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Subject: [Outing] 觀鳥活動集合地點地圖 Gathering map for bird-watching outing [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Surveyor    Time: 19/09/2008 10:02     Subject: 觀鳥活動集合地點地圖 Gathering map for bird-watching outing

Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve 大埔滘自然保護區

Transportation: Take the MTR to Tai Po Market and then take a taxi, green minibus 28k or bus (72, 73A or 74A) , get off at 'Tsung Tsai Yuen' bus stop.
please also click the link for detail.

交通: 大埔墟火車站乘72、73A或74A巴士, 28K 綠色專線小巴或乘坐計程車前往,在「松仔園」巴士站下車。

Image Attachment: map_tpk.jpg (19/09/2008 10:02, 111.44 KB) / Download count 2036

Author: HKBWS Surveyor    Time: 19/09/2008 10:05

Mai Po Nature Reserve 米埔自然保護區

Image Attachment: [Gathering point at Kent Road, Kowloon Tong 根德道集合地點] map_mp_coach.jpg (19/09/2008 10:05, 80.84 KB) / Download count 1779

Image Attachment: [Gathering point at Mai Po car park 米埔停車場集合地點] map_mp.jpg (19/09/2008 10:05, 68 KB) / Download count 1961

Author: HKBWS Surveyor    Time: 19/09/2008 10:07

HK South Waters & Po Toi Outing 香港南面水域及蒲台觀鳥

為避免巴士路線改道, 請到巴士公司網站確定最新之巴士路線會途經逸港居。
Please double check with the bus company to see if there is any change to the route.

九龍灣(企業廣場)開出:107 (城巴)
海怡半島開出: 595(新巴)、90B(城巴)、91(新巴)

Main bus routes passing the "Ocean Court ":
From Kowloon Bay(Enterprise Square):107 (City Bus)
From Shatin station:170(City Bus)
From North Point Ferry Pier:38(First Bus)、41A(City Bus)、42(First Bus)
From Shau Kei Wan:77(City Bus)
From Causeway Bay(Moreton Terrace):72(City Bus)、76(City Bus)
From Central(Exchange Square):70(City Bus)
From Chi Fu Fa Yuen :37B(City Bus)
From South Horizons: 595(First Bus)、90B(City Bus)、91(First Bus)
From Wong Chuk Hang :71(City Bus)、78(First Bus)

Image Attachment: PTSW_Outing.jpg (12/04/2019 19:36, 229.75 KB) / Download count 816

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 22/03/2010 16:20

Tsim Bei Tsui outing 尖鼻咀觀鳥活動
(Lead by Crested Bulbul Club  紅耳鵯俱樂部領隊)


Tin Chak Estate Shopping Centre (Entrance facing Tin Yat Light Rail Station)

Image Attachment: tin_chak.jpg (22/03/2010 16:20, 170.97 KB) / Download count 1885

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 29/12/2010 10:00

大欖涌水塘觀鳥活動集合地點: 小欖路路口
Gathering place of Tai Lam Chung Reservoir outing: Intersection of Siu Lam Road

Image Attachment: tai_lam_chung_outing.jpg (29/12/2010 10:00, 125.81 KB) / Download count 1678

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 21/03/2012 11:31

塱原觀鳥活動 Long Valley Outing

Gathering place: Pavilion beside public toilet at Yin Kong Village


1. 紅色小巴

2. 公共巴士

3. 的士

How to get there:

1. By Mini Bus
• Take red top mini bus no. 17 in San Fat Street, next to Sheung Shui Landmark, & alight at entry to Yin Kong Village or at Kam Tsin Village bus-stop.  Then walk on foot following the route shown in the map below.

2. By bus
•Take KMB Bus no. 76K departs from Choi Yuen Road opposite Sheung Shui MTR station. Alight at Kam Tsin Village bus-stop.  Then walk on foot following the route shown in the map below.

3. Taxi
•Take a green taxi from Sheung Shui MTR station to Yin Kong Village

Image Attachment: YingKongMap.jpg (21/11/2014 14:47, 121.88 KB) / Download count 1701

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 24/01/2014 10:31

南涌和鹿頸觀鳥活動 Nam Chung and Luk Keng Outing


56K專線小巴:粉嶺鐵路站(至鹿頸) - 在鹿頸路上南涌路路口(或天后官)下車,涼亭就在路口。

Public transport:

56K Green minibus: Fanling Railway Station (to Luk Keng) - get off at junction of Nam Chung Rd & Luk Keng Rd
(opposite Tin Hau Temple) where the Pavilion locates.
Taxi:Take a taxi from Fanling Railway Station and get off at Tin Hau Temple at junction of Nam Chung Rd & Luk Keng Rd

Image Attachment: NanChungMap.jpg (24/01/2014 10:56, 238.16 KB) / Download count 1493

Image Attachment: Luk Keng.jpg (14/02/2015 11:06, 570.09 KB) / Download count 1396

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