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Subject: 水雉 Pheasant-tailed Jacana [Print This Page]

Author: Sze    Time: 13/05/2008 22:40     Subject: 水雉 Pheasant-tailed Jacana

Digiscropping at Wetland Park mudflat today!
And there are 2 BFS in the mudflat and 1 Brown Shrike near the tower hide!

Image Attachment: 13May08_B0210b.jpg (13/05/2008 22:40, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1087

Image Attachment: 13May08_B0220b.jpg (13/05/2008 22:40, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1118

Image Attachment: 13May08_B0189b.jpg (13/05/2008 22:40, 0 Bytes) / Download count 1085

Author: kmike    Time: 14/05/2008 20:43

I saw these birds again today - many thanks for posting this news from Tuesday!

Mike K
Author: Sze    Time: 10/10/2009 23:10


2 Jacana at Fresh Water Marsh in Wetland Park.

Image Attachment: WP_Map.jpg (10/10/2009 23:10, 98.46 KB) / Download count 832

Author: wkcheng    Time: 11/10/2009 21:40

Thanks for Sze's information. I was there this afternoon and found one was still there.
Author: thinfor    Time: 12/10/2009 16:06

Just give you all the news that one of the 2 Pheasant-tailed Jacanas was still there around 12:00-13:00, same place.

Other birds seen:
010 Great Cormorant 鸕鶿
014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺
016 Great Egret 大白鷺
018 Little Egret 小白鷺
021 Cattle Egret 牛背鷺
022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
024 Black-crowned Night Heron 夜鷺
047 Common Teal 綠翅鴨  x10+
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹)
101 White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥
103 Common Moorhen 黑水雞  x8
107 Black-winged Stilt 黑翅長腳鷸
116 Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴
134 Wood Sandpiper 林鷸
136 Common Sandpiper 磯鷸
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
207 Plaintive Cuckoo 八聲杜鵑  x1M
208 Common Koel 噪鵑  x1F
228 Pied Kingfisher 斑魚狗  x1
251 Barn Swallow 家燕
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯 (heard)
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
438 Black Drongo 黑卷尾
448 Collared Crow 白頸鴉
1 Accipiter, likely Crested Goshawk

Grateful if any experienced birders would tell whether it's an adult with non-breeding plumage or a juvenile?  Thanks a lot.

[ Last edited by thinfor at 12/10/2009 17:25 ]
Author: Sze    Time: 18/10/2009 01:04


There are 3 Jacana today (17Oct09) at the same place!
Author: Late    Time: 18/10/2009 21:04

Sorry! ..............................

11 Oct 09


[ 本帖最後由 Late 於 18/10/2009 21:10 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: DSC_7228.JPG (18/10/2009 21:04, 183.77 KB) / Download count 764

Author: Sze    Time: 18/10/2009 22:06

Original posted by Late at 18/10/2009 21:04
Sorry! ..............................

11 Oct 09


[ 本帖最後由 Late 於 18/10/2009 21:10 編輯 ]
想見長尾版, 要等出年春天了!

Author: Sze    Time: 22/11/2011 13:10


Jacana Back! 2 at Succession Walk at Wetland Park.
And there were 7x Red Turtle Dove too.

[ Last edited by Sze at 22/11/2011 13:12 ]

Image Attachment: 20Nov11_0051s.jpg (22/11/2011 13:10, 176.07 KB) / Download count 765

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