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Subject: [Others 其他] 觀鳥訓練證書課程初班 Elementary Bird Watching Course for Beginners [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 23/09/2008 10:09     Subject: 觀鳥訓練證書課程初班 Elementary Bird Watching Course for Beginners

章程及報名表格 Application form & details:
請按Please click:
章程及報名表格_Form.pdf (267.77 KB)

Attachment: 章程及報名表格_Form.pdf (23/09/2008 10:20, 267.77 KB) / Download count 1712

Image Attachment: poster_4.JPG (27/09/2008 10:46, 456.93 KB) / Download count 749

Author: lchunfai    Time: 23/09/2008 16:25


Participants who passed the examination can directly apply the "Intermediate Bird Watching Class"
但我想請問日後可5可以跳班(skip Elementary Bird Watching Course)


[ Last edited by lchunfai at 23/09/2008 16:28 ]
Author: dick    Time: 26/09/2008 11:14

Author: gary    Time: 8/10/2008 21:59



[ Last edited by gary at 8/10/2008 22:00 ]
Author: gary    Time: 11/10/2008 18:18


Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 17/10/2008 10:48

觀鳥班經已爆滿, 多謝各位支持!!

無論取錄與否, 已遞交報名表格的朋友也將獲個別通知, 敬請留意~

The birdwatching course is FULL already! Thank you very much for your support!!

We'd contact each applicant no matter whether his/her application is acceptd.

Author: HFCheung    Time: 17/10/2008 14:49

If there is sufficient demand, we will offer another class shortly.

HF Cheung
Author: dick    Time: 20/10/2008 15:31

2008-10-19 南涌鹿頸 Nam Chung and Luk Keng pre-trip
Nam Chung
1)小白鷺 Little Egret
2)大白鷺 Great Rgret
3)蒼鷺 Grey Heron
4)白頭鵯 Chinese Bulbul
5)夜鷺 Black Crowned Night Heron
6)池鷺 Chinese Pond Heron
7)藍翡翠 Black-capped Kingfisher
8)普通翠鳥 Common Kingfisher
9)朱背啄花鳥 Scarlet backed Flowerpecker
10)紅耳鵯 Red-whiskered Bulbul
11)綠鷺 Striated Heron
12)大山雀 Great Tit
13)鵲鴝 Oriental Magpie Robin
14)白胸苦惡鳥 White brested Waterhen
15)暗綠繡眼鳥 Japanese White-eye
16)灰頭鷦鶯 Yellow bellied Prinia

Luk Keng
17)牛背鷺 Cattle Egret
18)磯鷸 Common Sandpiper
19)黑鳶 Black Kite
20)八哥 Crested Myna
21)珠頸斑鳩 Spotted Dove
22)樹鷚 Oliver-backed pipit
23)北灰鶲 Asian Brown Flycatcher
24)長尾縫葉鶯 Common tailer bird
25)青腳鷸 Common Greenshark

The below records are not recorded by me, but from the other helper
Nam Chung
26) 灰樹鵲 Grey Treepie
27) 琵咀鴨 Northern Shoveler
28) 綠翅鴨 Common Teal
29) 棕背佰勞 Long tailed Shrike

Luk Keng
30)白腹海鵰 White Bellied Sea Eagle
31)黑翅長腳鷸 Black winged Stilt
32)紅頭穗(眉鳥)Rufous-capped Babbler
33)褐柳鶯 Dusty Warbler
33)斑文鳥 Scaly-breasted Munia

I guess I've missed something, can anyone provide the remaining species?

Author: Allen    Time: 10/11/2008 22:58

9/11/2008 塱原










白腰草鷸 與 林鷸




Author: gary    Time: 11/11/2008 13:20

Thanks for Allen's nice photos.

