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Subject: Tai Po Kau 大埔滘 2008 Autumn 秋 [Print This Page]

Author: Ken    Time: 20/08/2008 11:08     Subject: Tai Po Kau 大埔滘 2008 Autumn 秋

蛇鵰 Crested Serpent Eagle
灰喉山椒鳥 Grey-chinned Minivet (around 50)
橙腹葉鵯 Orange-bellied Leafbird

栗背短腳鵯 Chestnut Bulbul
紅耳鵯 Red-whiskered Bulbul (around 50)
橙頭地鶇 Orange-headed Thrush
北灰鶲 Asian Brown Flycatcher

白眉姬鶲 Yellow-Rumped Flycatcher
絨額鳾 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
藍翅希鶥 Blue-Winged Minla (around 25)
紅頭穗眉 Rufous-Capped Babbler
銀耳相思鳥 Silver-eared Mesia
黃頰山雀 Yellow-Cheeked Tit
大山雀 Great Tit
朱背啄花鳥Scarlet-Backed Flowerpecker
暗綠繡眼鳥 Japanese White-Eye
Author: HKBWS Surveyor    Time: 20/08/2008 13:34

All on red walk in bird flock
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher
Asian Paradise Flycatcher
Eastern Crowned Warbler
Author: kmatthew    Time: 20/08/2008 15:20


Not as exciting today, I didn't see the Orange-headed Thrush or the Yellow-rumped Flycatcher!!

Just some common species & an Asian Paradise Flycatcher!!

Emerald Dove x1
Great Barbet
Grey-throated Minivet
Chestnut Bulbul
Asian Paradise Flycatcher
Pygmy Wren-Babbler

+ 1 King Cobra juv.
+ 1 Mountain Water Snake
Author: HFCheung    Time: 20/08/2008 16:42

Great photo. Time is still too early for Asian Brown Flycatcher. Also shape is not right for Asian Brown (body too large, bill too long and base not wide enough, and the lower bill colour is not right). I suspect it to be either Brown-chested Flycatcher or Blue and White Flycatcher.  Do you have other photo of the same bird?

On the snakes, are there any photo?

HF Cheung
Author: kmatthew    Time: 20/08/2008 17:40

Yes, there are some photos!!But only the King Cobra, not the Mountain Water Snake... I got those with the wrong they came out blurry!!

Record shot of Asian Paradise Flycatcher

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 20/08/2008 17:47

the snake is beautiful!
Author: Ken    Time: 20/08/2008 18:20

Sorry,I have not other photo of the same bird.
Because the flycatcher is appear with Orange-headed Thrush.I pointed my attention to the thrush.
so,I'm only took a record photo to the flycatcher.

Now,I'm also think it is not Asian Brown.
Any idea?

[ Last edited by Ken at 20/08/2008 21:23 ]
Author: HFCheung    Time: 21/08/2008 21:59

Great photo on the King Cobra.  Some nature magazine may like to publish them.  Do you know the connection?  Samson or Shing can show you.

HF Cheung
Author: kkoel    Time: 25/08/2008 17:58

Orange-headed Thrush - 25/8/08 Taipokau

Record shot of the immature thrush with anything but the orange head!

[ Last edited by kkoel at 25/08/2008 18:06 ]

Image Attachment: citrina1.jpg (25/08/2008 18:05, 171.46 KB) / Download count 711

Image Attachment: citrina2.jpg (25/08/2008 18:05, 163.22 KB) / Download count 724

Author: kmatthew    Time: 25/08/2008 18:12

Well done!!Those are very good shots!!
Author: kkoel    Time: 25/08/2008 23:14

Thanks Matthew, that bird's really edgy!
Any ideas on what this snake may be? Mock Viper perhaps?

Image Attachment: mockv1.jpg (25/08/2008 23:14, 128.66 KB) / Download count 678

Image Attachment: mockv2.jpg (25/08/2008 23:14, 170.45 KB) / Download count 770

Author: shey    Time: 26/08/2008 22:48

Yes. This  is a Mock Viper. Nice Photos.
Author: kmatthew    Time: 27/08/2008 07:12

Nice shot of the Mock Viper Koel!! This one is a Juvenile, with more sandy colours.
Author: Beetle    Time: 1/10/2008 22:02

1 October 2008

I didn't see the Black-naped monach nor any snakes today morning. Too many holiday hikers.
Despite that, i encountered a fruitful bird-wave around noon, when the "early birders" have already left.

sorry for poor photos as i was enjoying the bird wave by bare eye.

The wave includes:
-yellow-cheeked tits, great tits
-red-billed leiothrix
-rufous-capped babblers, blue-winged minla
-grey-cheeked fulvetta, white-bellied yuhina
-Dark-sided Flycatcher x1
-Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike x1

-Asian paradise Flycatcher x2
-Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler x1

[ Last edited by Beetle at 1/10/2008 22:06 ]
Author: bkenneth    Time: 7/10/2008 19:19

7 October

A very early record of a Plumbeous Redstart (female) from the Fo Tan catchment area.

Author: HKBWS Surveyor    Time: 29/10/2008 15:54

Records from 29Oct, on red walk

Black-naped Monarch – 1
Grey-headed Flycatcher – 1
Rufous-tailed Robin - 1

[ Last edited by HKBWS Surveyor at 29/10/2008 16:12 ]
Author: Beetle    Time: 30/10/2008 16:41

30 Oct 2008, 12:00-3:00pm:

First welcomed by a pair or three singing Hwameis (+ two human singing with them... )

Very happy to see both Paradise Flycatchers today:

Japanese paradise(probably a late one?) & Asian Paradise (seems to be an adult)

Other migrants include Grey-headed Flycatcher, 2 Black-winged Cuckoo-shrikes, and an Ashy Minivet:

Usual birds were very active today, Frequent and large bird waves were encountered.

[ Last edited by Beetle at 30/10/2008 19:51 ]
Author: Beetle    Time: 27/11/2008 18:43

27 Nov 2008, 9:30a.m. - 4:10p.m.

Extremely quite in the bird-waves...only several silver-eared mesia,chestnut bulbuls,and heard some thrushes around.
It became more exciting in the afternoon.

First was a Rufous-tailed Robin around 1 p.m. in the brown walk, and a Asian Stubtail Warbler, both were the first time i could see clearly this season.

Bird-waves start to arrive after i returned from the brown walk to the red&blue walk, and i saw 3 most common warblers: yellow-browed, pallas's leaf and blyth's leaf.

However the most exciting time was when i walking downhill, 2 female Black-naped Monachs accompanied by a flock of Grey-headed Flycatchers, and again a Black-winged Cuckooshrike which is always present at TPK for this autumn.

And all of a sudden 3 noisy and active Ashy-drongos appeared - the bird that i have been wishing for this year. Finally managed to get some photos but with wrong camera settings.

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