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Subject: 《中國鳥類觀察》 China Bird Watch [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 17/10/2008 12:22     Subject: 《中國鳥類觀察》 China Bird Watch

《中國鳥類觀察》 是由中國內地熱心文學和編輯的觀鳥者合作出版的雙月刊。這雙月刊不但提供各地鳥會最新消息及國外觀鳥資訊,而且還收錄觀鳥者的文章、鳥類保育的消息以及報告觀鳥記錄。

有興趣訂閱的朋友, 可以跟香港觀鳥會辦公室聯絡 (
全年6期: 人民幣100元 (已包含郵費)
單本購買價格:人民幣20元 (已包含郵費)

如果你想閱讀以往的觀察的話, 可以到這裡:

China Bird Watch is a bimonthly magazine published by active birdwatchers who are also fond of literature. It not only provides up-to-date news about bird watching societies in China mainland, but also interesting birding information in both China mainland and worldwide, bird conservation news in China mainland as well as bird sighting records.

If you are interested to subscribe the magazine, please contact the HKBWS office (
Whole year (6 issues): RMB100 (including postage fee)
Each issue: RMB100 (including postage fee)

If you want to read the previous issues, you may visit:

Image Attachment: [中國新鳥種 - 弄崗穗鶥作封面 New species - Nonggang Babbler is the cover image] 200804.jpg (17/10/2008 12:23, 40.02 KB) / Download count 546

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