Bird record of my group on 9th Nov, 208 Long Valley

Grey Heron
Little Egret
Cattle Egret
Chinese Pond Heron
Black Kite
Common Moorhen
Greater Painted-snipe
Black-winged Stilt
Common Snipe
Common Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper
Little-ringed Plover
White-breasted Kingfisher
Yellow Wagtail
White Wagtail
Grey Wagtail
Oriental Magpie Robin
Chinese Bulbul
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Spotted Dove
Rock Dove
Richard's Pipit
Red-throated Pipit
Long-tailed Shrike
Black-collared Starling
Siberian Stonechat
Dusky Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Zitting Cisticola
Barn Swallow
Little Swift
Japanese White-eye
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Large-billed Crow

Surprisingly, no crested myna.
Author: wserene    Time: 13/11/2008 13:45

第1組紀錄, 2008-11-09, 塱原

014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺
018 Little Egret 小白鷺
021 Cattle Egret 牛背鷺
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹)
085 Common Kestrel 紅隼
104 Eurasian Coot 白骨頂
106 Greater Painted-snipe 彩鷸
107 Black-winged Stilt 黑翅長腳鷸
116 Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴
133 Green Sandpiper 白腰草鷸
134 Wood Sandpiper 林鷸
136 Common Sandpiper 磯鷸
144 Common Snipe 扇尾沙錐
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
209 Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑
226 Little Swift 小白腰雨燕
229 Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
255 Yellow Wagtail 黃鶺鴒
258 White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
259 Richard's Pipit 田鷚
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
272 Sooty-headed Bulbul 白喉紅臀鵯
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)
312 Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 黃腹山鷦鶯
346 Plain Prinia 純色山鷦鶯
349 Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯
389 Great Tit 大山雀
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
444 Common Magpie 喜鵲
Author: cchristina    Time: 16/11/2008 22:17

Long Valley

White Wagtail 白鶺鴒

Yellow Wagtail 黄鶺鴒

Wood Sandpiper 林鷸

Author: kfmak    Time: 16/11/2008 23:42     Subject: 鹿頸 16.11.2008

Some of the photos of birds seen today by group 2.

日期:        16.11.2008
地 點:         鹿頸
Equipment : Nikon D300 + Sigma 120-400 HSM OS

Image Attachment: [八哥 (Crested Myna)] 1.jpg (16/11/2008 23:42, 126.45 KB) / Download count 538

Image Attachment: [黑 耳鳶 (Black-ear Kite)] 2.jpg (16/11/2008 23:42, 56.64 KB) / Download count 524

Image Attachment: [ 青腳 鷸(Common Greenshank)] 4.jpg (16/11/2008 23:42, 57.59 KB) / Download count 547

Image Attachment: [磯 鷸(Common Sandpiper)] 8.jpg (16/11/2008 23:42, 124.42 KB) / Download count 571

Image Attachment: [大白鷺(Great Egret)] 6.jpg (16/11/2008 23:42, 81.88 KB) / Download count 529

Image Attachment: [ 蛇鵰(Crested Serpent Eagle)] 11.jpg (16/11/2008 23:42, 97.74 KB) / Download count 559

Image Attachment: [普通翠鳥(Common Kingfisher)] 5.jpg (16/11/2008 23:42, 103.07 KB) / Download count 538

Author: gary    Time: 17/11/2008 00:31

A trip to Luk Keng on 16.11.2008
Although a hot day with heavy noise traffic aside, our trip is not lack of good bird.
Luckily we have
a photoed Bull-headed shrike and a Rustic Bunting(only seen by Bond)!
a low-flying Crested Serpent Eagle and an open-standing Brown Shrike.
It's definitely a good site for bird-watching... if you can avoid the heavy traffic and noise ferrari.

photo of Bull-headed shrike posted on other thread.
Author: bin_go    Time: 17/11/2008 12:18     Subject: Luk Keng outting

Some other birds seen by Group 1

Image Attachment: [普通鵟] DSC_1955-small.jpg (17/11/2008 12:18, 104.9 KB) / Download count 474

Image Attachment: [紅尾伯勞] DSC_1964e-small.jpg (17/11/2008 12:18, 123.86 KB) / Download count 465

