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Subject: 瀕危的中華秋沙鴨 The endangered Scaly-sided Merganser [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/08/2008 12:07     Subject: 瀕危的中華秋沙鴨 The endangered Scaly-sided Merganser

中華秋沙鴨於世界自然保育聯盟紅皮書中 (IUCN Red List) 被列入為瀕危品種 (EN), 現存的1,000 - 2,500隻正面對失去棲息地、非法捕獵和人類騷擾的威脅。 在過去40年, 牠們的數量迅速減少。

中華秋沙鴨是遷徙鳥, 每年都飛越南北韓半島和中國東北, 於中韓邊境的鴨綠江和吉林省的松江河停歇, 而中國中南部(江西及福建)便是牠們的主要越冬地。

香港觀鳥會的兩位熱心會員自幾年前到黑龍江, 吉林和江西看過中華秋沙鴨後便深深被牠們吸引, 決意為牠們做點事情。他們於今年自資製作了一批中華秋沙鴨領呔, 並準備將所賺得的收入全數撥歸香港觀鳥會中國自然保育基金 – 中華秋沙鴨保育計劃。

領呔現於觀鳥會辦公室發售, 另外我們亦會攜同少量到室內講座時發售, 有興趣的朋友請注意呵~

會員:   1條 $200, 2條$300
非會員: 1條$300,  2 條$500


Scaly-sided Merganser is an endangered species (EN) in the IUCN Red List and the remaining 1,000 – 2,500 individuals are now facing the threats of habitat loss, illegal hunting and human disturbances. In the last 40 years, their number decreased dramatically.

Being a migratory species, Scaly-sided Merganser migrate through the Korean peninsula and northeast China each year, and the wintering birds concentrate in central and southern China (Jiangxi and Fujian).

After having a glance of this beautiful bird several years ago, two of the HKBWS members are in love with it and they decide to do something for it. They produce some ties with lovely Scaly-sided Merganser pattern and they would like to sell them through HKBWS. All the income earned will be donated to HKBWS China Conservation Fund – Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation.

The ties are now sold in the HKBWS office and we’d also bring some to the indoor meetings for selling.

Selling price:
Member: $200 for one, $300 for two
Non-member: $300 for one, $500 for two.

Thank you very much for your support!

Image Attachment: IMG_6608_m.JPG (14/08/2008 12:07, 190.54 KB) / Download count 982

Image Attachment: IMG_6610_m.JPG (14/08/2008 12:07, 192.47 KB) / Download count 1025

Image Attachment: IMG_6611_m.JPG (14/08/2008 12:07, 186.6 KB) / Download count 963

Image Attachment: IMG_6615_m.JPG (14/08/2008 12:07, 197.49 KB) / Download count 933

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/08/2008 12:12

貼兩張照片~ calexander 於黑龍江攝. 這種可愛的雀鳥需要我們伸出援手呢!
Posting 2 photos~ Taken by calexander in Heilongjiang. This lovely species needs our help!

Author: jemi    Time: 14/08/2008 21:58

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 15/08/2008 12:17

Original posted by jemi at 14/08/2008 21:58

下星期三來唔來indoor meeting? 到時候攞俾你好唔好呀?
Author: jemi    Time: 16/08/2008 23:51

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 18/08/2008 10:21

無問題呀 jemi, 星期三見!
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 20/08/2008 15:22

在you tube 的中華秋沙鴨短片

領呔將於今天的猛禽辨認講座發售呵~~ 大家請多多支持!

A short film of the Scaly-sided Merganser in you tube

The tie will be sold in today's raptor ID talk~~ Please support!
[youtube]<object width="425" height="349"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="349"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 21/08/2008 10:04

感謝蔡醫生夫婦昨晚抽空參加猛禽辨認講座, 並在講座後向我們講解中華秋沙鴨的情況...(尤其是那個孵蛋失敗的痛心事件...). 另外更要感謝各鳥友對這條領呔的支持, 昨天的"搶購"情況, 是我意想不到的. 昨晚我們共籌得$2,600, 太厲害了! 衷心感謝您們對中華秋沙鴨保育的支持和關注!

每款領呔數量只有300, 蔡醫生說不會再加印的了, 所以如果您有興趣, 歡迎來辦公室或在室內講座時購買~

Thank you Dr Choi and Mrs Choi for coming and telling us about the Scaly-sided Merganser last night (especially the poor story of the hatching failure...). A special thank is given to those who support the tie. The amount raised last night was $2,600. It's so great! Thank you for your support to the conservation of this endangered bird species!

As Dr Choi said, only 300 ties is produced for each colour. If you are interested in buying it, please come to the office or buy it during our indoor meetings~

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 27/08/2008 16:19

自領呔於上週三開始發售後, 領呔的銷路不錯呀! 截至今天 (剛好一星期), 我們收入又增加了$2,600, 累積收入有$5,200呢~
有興趣購買領呔的朋友, 可能要快d 來買喇~

Since we started selling the tie last Wednesday, more and more ties have been sold out and the total income now reaches $5,200!
Maybe you have to come earlier if you're interested in buying the tie!

Author: calexander    Time: 1/09/2008 16:38

Thank You very much for your kind & generous support.
Salute from Scaly-sided Mergansers, Uncle Tall & Auntie Handkerchief!

Author: lchunfai    Time: 2/09/2008 12:13

Original posted by Membership at 27/08/2008 16:19
自領呔於上週三開始發售後, 領呔的銷路不錯呀! 截至今天 (剛好一星期), 我們收入又增加了$2,600, 累積收入有$5,200呢~
有興趣購買領呔的朋友, 可能要快d 來買喇~

Since we start ...
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 3/09/2008 12:24

Original posted by lchunfai at 2/09/2008 12:13

有呀有呀~~~ 多謝您幫手推廣呀!!
Author: calexander    Time: 5/09/2008 16:18

太感動了! 您是學生嗎?
我也希望向大家分享中華秋沙鴨保育基金成立的背景故事,文字部份差不多完成,還要花時間配上圖片,這部份需要多一點的時間,會跟張嘉穎小姐商量該如何刊載 (因有六七千字)。
Author: lchunfai    Time: 5/09/2008 16:35

Original posted by calexander at 5/09/2008 16:18
太感動了! 您是學生嗎?
我的醫生同事不是鳥友,但也覺得這行動很 ...
Author: calexander    Time: 5/09/2008 19:14

Author: lchunfai    Time: 5/09/2008 19:29

Original posted by calexander at 5/09/2008 19:14
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 6/09/2008 16:21

Original posted by calexander at 5/09/2008 16:18
太感動了! 您是學生嗎?
我的醫生同事不是鳥友,但也覺得這行動很 ...
近日呢, 辦公室亦籌得$500, 我亦會帶20條到國際鳥盟的 World Conference 發售, 希望會受歡迎吧! 
Author: calexander    Time: 8/09/2008 16:48

Auntie Handkerchief
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 16/10/2008 15:53

從阿根廷回來了 (其實已好幾天的了...在清理堆積的工作中...)! 在這次國際鳥盟的世界會議中, 香港觀鳥會有機會在嘉年華中擁有自己的攤位, 放置宣傳物品及售賣物品. 由於入場參觀的人士眾多, 因此真的忙過不停, 但是令我感到最高興的是憲仁親王妃久子 (國際鳥盟的榮譽會長) 不但在香港觀鳥會的攤位停留, 而且當她知道繪畫領呔上的中華秋沙鴨圖案的人是桂千惠子女士時, 她很驚訝及高興呢~~~ 王妃最後歡喜地購買了兩條領呔 (每種顏色一條). 還得感謝Noritaka Ichida 先生的介紹呢~~~

I've come back to Hong Kong from Argentina already! During the World Conference of BirdLife International, HKBWS could have its own stand for distributing promotional materials and selling things. Since there were lots of people visitng the Partnership Fair, I was really busy but one thing which delighted me most was that the HIH Princess Takamado (Honorary President of BirdLife) not only visited our stand but also bought 2 ties! She was amazed to find that the Scaly-sided Merganser figures on the tie were drawn by Ms. Katsura! A special thanks has to be given to Mr. Noritaka Ichida for his introduction~~~

Image Attachment: [香港觀鳥會的攤位 (要穿上傳統服飾) HKBWS counter (had to wear traditional costume)] hkbws_counter.JPG (16/10/2008 15:53, 191.17 KB) / Download count 895

Image Attachment: [憲仁親王妃久子很興奮 HIH Princess Takamado was excited] DSC06463_m.JPG (16/10/2008 15:53, 148.82 KB) / Download count 891

Image Attachment: [大家一起支持領呔吧! Let's support the ties!] princess.JPG (16/10/2008 15:53, 205.16 KB) / Download count 895

Author: HFCheung    Time: 16/10/2008 20:58

Wo! Fion in traditional Chinese dress.  I was thinking she should be in Amazon jungle outfit.

HF Cheung

[ Last edited by HFCheung at 22/10/2008 14:25 ]
Author: calexander    Time: 22/10/2008 14:00

Thank you for Fion's help in selling he ties at Argentina & South Korea.  She looks cute & pretty in her pink chinese one piece,isn't she? Really appreciate her boldness, creativity & love for China culture.

The journal (in Chinese) has been done (around 8000-10000 words with lots of pictures). I gave it a title "When Cat Falls in Love with Ducks" (當貓愛上鴨). As suggested by Fion, it may be placed in HKBWS office so that interested members can read it there. Not yet decided whether to publish it or not. It's good that the print out can be held by A4 clear folder now so that I may edit & add anything I wish when the project is still progressing & miracles keep happening. I was amazed to learn from Mr. Ichida that "Princess Takamado received many gifts from partner organizations but the neckties were the only things she bought". To expres my gratitude, I have wrote a thank you note & sent some small presents to Princess Takamado by mail. Hope they would pass the security check & reach her hands. Here I must thank Ms. Katsura & Mr. Ichida again for their kind support in the project.

By now I guess we have raised over 10000 HKD already. According to Fion, the China Conservation Fund & Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation Fund have already been opened for application. And we have verbally agreed on a lower price for student & elderly members of HKBWS. Will let Fion or Mr. Law make the formal anouncement.

Cheers & thanks for all those who have bought the ties. Hope we can thank you in person when we meet face to face one day.

Auntie Handkerchief (for Uncle Tall too)
Author: calexander    Time: 20/11/2008 23:11     Subject: 中華秋沙鴨告急 Scaly-sided Merganser needs your concern!

Just came back from Jiangxi again for a survey of 4 sites in Northern Jiangxi for the Mergansers(Longhu Shan 鷹潭龍虎山, Yiyang上饒弋陽, Wuyuan/Dexing上饒婺源/德興, Xiushui九江修水). We are surprised by the rapid deterioration of the 2 previously surveyed sites (Wuyuan 婺源 and Yiyang 弋陽). There are now many gravel mines along and within the rivers where the mergansers used to live. Their numbers also apparently reduced compared to 2005 but we are not completely certain about the effect of these mines to the merganser. Look at the attached phtoto at Wuyuan. This river was the same one where some of us like Hendrix and ourselves took great pictures of the Mergansers.

Back to the tie sales, we sincerely hope that we could raise an extra sum of HK$100,000 to contribute to the China Conservation Fund in particular to the conservation of the Scaly-sided Mergansers. We need this fund so that we can perphaps sponsor regular winter surveys or promote breeding project like artificial nest.  

Christmas time is coming. These ties would make great gift for your friends, husband, daddy, son or yourself. You may purchase at the HKBWS or WWF office, or simply reserve through Fion or Wai Yan and have your order delievered in one of the coming indoors meetings.

Uncle Tall & Auntie Handkerchief

[ Last edited by calexander at 22/11/2008 12:32 ]

Image Attachment: [Xin River, Wuyuan] DSCF2089.jpg (20/11/2008 23:11, 136.02 KB) / Download count 844

Image Attachment: [Xin River, Wuyuan] IMG_6422.jpg (20/11/2008 23:11, 127.59 KB) / Download count 862

Author: calexander    Time: 22/11/2008 12:30

Longhu Shan is the best habitat for the Mergansers among the 4 sites we visited. This is a semi-protected scenic area. There is also the only site with no obvious gravel mining. However this wintering ground may be subject to more human disturbance due to growing number of enthusiastic bird photographers in China. Some of them even chase after the mergansers in order to get a good flight photo (according to Mr Lam). There is also a great decline in number in this site from last year (86 according to Mr Lam) to this year (21, our own observation). The mergansers are extremely alert too in this site.

[ Last edited by calexander at 23/11/2008 15:43 ]

Image Attachment: [Photo by Auntie Handkerchief with 400mm f5.6] Long Hu Shan habitat .jpg (22/11/2008 12:30, 146.13 KB) / Download count 875

Author: calexander    Time: 23/11/2008 15:34     Subject: Scaly-sided Mergansers at Longhu Shan 龍虎山的中華秋沙鴨

Mergansers at Longhu Shan
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

PS 老林的旁述很精采. The comment from Mr Lin brilliantly illustrated how alert the mergansers were!

[ Last edited by calexander at 23/11/2008 15:41 ]
Author: Cat    Time: 25/11/2008 23:35     Subject: More video on the habitats to show

婺源 - 秋沙啊! 挖沙啊!
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

[ Last edited by Cat at 26/11/2008 21:56 ]
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 20/03/2009 17:12

自08年8月開始發售中華秋沙鴨領帶以來, 得到不少朋友的支持. 目前為止我們已為中華秋沙鴨保育基金籌得超過港幣30,000元, 而香港觀鳥會中國自然保育基金的會委員於昨晚開會後, 決定了把部份款項發放給:
1. 黑龍江碧水中華秋沙鴨自然保護區管理局的「中華秋沙鴨野外巢穴的修復」(人民幣10,000);
2. 江西省弋陽縣中華秋沙鴨保護協會的「在弋陽縣主要中小學校、幼稚園普及保護中華秋沙鴨的科普知識及宣傳教育」(人民幣8,804.4)

感謝香港觀鳥會會員 Uncle Tall 和 Auntie Handkerchief 發起製作領帶的行動, 令香港觀鳥會有能力在保育中華秋沙鴨上給予一點直接的幫助. 保育中華秋沙鴨是一件漫長的工作 (看看那些挖沙和其他人為干擾情況有多嚴重便知道...), 我們辦事處還一直在發售領帶的, 希望在09年中我們能繼續籌款, 讓一些保育項目能在明年於大陸進行. 同時我們亦會為大家跟進報導以上兩個項目的進展~

Since the sale of Scaly-sided Merganser ties started in August 2008, we have received a lot of support and now we have already accumulated more than HK$30,000 in the conservation fund. HKBWS China Conservation Fund Committee held a meeting last night and decided to support the following projects:
1. Providing artificial nests for Scaly-sided Merganser by the Administration Bureau of mergus squamatus Natural Reserve Bishui of Heilongjiang Province (RMB10,000);
2. Promoting the conservation of Scaly-sided Merganser in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Yiyang County by the Yiyang Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation Society (RMB8,804.4)

Thank you our members Uncle Tall and Auntie Handkerchief who initiated the production of the tie so that HKBWS can now be able to directly help in the conservation of the Scaly-sided Merganser. Conserving this species is a long-term work (as you can see how serious the sand-dredging and other human disturbance problems are...). HKBWS Office is still selling the ties and we do hope that the money received in 2009 can help to support other projects next year. We will also report the progress of the above projects frequently.

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 24/03/2010 12:52

自從去年開始資助了兩個保育中華秋沙鴨的項目後, 項目進行得如火如荼, 兩個項目的成綪令人鼓舞!
With the support from the HKBWS China Conservation Fund - Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation, the two projects proceeded well and the results are encouraging!

1)  黑龍江碧水中華秋沙鴨自然保護區管理局的「中華秋沙鴨野外巢穴的修復」
    在2009年, 管理局工作人員在碧水保護區用了48天完成了11處巢穴的修復工作, 期後對修復巢進行利用情況的調查. 11處修復巢穴中有3處巢被中華秋沙鴨利用, 其他鳥類利用了兩處, 同時因春季大風天氣吹倒了一株. 被利用的3巢在2009年春天至少有25隻中華秋沙鴨雛鳥誕生.
1) Providing artificial nests for Scaly-sided Merganser by the Administration Bureau of mergus squamatus Natural Reserve Bishui of Heilongjiang Province

   In 2009, the workers in Bishui Nature Reserve spent 48 days to finish the building of 11 artificial nests. Investigation was conducted afterwards to record the usage. Three nests were used by the Scaly-sided Merganser, 2 were used by other birds and 1 was destroyed. Eventually, at least 25 chicks were born in the 3 Scaly-sided Merganser nests.

