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Subject: Black-naped Oriole [Print This Page]

Author: peregrine    Time: 7/08/2008 21:58     Subject: Black-naped Oriole

Image Attachment: Black-naped Oriole (1).jpg (7/08/2008 21:58, 105.01 KB) / Download count 550

Author: lchunfai    Time: 7/08/2008 22:15

Original posted by peregrine at 7/08/2008 21:58
Author: fforrest    Time: 8/08/2008 00:34

Hi Peregrine,

Please don't forget to mention the date and location of your photos lah.


Author: ckacheung    Time: 8/08/2008 03:20

I think he took it at Singapore
coz I saw many many of them at Singapore...
you can find them in city and countryside
Author: peregrine    Time: 8/08/2008 10:10     Subject: Black-naped Oriole

As a new participant in posting the photo, I always forget to state the date and location that I took the photo.  For this photo I really forget where I took it as I do travelling around. I will be careful in segregate local and foreign birds in future.  Sincere apologize for the inconvenience.
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 8/08/2008 10:22

That's ok!
It's good that you can travel around and watch birds everywhere.
Author: cgeoff    Time: 11/08/2008 12:29

It really is very important that you note down where you took your photographs. A bird like this photographed in Malaysia (and Singapore??) could be Slender-billed Oriole, not Black-naped.

Further, for people who look at these photos for reference, knowing where they were photographed is very important.

Author: peregrine    Time: 11/08/2008 13:38     Subject: Black-naped Oriole

Thank you for you adv, Geoff.  I will build the habit to take note for future bird picture taking.

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