Image Attachment: [鵐 (不知是那種?)] DSC_1976-small.jpg (17/11/2008 12:18, 168.58 KB) / Download count 542

Author: wserene    Time: 17/11/2008 12:51

第1組紀錄, 2008-11-16, 鹿頸

014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺
016 Great Egret 大白鷺
017 Intermediate Egret 中白鷺
018 Little Egret 小白鷺
067 Black Kite 麻鷹
071 Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰
075 Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹
080 Common Buzzard 普通鵟
101 White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥
103 Common Moorhen 黑水雞
136 Common Sandpiper 磯鷸
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
207 Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
277 Bull-headed Shrike 牛頭伯勞
278 Brown Shrike 紅尾伯勞
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
289 Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)
312 Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯
394 Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 朱背啄花鳥
397 Japanese White-eye 相思
410 Black-faced Bunting 灰頭鵐
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 班文鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
Author: mclisa    Time: 17/11/2008 19:40

16.11.2008 鹿頸
Grey heron 蒼鷺
Great Egret 大白鷺
Intermediate Egret 中白鷺
Little Egret 小白鷺
Cattle Egret 牛背鷺
Black Kite 黑耳鳶
Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰
Common Buzzard 普通鵟
Common Moorhen 黑水雞
Common greenshank 青腳鷸
Green Sandpiper 白腰草鷸
Common Sandpiper 磯鷸
Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑
Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
Black-capped Kingfisher 藍翡翠
White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
Ashy Minivet 灰山椒鳥
Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
Dusky Shrike 黑伯勞
Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝
Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
Yellow-bellied Prinia 灰頭鷦鶯
Plain Prinia 褐頭鷦鶯
Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲
Great tit 大山雀
Buff-bellied Flowerpecker 紅胸啄花鳥
Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 麻雀
Crested Myna 八哥
Author: dick    Time: 17/11/2008 21:50

group 2 saw the Grey-chinned Minivet 灰喉山椒鳥 but not the Ashy Minivet 灰山椒鳥

Here is the Intermediate Erget

[ Last edited by dick at 18/11/2008 22:12 ]
Author: wgilman    Time: 18/11/2008 20:02

16.11.2008 鹿頸

014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺
016 Great Egret 大白鷺
017 Intermediate Egret 中白鷺
018 Little Egret 小白鷺
021 Cattle Egret 牛背鷺
022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
067 Black Kite 麻鷹
071 Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰 (Heard)
080 Common Buzzard 普通鵟
103 Common Moorhen 黑水雞
136 Common Sandpiper 磯鷸
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
207 Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑
229 Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
231 Black-capped Kingfisher 藍翡翠
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
289 Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝 (each for male & female)
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 黃腹山鷦鶯
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯 (Heard)
354 Yellow-browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯
389 Great Tit 大山雀
395 Fork-tailed Sunbird  叉尾太陽鳥 (female)
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥
410 Black-faced Bunting 灰頭鵐
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 班文鳥
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow  樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
Author: jojo    Time: 18/11/2008 21:23

16.11.2008 鹿頸
Group 3 紀錄

014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺
016 Great Egret 大白鷺
017 Intermediate Egret 中白鷺
018 Little Egret 小白鷺
021 Cattle Egret 牛背鷺
024 Black-crowned Night Heron 夜鹭        
067 Black Kite 麻鷹
071 Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰
080 Common Buzzard 普通鵟
130 Common Greenshank 青脚鹬
207 Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑
229 Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
230 White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠               
231 Black-capped Kingfisher 藍翡翠
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
277 Bull-headed Shrike 牛頭伯勞
278 Brown Shrike 紅尾伯勞
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 黃腹山鷦鶯
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯 (Heard)
354 Yellow-browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯
389 Great Tit 大山雀
394 Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 朱背啄花鳥
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 班文鳥
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow  樹麻雀
427 Red-billed Starling 絲光椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
Author: thinfor    Time: 18/11/2008 22:38

