Rosy pipits , Black-shouldered Kites......+

We are moving to Husa (户撒)tomorrow....  probably no internet access for a few days.

Here are a few more shots of today.

Image Attachment: JGH_3983-01.jpg (5/03/2008 23:55, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2401

Image Attachment: JW1_3752-01.jpg (5/03/2008 23:55, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2278

Image Attachment: JW1_3798-01.jpg (5/03/2008 23:55, 0 Bytes) / Download count 2157

Author: jemi    Time: 9/03/2008 21:34     Subject: Tengchong, Yunnan Province March 2008 雲南騰衝

We moved to Tengchong(騰衝) yesterday Mar 8 from Husa (户撒).
RMB150 hired a mini van from Husa to Yingjiang.
Yingjiang to Tengchong by bus RMB 20/person.  
"Tengchong Red Guest House" 騰衝紅房子青年旅舍
mobile: 13508751451
RMB 60 a standard room with wireless internet access.

Hire taxi to the top of Laifengshan RMB 30-40 and walk down hill.
(Mini-van RMB 20)

Had a good morning birding in Laifengshan Park in Tengchong. 騰衝來鳳山公園

Some photos taken with 1DIII400 mm on Mar 9, 2008.

Blue-fronted Redstart

Blue-fronted Redstart

Brown-winged Parrotbill

Spot-breasted Scimitar Babbler

Chestnut-vented Nuthatch

Chestnut-vented Nuthatch

Grey Bushchat

Black-breasted Thrush
Author: jemi    Time: 11/03/2008 10:02     Subject: Husa, Yunnan Province March 2008 雲南戶撒 (birds)

Husa Village戶撒村
March 8, 2008
1DIII 400mm

Black-shouldered Kite

Black-shouldered Kite

Black-shouldered Kite

Striated Grassbird

Striated Grassbird

Spot-billed Duck

Spot-billed Duck

White-vented Myna (centre and left)  Crested Myna (right)

Black-breasted Thrush
Author: jemi    Time: 11/03/2008 10:09     Subject: Husa, Yunnan Province March 2008 雲南戶撒 (Minorities小數民族)

Where we had tasty stir-fired dishes! 美味小炒

A Chong Minority 阿昌族

A Chong Minority 阿昌族

A Chong Minority 阿昌族

Lisu Minority  傈僳族

Lisu Minority  傈僳族

Lisu Minority  傈僳族

Jingpo Minority 景頗族

Image Attachment: JW1_4756-01.jpg (11/03/2008 10:09, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1951

Author: sken    Time: 11/03/2008 14:59     Subject: Great stuff!

Awesome post!!

great birding photos and added images of the culture.... I loved the roto-tiller vehicle!

also liked info for taking the trip!
Author: jemi    Time: 11/03/2008 21:34     Subject: Re: Great stuff!

[quote:9bc9a7611e="sken"]Awesome post!!

great birding photos and added images of the culture.... I loved the roto-tiller vehicle!

also liked info for taking the trip![/quote]

Thanks for the comments!

We were told that the A Chong Minority are going to celebrate the Canola Flower Festival in Husa village on March 21, 2008.
Author: tbob    Time: 11/03/2008 22:19

John & Jemi,

Great shots and thanks for the atmospheric shots, I particularly love this shot - I hope you don't mind a little creative work


PS: I just realized I lost a little of the muffler

Image Attachment: JW1_4546-01.jpg (11/03/2008 22:19, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1844

Author: lwingkay    Time: 12/03/2008 00:10

[quote:62ff7eca6c="tbob"]John & Jemi,

Great shots and thanks for the atmospheric shots, I particularly love this shot - I hope you don't mind a little creative work


PS: I just realized I lost a little of the muffler[/quote]

Interesting retouching. A new feeling came to mind when viewing this retouched shot: the ladies up there would not be laughing any more with the diesel tracker moving at this speed.  :  :
Author: jemi    Time: 22/03/2008 16:41     Subject: Photo retouch

Thanks Bob for enhancing the photo!

