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Subject: Wader ID [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 30/09/2008 13:03     Subject: Wader ID

The photo is taken by Hey in Long Valley this Monday morning.
From right to left, the 1st and 3rd bird are Marsh Sandpiper, but the 2nd and 4th are unknown. Is 2nd one be possible Grey Tattler?
Would experts please help ID of this wader?
Thank you so much!!

Image Attachment: IMG_7189.JPG (30/09/2008 13:03, 69.68 KB) / Download count 376

Author: Beetle    Time: 30/09/2008 19:14

2nd and 4th ones look like Black-winged Stlit..but seems a bit small...

1st and 3rd: would they be Wood sandpipers rather than marsh sandpipers? Wood is more common in Long Valley...

[ Last edited by Beetle at 30/09/2008 19:16 ]
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 1/10/2008 23:20

I'm sure they are Marsh Sandpiper.
Actually there are totally 6 Marsh Sandpiper in Long Valley this week.
I suppose Black-winged Stilt will be much taller and thinner bill.
Author: Beetle    Time: 1/10/2008 23:27

the size doesn't match with stlits anyway.
possible to be Greenshanks?
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 2/10/2008 09:30

Size of Greenshank is much larger than the Marsh Sandpiper and the bill of Greenshank points a bit upward. Doesn't fit too.
Really want to know what species is this mystery bird. If it is Grey Tattler.... then this will be the first record in Long Valley. (haha... i'm still thinking if it is Grey Tattler)
Author: ajohn    Time: 2/10/2008 10:24

From left to right the birds look to me like Wood sandpiper, Marsh Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Marsh Sandpiper.

I think there is some confusion about which birds are being referred to as Marsh Sandpiper in previous posts.

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