想問一下我們第三組在有大群牛隻的荒田上不是看見2隻棕扇尾鶯zitting cisticola在那些芒草之上定點飛行嗎? 請指教.
Author: babun    Time: 19/11/2008 01:58

第一組頭兩次 outing 的收穫

Image Attachment: greater painted snipe.jpg (19/11/2008 01:58, 193.3 KB) / Download count 410

Author: babun    Time: 19/11/2008 02:07

塱原 彩鷸 2

Image Attachment: greater painted snipe 2.jpg (19/11/2008 02:07, 186.64 KB) / Download count 475

Author: babun    Time: 19/11/2008 02:14

鹿頸 紅尾伯勞

Image Attachment: brown shrike.jpg (19/11/2008 02:14, 181.52 KB) / Download count 454

Author: babun    Time: 19/11/2008 02:16

鹿頸 牛頭伯勞

Image Attachment: bull headed shrike.jpg (19/11/2008 02:16, 185.21 KB) / Download count 404

Author: cbryan    Time: 19/11/2008 20:55

Original posted by thinfor at 18/11/2008 22:38
想問一下我們第三組在有大群牛隻的荒田上不是看見2隻棕扇尾鶯zitting cisticola在那些芒草之上定點飛行嗎? 請指教.
i was with the 'sparrow group' that day and i saw a pair of zitting cisticola kind of hovering in the abandoned fields you mentioned.  we doubted whether it's the yellow bellied prinia we later saw perching but i think they're indeed zitting cisticola for the black bar and white tip of the tail is quite obvious.
Author: ltsunpun    Time: 20/11/2008 21:08

是呀,我又有類似經歷,我是負責帶蔴雀組的,記得當時有一對鳥兒在我們組前約50呎的盧葦頂追逐,由於光線不太好,外型似是棕扇尾鶯,未及舉起雙筒望遠鏡,便喊可能是Fantail warbler(現叫Zitting cisticola)。後來這對鳥兒降落在盧葦叢中,隨即用雙筒望逵鏡追踪到牠們,看到牠們的頭部和正面,頭部顏色是石板灰色,便隨即更正是灰頭顦鶯,可惜的事,來不及set長筒望遠鏡給組員辨識,牠們便飛走,逃去無踪。當時並沒有人有其他意見,因此很有信心牠們是灰頭顦鶯(黄腹山顦鶯),再者,我以往見到的棕扇尾鶯,大多數都是喜歡站在草頂的,很少在草叢裡。希望我們所見的,不是同一鳥吧,哈哈!
Author: thinfor    Time: 21/11/2008 23:19

Thanks, cbryan and ltsunpun!  I was too late to browse them through binoculars so I regarded myself not classified yet.  Hope I will be smarter next time!
Author: ltsunpun    Time: 22/11/2008 09:28

Author: chakwahli    Time: 22/11/2008 15:00

I'm a member of sparrow group.

Are you talking the same pair of warblers?

Sorry for my blur photo

[ Last edited by chakwahli at 22/11/2008 15:07 ]
Author: ltsunpun    Time: 22/11/2008 16:15

Author: gary    Time: 22/11/2008 23:05

Please note the shape of the tail on bird at left hand site.
it's fan shaped, as it's old name imply, direct to Zitting Cisticola (fantail warbler).
Author: kfmak    Time: 23/11/2008 23:12     Subject: The third outing

日 期: 23.11.2008
Mai Po
Equipment: Canon 1D MKIII + EF400 DO + EF1.4X

Some of the birds seen today by group 3!