[quote:1a15e5a027="tbob"]John & Jemi,

Great shots and thanks for the atmospheric shots, I particularly love this shot - I hope you don't mind a little creative work


PS: I just realized I lost a little of the muffler[/quote]
Author: John Holmes    Time: 22/03/2008 17:01     Subject: Gaoligong Shan Baihualing birds

Some photos taken from Bailhualing with  1dIII and 1dIIn 400mm

红喉山鹧鸪        RUFOUS-THROATED PARTRIDGE        Arborophila rufogularis

栗喉鵙鹛        CHESTNUT-THROATED ( Black-eared) SHRIKE BABBLER        Pteruthius melanotis

金喉拟啄木鸟        GOLDEN-THROATED BARBET        Megalaima franklinii

栗头雀鹛        RUFOUS-WINGED FULVETTA        Alcippe castaneceps

橙胸[姬]鹟        RUFOUS-GORGETED FLYCATCHE        Ficedula strophiata

棕腹鵙鹛        BLACK-HEADED SHRIKE-BABBL        Pteruthius rufiventer

火冠雀        FIRE-CAPPED TIT        Cephalopyrus flammiceps

火冠雀        FIRE-CAPPED TIT        Cephalopyrus flammiceps

灰胁噪鹛        GREY-SIDED LAUGHINGTHRUSH        Garrulax caerulatus

赤尾噪鹛        RED-TAILED LAUGHINGTHRUSH        Garrulax milnei

赤尾噪鹛        RED-TAILED LAUGHINGTHRUSH        Garrulax milnei

Giant Squirrel

Red & White Flying Squirrel Petaurista alborufus
Author: John Holmes    Time: 30/03/2008 23:02     Subject: Cang Shan, Dali 大理蒼山 Yunnan 雲南

MCA Guesthouse Dali 大理

山藍仙鶲        HILL BLUE-FLYCATCHER        Cyornis banyumas
Dining Room MCA Guesthouse Dali 大理

白腹錦雞        LADY AMHERST'S PHEASANT        Chrysolophus amherstiae
Cang Shan, Dali 大理蒼山

星鴉        SPOTTED NUTCRACKER        Nucifraga caryocatactes
Cang Shan, Dali 大理蒼山
Author: John Holmes    Time: 30/03/2008 23:14     Subject: Ailao Shan Jingdong Yunnan 云南景东哀牢山

灰頭斑翅鶥        STREAKED BARWING        Actinodura souliei

MANIPUR FULVETTA        Alcippe manipurensis

白尾        WHITE-TAILED NUTHATCH        Sitta himalayensis

黃頰山雀        YELLOW-CHEEKED TIT        Parus spilonotus

黃眉林雀        YELLOW-BROWED TIT        Sylviparus modestus

紅脅藍尾鴝        ORANGE-FLANKED BUSH-ROBIN        Tarsiger cyanurus

斑姬啄木鳥        SPECKLED PICULET        Picumnus innominatus

紋喉鳳鶥        STRIPE-THROATED YUHINA        Yuhina gularis

棕肛鳳鶥        RUFOUS-VENTED YUHINA        Yuhina occipitalis

慄背岩鷚        MAROON-BACKED ACCENTOR        Prunella immaculata

灰翅鶇        GREY-WINGED BLACKBIRD        Turdus boulboul Female

斑胸鈎嘴鶥        SPOT-BREATED SCIMITAR BABBLER        Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis
Author: John Holmes    Time: 30/03/2008 23:29     Subject: Zixishan Chuxiong Yunnan 雲南 楚雄 紫溪山

雉雞        COMMON PHEASANT        Phasianus colchicus suehschanensis

紅頭[長尾]山雀        BLACK-THROATED TIT        Aegithalos concinnus

灰喉柳鶯        ASHY-THROATED WARBLER        Phylloscopus maculipennis

長尾山椒鳥        LONG-TAILED MINIVET        Pericrocotus ethologus

火尾希鶥        RED-TAILED MINLA        Minla ignotincta

高山旋木雀        BAR-TAILED TREE-CREEPER        Certhia himalayana

黃頸擬蜡嘴雀        COLLARED GROSBEAK        Mycerobas affinis Female

黃頸擬蜡嘴雀        COLLARED GROSBEAK        Mycerobas affinis Male
Author: jemi    Time: 31/03/2008 13:44     Subject: South West Yunnan Province March 2008 雲南西南

We would like to say thank you to Prof Han lian xian (韓聯憲 教授), Yu yat-tung 余日東 , Samson So (蘇毅雄), Kwok Jai (國仔) and Dong jiang-tian(董江天)  for their info and help.

滇  YUNNAN NUTHATCH Sitta yunnanensis
Zixishan, Chuxiong 楚雄紫溪山
March 25, 2008
1dIII 400x1.4
Author: Hendrix    Time: 5/04/2008 15:27

very good  
Author: jemi    Time: 22/06/2008 21:46     Subject: 相片簡報 Slideshow

中國雲南觀鳥相片簡報 Slideshow of Birding in Yunnan, China

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