Subject: 塱原觀鳥事宜 About bird watching in Long Valley [Print This Page] Author: HKBWS Vicky Time: 12/11/2008 15:23 Subject: 塱原觀鳥事宜 About bird watching in Long Valley
As you may know HKBWS is carrying out a wetland management agreement (MA) project in Long Valley. The project includes a Bird Monitoring Programme in which bird survey will be conducted regularly in Long Valley. Bird survey usually carried out once a week starting from 07:30 and finishing at 10:15 in the morning.
Since the result of bird survey is crucial to the conservation of Long Valley. In order to have more accurate bird count, especially no. of birds, species and habitats that birds often utilize, we would like to co-ordinate with birders and photographers, such as try to shift the survey dates if clashed with birders’ or photographers’ visit, so that the bird survey can be finished accurately.
Currently, the surveys usually carry out on Tuesday during 7:30 – 10:15a.m. If birders / photographers are going to visit Long Valley on these days, please feel free to let us know few days prior so that we can have proper arrangement.
Tel: 2377 4387 Email: yvic ky@hkb (please delete space)
Contact person: Miss Yeung.
Thank you very much!
HKBWS Office
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