[ Last edited by mkongfan at 25/11/2008 00:15 ]

Image Attachment: [2] Ashy Drongo 灰 喜鵲.jpg (23/11/2008 23:12, 101.52 KB) / Download count 563

Image Attachment: [3] Plain Prinia 褐 頭鷦鶯.jpg (23/11/2008 23:12, 108.03 KB) / Download count 582

Image Attachment: [4] Daurian Redstart (Female) 北紅 尾鴝.jpg (23/11/2008 23:12, 84.51 KB) / Download count 576

Image Attachment: [5] Little Grebe.jpg (23/11/2008 23:12, 115.14 KB) / Download count 507

Image Attachment: [6] Imperial Eagle 白 肩 鵰.jpg (23/11/2008 23:12, 109.05 KB) / Download count 548

Image Attachment: [7] Long-tailed shrike 棕背伯勞.jpg (23/11/2008 23:12, 92.89 KB) / Download count 513

Image Attachment: [1] Spotted Munia 斑 文鳥.jpg (25/11/2008 00:10, 119.29 KB) / Download count 535

Image Attachment: [2] Collared Crow 白頸 鴉.jpg (25/11/2008 00:10, 83.61 KB) / Download count 573

Image Attachment: [1] Moorhen 黑 水雞.jpg (25/11/2008 00:11, 150 KB) / Download count 550

Image Attachment: [2] Wigeon 赤頸鴨.jpg (25/11/2008 00:11, 155.87 KB) / Download count 498

Image Attachment: [1] Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺.jpg (25/11/2008 00:12, 161.43 KB) / Download count 574

Image Attachment: [1] Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥.jpg (25/11/2008 00:15, 95.78 KB) / Download count 536

Author: bin_go    Time: 23/11/2008 23:56

Some birds seen by Group 2

Image Attachment: [左後面的黑臉琵鷺有兩個環] DSCN2030e-small.jpg (23/11/2008 23:56, 106.52 KB) / Download count 454

Image Attachment: [白頸鴉] DSCN1785e-small.jpg (23/11/2008 23:56, 64.12 KB) / Download count 458

Image Attachment: [沙錐] DSCN1896e-small.jpg (23/11/2008 23:56, 95.99 KB) / Download count 460

Author: ckacheung    Time: 24/11/2008 06:41     Subject: some birds seen by group 4

we have seen about 50+ birds



[ Last edited by ckacheung at 24/11/2008 21:12 ]
Author: maria    Time: 24/11/2008 11:10

some birds saw by Sparrow group yesterday at MaiPo

common kingfisher

eurasian coot

purple heron - sorry too far away

red-billed starling

black kite

illegal fisherman in mugflat

collatered crow

little grebe

[ Last edited by maria at 24/11/2008 12:53 ]
Author: wserene    Time: 24/11/2008 12:58


002 Little Grebe 小鸊鷉
010 Great Cormorant 鸕鷀
014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺
015 Purple Heron 草鷺
016 Great Egret 大白鷺
017 Intermediate Egret 中白鷺
018 Little Egret 小白鷺
022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺
036 Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺
043 Eurasian Wigeon 赤頸鴨
047 Common Teal 綠翅鴨
051 Northern Pintail 針尾鴨
053 Northern Shoveler 琵嘴鴨
067 Black Kite 麻鷹
080 Common Buzzard 普通鵟
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰
101 White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥
103 Common Moorhen 黑水雞
104 Eurasian Coot 白骨頂
116 Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴
130 Common Greenshank 青腳鷸
136 Common Sandpiper 磯鷸
192 Oriental Turtle Dove 山斑鳩
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
229 Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
230 White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠
258 White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
312 Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 灰頭鷦鶯
346 Plain Prinia 褐頭鷦鶯
349 Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥(相思)
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
427 Red-billed Starling 絲光椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
444 Common Magpie 喜鵲
448 Collared Crow 白頸鴉
800 Azure-winged Magpie 灰喜鵲
Author: babun    Time: 24/11/2008 13:33     Subject: 補充

第 1 組米埔 outing
補充 3 項:

夜鷺幼鳥 Black Crowned Night Heron
灰椋鳥 White-cheeked Starling
褐翅鴉鵑 Greater Coucal
Author: ltsunpun    Time: 24/11/2008 20:41

