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Subject: 簽名檔又無埋 ???? [Print This Page]

Author: Hendrix    Time: 14/07/2008 12:52     Subject: 簽名檔又無埋 ????

??????? 攪咩 ????
Author: lchunfai    Time: 14/07/2008 13:59

I can't upload photos tim
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/07/2008 14:32

Original posted by Hendrix at 14/07/2008 12:52
??????? 攪咩 ????
唔好意思呢, 由於資源問題, 依家香港觀鳥會的論壇只允許觀鳥會的會員有上載照片及附上簽名檔的權利.
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/07/2008 14:37

Original posted by lchunfai at 14/07/2008 13:59
I can't upload photos tim
您可以嘗試登入論壇, 再次看看能否上載照片嗎? 謝謝!
Author: puppymic    Time: 14/07/2008 20:55

White-Bellied Sea Eagle (Sai Kung 6/7/2008)

Usually I will upload my photo by inserting the image URL.

This time I would like to test whether I could upload my photo by attachment.

Edited by Webadmin
[The photo attachment is deleted since members are not supposed to upload anything just for testing purpose.
If you encounter any difficulty or problem in using the forum, you can tell us for assistant.
Please also be reminded that the storage capacity of our web server is very limited and therefore it should be very careful in using the attachment function to upload anything to the forum (web server).  Be considerate!]

Author: lchunfai    Time: 15/07/2008 11:06

原帖由 Membership 於 14/07/2008 14:37 發表

您可以嘗試登入論壇, 再次看看能否上載照片嗎? 謝謝!

Edited by Webadmin
[The photo attachment is deleted since members are not supposed to upload anything just for testing purpose.
If you encounter any difficulty or problem in using the forum, you can tell us for assistant.
Please also be reminded that the storage capacity of our web server is very limited and therefore it should be very careful in using the attachment function to upload anything to the forum (web server).  Be considerate]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 15/07/2008 11:21

Such a lovely bird!
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 15/07/2008 17:58

今日討論區重新接受新會員的登記, 而我們在上載照片上亦作了些新安排~
現在無論你是否香港觀鳥會的會員, 也能夠上載照片, 不過上傳的檔案大小, 要求有別, 請各位留意呵~

香港觀鳥會會員:   每個上載的檔案需小於200k; 每日最高上載額為800k
非香港觀鳥會會員: 每個上載的檔案需小於100k; 每日最高上載額為200k

Registration in the forum is re-open today and we now have some new arrangement~
Now you can upload files (photos) to the forum no matter whether you're a member of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. However, limitations of file size are different.

For HKBWS members: the upload file has to be <200k each; the total file size to be uploaded is 800k each day
For non-HKBWS members: the upload file has to be <100k each; the total file size cannot exceed 200k each day

Author: lchunfai    Time: 15/07/2008 21:27

Original posted by Membership at 15/07/2008 11:21
Such a lovely bird!
which one
Author: Web Osprey    Time: 15/07/2008 23:37

200K 相有多大? 以下是 186kb

Image Attachment: IMG_7406.jpg (15/07/2008 23:37, 186.09 KB) / Download count 822

Author: Web Osprey    Time: 15/07/2008 23:38

100kb 相又有多大? 以下是 96.3kb

Image Attachment: IMG_7550.jpg (15/07/2008 23:38, 96.33 KB) / Download count 797

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 16/07/2008 10:06

Original posted by lchunfai at 15/07/2008 21:27

which one
The Yellow-crested Cockatoo~~
Author: Hendrix    Time: 15/08/2008 13:51

個網改到像私人網的 copy

Author: lchunfai    Time: 15/08/2008 19:36

Original posted by Web Osprey at 15/07/2008 23:37
200K 相有多大? 以下是 186kb
請問師兄用咩器材拍? 好sharp........
Author: lchunfai    Time: 15/08/2008 19:36

Original posted by Hendrix at 15/08/2008 13:51
個網改到像私人網的 copy

好少reply tim

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