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Subject: [Outing] Tap Mun Outing 塔門觀鳥活動 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Surveyor    Time: 18/06/2008 14:28     Subject: Tap Mun Outing 塔門觀鳥活動

Details of the Tap Mun Outing to be held on 6 July 2008 as below:-

Date: 06/7/2008 Sunday
Gathering Time: 0800
Gathering place: Ma Liu Shiu pier
Time: 0800 - 1500, we will have lunch on the island
Leaders: Dr. Cheung Ho Fai and Mr. Chan Hing Lun
Target Species: Terns
Note: This will be a long trip on open waters. The ride could be quite rough and some people may be seasick.

Boat Fee: Member $180, Non-member $220 (the boat fee is increased because of the rapid rise of fuel charge)
Limited to 45 participants only - please return the registration form together with the boat fare to HKBWS Office for registration.

** We will confirm the participants about 2 weeks before the outing whether their reservation application is accepted or not. Once the reservation is confirmed, we will not accept any withdrawal. All the registered participants are required to pay the prescribed fare, no matter they can attend the outing or not. If we cancel the outing due to inclement weather or special reason, the paid fare will be refunded to the participants.

The Activities Enquiry Hotline for contacting outing leaders at the event date only: 9457 3196.

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other liabilities arising from the activities.


領隊:張浩輝博士 及 陳慶麟先生

船費:會員$180, 非會員 $220 (由於燃油費用急速上升,船費亦相對地調整。)



Author: HKBWS Surveyor    Time: 24/06/2008 14:39

The Tap Mun Outing on 6 July is full already. Thanks for your participation.

Author: Beetle    Time: 30/06/2008 17:05

因為我仍未收到聯絡, 不知是否報名不被接受...
Author: puppymic    Time: 30/06/2008 22:04

I also haven't received the confirmation. Will it send to my email account? or by mail?

Kindly advise. Thanks
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 30/06/2008 22:34

聽講 HKBWS office 一片兵荒馬亂. 今日仲未上到網. 大家耐心等候 reply 喇..

Heard That HKBWS office as messy as a BattleField, still cant get online Today. Please be patient and wait for 回覆 lah.

[ Last edited by 深藍-Owen at 30/06/2008 23:05 ]
Author: Beetle    Time: 1/07/2008 11:13

Original posted by 深藍-Owen at 30/06/2008 22:34
聽講 HKBWS office 一片兵荒馬亂. 今日仲未上到網. 大家耐心等候 reply 喇..

Heard That HKBWS office as messy as a BattleField, still cant get online Today. Please be patient and wait for 回覆 lah. :l ...
Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 2/07/2008 16:49

剛剛已給各位參加者發電郵通知當天的活動詳情, 請各位留意一下~ 至於在報名時沒有提供電郵地址的, 我已用電話通知了. 如有查詢, 請致電2377 4387.

I've just contacted every participant through email. For those who haven't provided us with the email address, I gave them a call already. Please call 2377 4387 if there is any enquiry.

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 3/07/2008 10:41

由於現在預訂了一艘大船, 因此參加人數可以略增一點. 目前還有6個名額, 如有興趣參加此塔門觀鳥活動, 歡迎你們把報名表 (連同支票或過數紙)寄到: 九龍彌敦道480號鴻寶商業大廈14樓  香港觀鳥會收

注: 暫時我們還未能使用傳真機

如有查詢, 請致電 2377 4387. 謝謝!

Since we've booked a larger boat now, the number of participants can be increased. 6 more participants can join this activity so if you're interested, please post the activity form (with a cheque or bank receipt) to: HKBWS office, 14/F, Ruby Commercial Building, No. 480, Nathan Road, Kowloon.

P.S. We still can't use the fax machine yet.

If there is any enquiry, please call 2377 4387. Thank you!

Author: Webcreeper    Time: 3/07/2008 22:55

Attention: the assembly point will be at the NEW Ma Liu Shui Public Pier

Image Attachment: 080703 MLS Map.jpg (3/07/2008 22:55, 235.67 KB) / Download count 668

Author: BWA    Time: 7/07/2008 00:08

今天共有 50 人參加塔門觀鳥活動,

50 people took part in today's outing to Tap Mun.
The morning began promisingly with a blue sky with a wide variety of clouds, but the sea was a bit rough.
After seeing the resident WBSE at Tolo Channel, we went straight for the breeding terns at Mirs Bay.
Heavy rain came just before noon when we had lunch at Tap Mun and didn't stop until around 14:30.
We had a rough but interesting ride from Tap Mun to Sai Kung over the eastern waters.
When everything calmed down after Sor See Mun, we had good views of a perched WBSE and a group of foraging Black-napeds and Whiskereds.
Just before we landed, we witnessed the Yeung Chau WBSE robbing a Black Kite.

今天所見鳥種 Birds seen today
014 蒼鷺 Grey Heron
016 大白鷺 Great Egret
018 小白鷺 Little Egret
020 岩鷺 Pacific Reef Egret
067 黑鳶 (麻鷹) Black Kite
069 白腹海鵰 White-bellied Sea Eagle  4
178 鬚浮鷗 Whiskered Tern  4+
183 粉紅燕鷗 Roseate Tern  19
184 黑枕燕鷗 Black-naped Tern  50 + 4 雛鳥 Chicks
186 褐翅燕鷗 Bridled Tern  190
226 小白腰雨燕 Little Swift
251 家燕 Barn Swallow
436 八哥 Crested Myna
448 白頸鴉 Collared Crow

你看到白腹海鵰嗎? Can you spot the Sea Eagle?

Author: Beetle    Time: 7/07/2008 21:50

Here is the same Sea Eagle as the above photo.
A very handsome bird

Author: mbill    Time: 11/07/2008 00:23


Reef Egret 岩鷺

Roseate Tern  粉紅燕鷗

Bridled Tern  褐翅燕鷗

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