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Subject: ID Please [Print This Page]

Author: vkym    Time: 20/09/2008 20:24     Subject: ID Please

What is the name of this bird? Thanks.

Image Attachment: 3.jpg (20/09/2008 20:24, 12.88 KB) / Download count 440

Image Attachment: 5.jpg (20/09/2008 20:24, 25.27 KB) / Download count 445

Author: kmatthew    Time: 20/09/2008 23:33

em..."Blue Heron"??This must have been a bad joke by someone...
Author: lalan    Time: 21/09/2008 00:34

I think it's time to call AFCD,
it seem no the first time........
Author: vkym    Time: 21/09/2008 01:30

It's a very beautiful bird. The size is similar to little egret. The blue color is somewhat like the white-throated kingfisher's blue. Is it very rare? As lalan's suggestion, do we need to report to AFCD?

[ Last edited by vkym at 21/09/2008 02:13 ]
Author: lchunfai    Time: 21/09/2008 15:31

Blue Heron
Do we need to call AFCD /WWf
Author: lchunfai    Time: 21/09/2008 15:32

Original posted by vkym at 21/09/2008 01:30
It's a very beautiful bird. The size is similar to little egret. The blue color is somewhat like the white-throated kingfisher's blue. Is it very rare? As lalan's suggestion, do we need to report to A ...
you post, you report
Author: vkym    Time: 21/09/2008 19:21

唔知係咪我太敏感, 唔通你覺得我啲相係假嘅?!
Author: twaiyi    Time: 21/09/2008 19:32

Original posted by vkym at 21/09/2008 19:21
唔知係咪我太敏感, 唔通你覺得我啲相係假嘅?!

Author: lchunfai    Time: 21/09/2008 19:49

Original posted by vkym at 21/09/2008 19:21
唔知係咪我太敏感, 唔通你覺得我啲相係假嘅?!
係......I think they are very 假....

Author: vkym    Time: 21/09/2008 21:50

Original posted by twaiyi at 21/09/2008 19:32


希望隻白鷺無事啦 ...
明白了! 因為剛剛開始觀鳥只有五個多月,所有雀鳥對我來說都係好新鮮,當影到呢隻雀仔嘅時候,都覺得好奇怪,因為啲色好假,想Post相上嚟問,不過又擔心會令人覺得啲相係假,以為啲相執過,於是跟其他鳥會嘅師兄師姐查問過,都唔知道係乜嘢雀。初初都諗過可能係小白鷺,不過佢嘅咀係黃色,而脚趾又唔係黃色,而係黑色,所以最後都决定post上嚟問一吓,希望可以揾到答案啦! 現在終於都明白了,謝謝!!
Author: kmatthew    Time: 23/09/2008 23:48

I think this happened before in the pass..."ainted Egrets"... ...but why would someone do such things??!!
Author: ajohn    Time: 25/09/2008 13:42

The bird appears to be a Cattle Egret - note the yellow bill.

I have no idea why this bird is dyed like this, especially to this extent. Although the use of coloured dyes has occassionally been used for monitoring of bird movements, this is now rare because of the potential impacts to bird survival. I don't think anyone interested in birds would deliberately cover so much of a bird with dye unless it was intended as a cruel joke. It is possible the bird has picked up the dye accidentally, although it is hard to see how it would get so well covered!

Assuming the bird does manage to survive, it will lose this blue colour when the feathers are moulted.
Author: Linda    Time: 14/02/2009 11:54

What's the real name of the bird?

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[ Last edited by Linda at 14/02/2009 11:57 ]

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