鳥雕 Spotted eagle
麻雀 Tree sparrow
西伯利亞[即鳥] Siberian stonechat
黃眉柳鷥 Yellow browed warbler
大山雀 Great tit
大咀烏鴉 Large billed crow
黃胸鵐雌鳥 Yellow breasted bunting (female) 80%sure
Author: thinfor    Time: 24/11/2008 22:52

Thanks a lot for your photo, chakwahli and also gary for the precise identification tips for zitting cisticola.  Already written in my bird notebook!
Author: thinfor    Time: 24/11/2008 23:16

Very happy that we have seen many bird species in Mai Po last Sun (though comparatively less than average possibly).  Group 3 has seen 3 types of kingfishers (common, white-breasted and black-capped).  Lucky indeed.  As requested by our group leader (my apology that I forgot your name!), I got a bit side track to post a photo of a ruddy kingfisher taken in Kohamashima(小濱島), Okinawa, Japan on 12Jun2002.  Please comment whether it's really a rubby kingfisher and sorry for the poor quality of the photo.  At that time I knew nothing about birds...

Image Attachment: [Ruddy Kingfisher] Ruddy kingfisher.jpg (24/11/2008 23:16, 46.13 KB) / Download count 542

Author: thinfor    Time: 24/11/2008 23:48


002 Little Grebe 小鸊鷉
010 Great Cormorant 鸕鷀
014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺
016 Great Egret 大白鷺
018 Little Egret 小白鷺
022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
036 Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺
043 Eurasian Wigeon 赤頸鴨
051 Northern Pintail 針尾鴨
053 Northern Shoveler 琵嘴鴨
063 Osprey 鶚(魚鷹)
067 Black Kite 麻鷹
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰
101 White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥
103 Common Moorhen 黑水雞
104 Eurasian Coot 白骨頂
108 Pied Avocet 反嘴鷸
116 Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴
129 Marsh Sandpiper 澤鷸
192 Oriental Turtle Dove 山斑鳩
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
229 Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
230 White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠
231 Black-capped Kingfisher 藍翡翠
255 Yello Wagtail 黃鶺鴒
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
289 Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝
292 Siberian Stonechat 西伯利亞(即鳥)
312 Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 灰頭鷦鶯
346 Plain Prinia 褐頭鷦鶯
349 Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯
389 Great Tit 大山雀 (heard)
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥(相思)
420 White-rumped Munia 白腰文鳥
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
427 Red-billed Starling 絲光椋鳥
432 White-cheeked Starling 灰椋鳥
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
444 Common Magpie 喜鵲
448 Collared Crow 白頸鴉
800 Azure-winged Magpie 灰喜鵲

Fellow group 3 members please comment, if any species are missing.
Author: maobb    Time: 25/11/2008 00:30

第一組 23-11-08 米埔

[ 本帖最後由 maobb 於 25/11/2008 10:26 編輯 ]

Image Attachment: 白琵鷺 黑臉琵鷺.jpg (25/11/2008 00:30, 157.73 KB) / Download count 510

Author: dick    Time: 25/11/2008 09:18

Original posted by thinfor at 24/11/2008 23:16
Very happy that we have seen many bird species in Mai Po last Sun (though comparatively less than average possibly).  Group 3 has seen 3 types of kingfishers (common, white-breasted and black-capped). ...
Author: dick    Time: 28/11/2008 21:11

2008/11/23 Sparrow Group
Mai Po 9:00am ~ 3:00pm
1) Little Grebe 小鸊鷉
2) Great Cormorant 鸕鷀
3) Grey Heron 蒼鷺
4) Purple Heron 草鷺
5) Great Egret 大白鷺
6) Little Egret 小白鷺
7) Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
8) Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺
9) Eurasian Wigeon 赤頸鴨
10) Northern Pintail 針尾鴨
11) Northern Shoveler 琵嘴鴨
12) Black Kite 麻鷹
13) Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰
14) White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥
15) Common Moorhen 黑水雞
16) Eurasian Coot 白骨頂
17) Common Greenshank 青腳鷸
18) Oriental Turtle Dove 山斑鳩
19) Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
20) Red Turtle Dove 火斑鳩
21) Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
22) White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠
23) White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
24) Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚
25) Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
26) Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
27) Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
28) Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
29) Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
30) Yellow-bellied Prinia 灰頭鷦鶯
31) Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯
32) Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥
33) Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
34) Red-billed Starling 絲光椋鳥
35) White-cheeked Starling 灰椋鳥
36) Crested Myna 八哥
37) Common Magpie 喜鵲
38) Collared Crow 白頸鴉
39) Azure-winged Magpie 灰喜鵲
40) Osprey 鶚 (魚鷹)
41) Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝
42) Tree sparrow 麻雀
43) Yellow browed warbler 黃眉柳鷥
Author: cbryan    Time: 28/11/2008 21:14

Original posted by thinfor at 24/11/2008 23:48

002 Little Grebe 小鸊鷉
010 Great Cormorant 鸕鷀
014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺
016 Great Egret 大白鷺
018 Little Egret 小白鷺
022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
036 Black-faced Spoonbill 黑 ...
some additions: -
blacked crowned night heron juvenile (dead remain)
unidentified harrier
black winged stilt
eurasian curlew
greater coucal (heard)
white wagtail
yellow-browed warbler (heard)
Author: hwunfung    Time: 29/11/2008 16:01


斑嘴鴨        Spot-Billed Duck
琵嘴鴨        Northern Shoveler
赤頸鴨        Eurasian Wigeon
針尾鴨        Northern Pintail
小鸊鷉        Little Grebe
鸕鷀        Great Cormorant
草鷺        Purple Heron
池鷺        Chinese Pond Heron
蒼鷺        Grey Heron
大白鷺        Great Egret
小白鷺        Little Egret
黑臉琵鷺        Black-faced spoonbill
黑鳶        Black Kite
普通鵟        Common Buzzard
白骨頂        Eurasian Coot
黑水鷄        Common Moorhen
白胸苦惡鳥        White-breasted Waterhen
青腳鷸        Common Greenshank
扇尾沙錐        Common snipe
磯鷸        Common Sandpiper
山斑鳩        Oriental Turtle Dove
珠頸斑鳩        Spotted Dove
普通翠鳥        Common Kingfisher
白胸翡翠        White-throated Kingfisher
白鶺鴒        White Wagtail
白頭鵯        Chinese Bulbul
棕背伯勞        Long-tailed Shrike
鵲鴝        Oriental magpie Robin
黑臉噪鶥        Masked Laughingthrush
黃腹山鷦鶯        Yellow-bellied Prinia
褐柳鶯        Dusky Warbler
大山雀        Great Tit
暗綠繡眼鳥        Japanese White-eye
白腰文鳥        White-rumped Minia
麻雀       Eurasian Tree Sparrow
絲光椋鳥        Red-billed Starling
八哥        Crested Myna
白頸鴉        Collared Crow
喜鵲        Common Magpie
灰喜鵲        Azure-winged Magpie

Alvin Hui
Author: kfmak    Time: 30/11/2008 22:32

Date :30.11.2008
Place: Shing Mun Country Park
The Fourth Outing
EOS1D MKIII + EF400DO IS + EF1.4X (handheld)
Some of the birds seen today!

[ Last edited by mkongfan at 1/12/2008 18:44 ]

Image Attachment: [1] Grey-throated Minivet (female) 灰 喉 山椒鳥.jpg (30/11/2008 22:32, 78.83 KB) / Download count 556

Image Attachment: [2] Grey-throated Minivet (female) 灰 喉 山椒鳥 2.jpg (30/11/2008 22:32, 99.32 KB) / Download count 562

Image Attachment: [3] Grey-throated Minivet (Male) 灰 喉 山椒鳥.jpg (30/11/2008 22:32, 113.17 KB) / Download count 531

Image Attachment: [4] Olive-black Pipit樹 鷚.jpg (30/11/2008 22:32, 111.36 KB) / Download count 519

Image Attachment: [5] Red-headed Tit 紅頭長尾山雀.jpg (30/11/2008 22:32, 118.2 KB) / Download count 520

Image Attachment: [6] Red-headed Tit 紅頭長尾山雀 2.jpg (30/11/2008 22:32, 115.86 KB) / Download count 543

Image Attachment: [7] unknown.jpg (30/11/2008 22:32, 93.49 KB) / Download count 518

Image Attachment: [8] Yellow browed warbler 黃眉柳鷥.jpg (1/12/2008 18:44, 48.83 KB) / Download count 525

Author: dick    Time: 1/12/2008 09:32

Original posted by mkongfan at 30/11/2008 22:32
Date :30.11.2008
Place: Shing Mun Country Park
The Fourth Outing
EOS1D MKIII + EF400DO IS + EF1.4X (handheld)
Some of the birds seen today!
I think the unknown bird is 朱背啄花鳥, correct me if I'm wrong
Good work!
Author: thinfor    Time: 1/12/2008 19:56


067 Black Kite 麻鷹
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
237 Great Barbet 大擬啄木鳥 (heard)
258 White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚
268 Grey-chinned Minivet 灰喉山椒鳥
269 Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
273 Chestnut Bulbul 栗背短腳鵯
289 Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝 (heard)
302 Japanese Thrush 烏灰鶇
307 Eyebrowed Thrush 白眉鶇
309 Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler 棕頸鈎嘴鶥 (heard)
310 Rufous-capped Babbler 紅頭穗鶥 (heard)
346.9 Mountain Tailorbird 栗頭縫葉鶯 (heard)
352 Pallas's Leaf Warbler 黃腰柳鶯
354 Yellow-browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯
383 Grey-headed Flycatcher 方尾鶲 (heard)
389 Great Tit 大山雀 (heard)
391 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch 絨額鳾
394 Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 朱背啄花鳥
395 Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥 (heard)
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥(相思)
447 Large-billed Crow 大嘴烏鴉
764 Black-throated Tit 紅頭長尾山雀

Fellow group 3 members please comment, if any species are missing.
Author: sfsslgates8    Time: 1/12/2008 22:07

Original posted by dick at 1/12/2008 09:32

I think the unknown bird is 朱背啄花鳥, correct me if I'm wrong
Good work!
Author: kfmak    Time: 2/12/2008 14:33

對起, 因張相影得好, 那反光只是一片葉!
Author: wserene    Time: 6/12/2008 10:06

Author: thinfor    Time: 7/12/2008 22:20

I'd also like to take this opportunity here to thank all the tutors and helpers of this course.  They did make me more devoted to bird watching and I could not wait to go birding in TPK with my friend (a more experienced bird watcher) last Sat (6Dec).  I found that the Shing Mun outing was very meaningful indeed since in this trip I could see many species in TPK, which are new to me.  For more details, please refer to

我亦想趁這個機會多謝各位導師及義務工作人員.  上過這個課程後, 我更對觀鳥有興趣.  上個星期六(6Dec), 我已忍不住和一個比我更有觀鳥經驗的朋友到大埔滘觀鳥.  課程中到城門看林鳥的一次著實得益不少, 因為有了這個經驗, 我在大埔滘清楚地看到不少林中的鳥, 而且很多也是我第一次見到的.  想知道更多的話, 請到
Author: kfmak    Time: 8/12/2008 17:50

Hi Manson, I am your classmate...Mak....would you mind to let me joining you next time to TPA (or other place) for birdwatching.......I shall PM u my MSN.....

Author: thinfor    Time: 9/12/2008 09:39

OK! WE can go together...
Author: mclisa    Time: 13/12/2008 22:29

Hi! Manson, I am Lisa, your classmate. I also want to thank the teachers and tutors for their devotion and teaching. I learnt a lot from their birding experiences.  I would like to join your outing! do notify me if you guys have any upcoming outing! i will add your MSN.
Author: dick    Time: 15/12/2008 09:44

Enjoy Bird Watching at ShingMan

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