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Subject: [China] Jiangxi, China 中國江西 [Print This Page]

Author: calexander    Time: 22/11/2008 00:24     Subject: Jiangxi, China 中國江西

In a six day trip searching for the Scaly-sided Mergansers from 15-20, November 2008, we visited 4 sites (Lung Hu Shan 鷹潭龍虎山, Yiyang上饒弋陽, Wuyuan/Dexing上饒婺源/德興, Xiushui九江修水) across the northern part of Jiangxi province. We were depressed by the small number of mergansers that we observed and the deteriorating habitat (see the Endangered Scaly-sided Merganser post). We thank Mr Lam for cheering us up by bringing us to Poyang Lake 鄱陽湖 on the last morning. That was a fine cold morning. We were greeted by the breathtaking sunrise over the lake, lots of cranes, geese and storks and also the Chinese Water Deers!多謝老林!

[ Last edited by calexander at 28/11/2008 22:56 ]

Image Attachment: [Siberian crane白鶴 (20/11/2008, Poyang Lake鄱陽湖)] Siberian crane 2.jpg (22/11/2008 00:24, 60.6 KB) / