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Subject: [Outing] Mai Po 17/8/08 米埔觀鳥活動紀錄 [Print This Page]

Author: HFCheung    Time: 17/08/2008 16:44     Subject: Mai Po 17/8/08 米埔觀鳥活動紀錄

There are 48 participants in today's Mai Po outing.  I like to thank Lo Chun Fai, Samuel and Christine, Yip Wai Hung, Bill Man and Dominic for help leading the outing.

Mai Po 17 Aug 2008, partly cloudy, hot (32 deg) medium south wind, dry                       
002        小䴙䴘        Little Grebe        tick
014        苍鹭        Grey Heron        tick
016        大白鹭        Great Egret        tick
017        中白鹭        Intermediate Egret        tick
018        小白鷺        Little Egret        tick
021        牛背鹭        Cattle Egret        tick
022        池鹭        Chinese Pond Heron        tick
023        绿鹭        Striated Heron        tick
024        夜鹭        Black-crowned Night Heron        tick
026        黄苇鳽        Yellow Bittern        tick
036        黑臉琵鷺        Black-faced Spoonbill        tick
043        赤頸鴨        Eurasian Wigeon        tick
066        黑翅鳶        Black-winged Kite        2
067        黑鸢        Black Kite        tick
078        松雀鹰        Besra        tick
101        白胸苦恶鸟        White-breasted Waterhen        tick
103        黑水雞        Common Moorhen        tick
107        黑翅长脚鹬        Black-winged Stilt        tick
112        金斑鸻        Pacific Golden Plover        tick
113        灰斑鸻        Grey Plover        tick
118        蒙古沙(行鳥)        Lesser Sand Plover        tick
119        鐵嘴沙(行鳥)        Greater Sand Plover        tick
121        黑尾塍鹬        Black-tailed Godwit        tick
122        斑尾塍鹬        Bar-tailed Godwit        tick
124        中杓鹬        Whimbrel        tick
125        白腰杓鹬        Eurasian Curlew        tick
128        红脚鹬        Common Redshank        tick
130        青腳鷸        Common Greenshank        tick
134        林鷸        Wood Sandpiper        tick
135        翘嘴鹬        Terek Sandpiper        tick
136        矶鹬        Common Sandpiper        tick
146        半蹼鷸        Asian Dowitcher        5+
150        紅胸濱鷸        Red-necked Stint        tick
155        尖尾濱鷸        Sharp-tailed Sandpiper        tick
157        彎嘴濱鷸        Curlew Sandpiper        tick
181        紅嘴巨鷗        Caspian Tern        tick
191        原鸽        Rock Dove        tick
194        珠颈斑鸠        Spotted Dove        tick
208        噪鹃        Common Koel        tick
209        褐翅鸦鹃        Greater Coucal        tick
226        小白腰雨燕        Little Swift        tick
228        斑鱼狗        Pied Kingfisher        tick
229        普通翠鸟        Common Kingfisher        tick
230        白胸翡翠        White-throated Kingfisher        tick
251        家燕        Barn Swallow        tick
258        白鹡鸰        White Wagtail        tick
270        红耳鹎        Red-whiskered Bulbul        tick
271        白头鹎        Chinese Bulbul        tick
279        棕背伯劳        Long-tailed Shrike        tick
287        鹊鸲        Oriental Magpie Robin        tick
312        黑脸噪鹛        Masked Laughingthrush        tick
343        棕扇尾鶯        Zitting Cisticola        tick
345        黄腹鹪莺        Yellow-bellied Prinia        tick
346        褐头鹪莺        Plain Prinia        tick
347        长尾缝叶莺        Common Tailorbird        tick
389        大山雀        Great Tit        tick
397        暗绿绣眼鸟        Japanese White-eye        tick
421        斑文鸟        Scaly-breasted Munia        tick
424        树麻雀        Eurasian Tree Sparrow        tick
433        黑领椋鸟        Black-collared Starling        tick
434        灰背椋鸟        White-shouldered Starling        tick
436        八哥        Crested Myna        tick
438        黑卷尾        Black Drongo        tick
444        普通喜鹊        Common Magpie        tick
447        大嘴乌鸦        Large-billed Crow        tick
448        白颈鸦        Collared Crow        tick
800        灰喜鹊        Azure-winged Magpie        tick

Thank's WaiYi for pointing out the Bar-tailed Godwit record.  In addition, I got a long-distance of a unidentified Bittern, probably Black Bittern.

HF Cheung

[ Last edited by HFCheung at 18/08/2008 20:24 ]
Author: lchunfai    Time: 17/08/2008 21:36

我要多謝輝哥,Samuel and Christine 塞錢入我袋


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Author: lchunfai    Time: 17/08/2008 21:42

重有種好勁保護色ge 蟹蟹


[ Last edited by lchunfai at 17/08/2008 21:44 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_0150.jpg (17/08/2008 21:42, 104.81 KB) / Download count 491

Image Attachment: IMG_0153.jpg (17/08/2008 21:44, 81.73 KB) / Download count 541

Author: twaiyi    Time: 17/08/2008 22:32

Author: mchristine    Time: 17/08/2008 23:00     Subject: Bird Coaching style

Today was such a happy bird watching day although we felt like having sauna in the bird watching houses.  I was particularly thrilled to see that black-winged kite which was my first enounter with it.

I was also very impressed by Jemi Holmes' unique way of bird coaching through 'elimination method' and had been very patient with us all.  It was very helpful.
Author: ctakming    Time: 18/08/2008 07:33     Subject: Grey Plover with leg flag


Author: HFCheung    Time: 18/08/2008 20:26

Waders ringed in HK have Yellow-white leg-flag.

HF Cheung
Author: HKBWS Surveyor    Time: 19/08/2008 10:00

Outing photos on that day 當日活動照片

Image Attachment: [mai po outing] outing_080817_maipo_01.jpg (19/08/2008 10:00, 637.5 KB) / Download count 528

Author: ctakming    Time: 19/08/2008 20:37


Author: HFCheung    Time: 19/08/2008 23:35

Thank you for praising my eye-sight.  This must be an exceptional rare occasion that I guess right.
On last sunday, we also get a ringed Black-faced Spoonbill.

Left leg: green-yellow-red
Right leg: red ring with letter K73 or KZ3

Yu Yat Tung can tell us more about this bird.

I forgot to thank Jemi (and others as well) for help on Mai Po outing last Sunday.  Sorry about that.

HF Cheung

[ Last edited by HFCheung at 20/08/2008 16:47 ]
Author: yyattung    Time: 21/08/2008 18:09

The BFS should be K73, ringed in South Korea in the summer 2007. Thanks for your report!
Author: lchunfai    Time: 21/08/2008 21:01


Image Attachment: DSC00015.JPG (21/08/2008 21:01, 26.44 KB) / Download count 475

Author: vkym    Time: 22/08/2008 02:15

We saw this too but it is missed in the list.  Is it immature Eastern Marsh Harrier?

Image Attachment: 02.JPG (22/08/2008 02:15, 16.28 KB) / Download count 564

Author: jemi    Time: 22/08/2008 19:40

christine & HF Cheung
m'sai  hak hei  la! birding together ma!(there is no need to be so courteous)
It was hot but many good birds and the waders were very close.   
I had a very enjoyable birding day too.


Author: HFCheung    Time: 24/08/2008 17:15

The photo posted by VKYM is a Black Kite.  I get confused at first, but I finally decided that it is a black kite on that day.  See the black eye stripe.

Another suspected bird that I have not put in is Black Bittern.  I saw a bird that looked very much like a Black Bittern.  But at this distance, it can be a Straited Heron or some other birds.  So I leave it.

HF Cheung

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