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Subject: [Oversea] Forest birds of Peru (2) 秘魯 林鳥 (2) [Print This Page]

Author: eling    Time: 12/06/2008 19:31     Subject: Forest birds of Peru (2) 秘魯 林鳥 (2)

Hoatzin 麝雉

Pale-vented Pigeon 淡腹鴿

Sclater’s Tyrannulet 阿根廷小霸鶲

White-winged Swallow 白翅樹燕

Slate-throated Redstart 暗喉鴝鶯

Green Kingfisher 綠魚狗



Amazon Kingfisher 亞馬遜綠魚狗

Ringed Kingfisher 棕腹魚狗

Paradise Tanager 仙唐加拉雀

Palm Tanager 棕櫚裸鼻雀

Red-capped Cardinal 紅頂蠟咀鵐

Adult 大人

Juvenile 細路

Golden-collared Tanager 金領彩裸鼻雀

Turquoise Tanager 青綠唐加拉雀

Blue Dacnis 藍錐咀雀

Female 雌性

Male 雄性

Silver-beaked Tanager 銀咀唐納雀

Blue Gray Tanager 灰藍裸鼻雀

Lemon-throated Barbet 黃候擬鴷

Versicolored Barbet 彩擬鴷

Black Pheobe 黑長尾霸鶲

Black-fronted Nunbird 黑額黑鴷

Buff-throated Woodcreeper 黃喉鴷雀

Bluish-fronted Jacamar 藍額鶲鴷

Squirrel Cuckoo 灰腹棕鵑

Blue-throated Piping Guan 藍喉鳴冠雉

Chestnut-backed Antshrike 栗背蟻鵙

Plumbeous Kite 南美灰鳶

Yellow-tufted Woodpecker 黃鬚啄木鳥

Crimson-crested Woodpecker 朱冠啄木鳥

Crimson-bellied Woodpecker 朱腹啄木鳥

Blue-crowned Trogon 藍頂美洲咬鵑

Male 雄性

Black-tailed Trogon 黑尾美洲咬鵑

Male 雄性

Female 雌性

Yellow-bellied Seedeater 黃腹食籽雀

Black Vulture 黑頭美洲鷲

Social Flycatcher 群棲短咀霸鶲

Speckled Chachalaca 鱗斑小冠雉

Author: wgeoff    Time: 13/06/2008 04:44

Thanks Eling. Another great set of photos of some fabulous birds.

I'm surprised they all have Chinese names. Some are just translations I guess, but "Sclaters' Tyrannulet"? - where does the Chinese name come from?
Author: John Holmes    Time: 13/06/2008 10:12     Subject: Peru Bird Photos


Great pictures, in both Parts 1 and 2.  I'm researching the Air Fares to Peru already !

Did you take an organised tour or travel independently ?  

Thanks for sharing...

Author: kmatthew    Time: 13/06/2008 19:32

Both part 1 and part 2 are amazing!! Thanks for sharing!!
Author: eling    Time: 13/06/2008 21:55

原帖由 wgeoff 於 13-6-2008 04:44 發表
I'm surprised they all have Chinese names. Some are just translations I guess, but "Sclaters' Tyrannulet"? - where does the Chinese n ...
hi geoff

the chinese names are from a chinese web site about the birds of the world.  not sure if that's the correct "official" chinese name or just the translation.  pls check PM for the name of the web site.  thanks.
Author: eling    Time: 13/06/2008 21:59

原帖由 hjohn 於 13-6-2008 10:12 發表
I'm researching the Air Fares to Peru already !

Did you take an organised tour or travel independently ?  

Thanks for sharing...

hi john

this was a private tour tailor-made for us.    for the details of the company pls check PM.

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