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Subject: [Lapwings] Northern Lapwing 鳳頭麥雞 [Print This Page]

Author: cjacky    Time: 16/11/2008 23:51     Subject: Northern Lapwing 鳳頭麥雞

Location : Mai Po
Date : 15-NOV-2008

睇返自己record. 上次見佢已經係三年前既事. 今年收到風, 神咁早出去搵佢, 搵唔到仲食晒貨櫃車既沙塵tim. . . . 好sad.  幸好有友人告知麥雞係MP入面 . 最後好幸運咁見返佢.

好開心呀 不過行到我死死吓. . . . . .

[ Last edited by cjacky at 17/11/2008 00:23 ]

Image Attachment: _A7C1166.jpg (16/11/2008 23:51, 107.26 KB) / Download count 414

Image Attachment: _A7C1314.jpg (16/11/2008 23:51, 191.36 KB) / Download count 404

Author: fforrest    Time: 17/11/2008 00:13

Hi Jacky,

Yes, it was very hard and difficult to carry a 600mm lens and rush into Mai Po for a bird.

Please don't forget to mention the date and location of your photos.

Author: cjacky    Time: 17/11/2008 00:24

Original posted by fforrest at 17/11/2008 00:13
Hi Jacky,

Yes, it was very hard and difficult to carry a 600mm lens and rush into Mai Po for a bird.

Please don't forget to mention the date and location of your photos.

Hi Forrest,

Sorry that, I forgotten to input the location and date.  

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