驅車距離適宜修復鳥巢的樹木約20公里後, 便要携帶工具徒步靠近作業.
After the car reached 20 km from the tree for making the artificial nest, the workers had to bring their equippment and approach it.

工作人員要用纜繩索吊在半空人工雕鑿的工作, 時間較長, 需要輪換人員進行.
Worker was hanged on the tree and made hole. Since it took a long time to finish one, the workers worked on shift.

見到中華秋沙鴨使用巢穴, 最令人興奮.
It's exciting to see the Scaly-side Merganser used the artificial nest!

2) 江西省弋陽縣中華秋沙鴨保護協會的「在弋陽縣主要中小學校、幼稚園普及保護中華秋沙鴨的科普知識及宣傳教育」
   目前已完成四所學校的宣傳教育工作, 還有2所尚未完成. 但此項目的開展引起了省, 市, 縣各級領導的強烈反應, 再加上保護協會等聯名遞交了一份"在弋陽越冬的中華秋沙鴨岌岌可危"的提案, 促使有關部門關停了在保護區違規建設的4個挖沙場, 結果在2009年, 共有45隻中華秋沙鴨在弋陽越冬.
2) Promoting the conservation of Scaly-sided Merganser in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Yiyang County by the Yiyang Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation Society

   The promotion of the Scaly-sided Merganser has already been completed in 4 schools. The work at another 2 schools is still going on. With the awareness of the local government raised by the project and also a proposal entitled "The wintering Scaly-sided Mergansers in Yiyang are threatened" prepared by the Yiyang Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation Society, 4 illegal sand-dredging sites inside the nature reserved were closed by the related department. In 2009, 45 Scaly-sided Mergansers wintered in Yiyang.

Image Attachment: DSC00086.jpg (24/03/2010 12:52, 82.79 KB) / Download count 796

Image Attachment: DSC00167.jpg (24/03/2010 12:52, 244.14 KB) / Download count 786

Image Attachment: DSC00166.jpg (24/03/2010 12:52, 160.97 KB) / Download count 798

Image Attachment: IMG_7705.jpg (24/03/2010 12:52, 140.6 KB) / Download count 877

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 24/03/2010 13:03

售賣中華秋沙鴨領呔以籌募保育經費的行動還在進行中~~~ 請大家繼續支持!!

The sale of the Scaly-sided Merganser tie for raising conservation fund is still going on~~~ Please continue your support!!

Author: sdavid    Time: 24/03/2010 14:22

Nice work. I'd be interested to know some more details about the artificial nest box construction and site selection criteria if possible.


Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 30/03/2010 12:40

95% of the natural Scaly-sided Merganser nests are found at Elm (Ulmus pumila) as this tree species can maintain the optimum temperature and humidity for the incubation. Another prefered tree species is Populus cathayana. Elm is usually 15 m tall and the nests locate at 4.5 m - 12 m high.

Artificial nests were made on Elm which has rotten parts facing the river. Since the rotten parts sometimes are not large enough for the Scaly-sided Merganer to nest, the workers help to enlarge the parts. During the process, the damage of phloem and xylem of the tree is avoided.
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/02/2011 12:09

2011-12香港觀鳥會中國自然保育基金 – 中華秋沙鴨保育計劃繼續收到申請書, 而此計劃的部份保育經費是從售賣中華秋沙鴨領呔(由兩位熱心會員自資製作的)所籌得的收入而來! 領呔於觀鳥會辦事處發售, 請大家繼續支持啊 (對了, 今天是情人節, 這可是送禮佳品呢)!
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 18/04/2011 11:05

上週訪港的前任美国财政部长保爾森及夫人, 原來也是觀鳥人仕, 香港觀鳥會送了他一條中華秋沙鴨的領呔, 在今屆博鰲亞洲論壇上亮相 :
The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society was honored to take Mr. and Mrs. Paulson (Mr. Paulson is the former U.S. Treasury Secretary) for bird watching last week. A scaly-sided Merganser tie was given to Mr. Paulson, and he was wearing it during the 2011 Boao Forum for Asia:

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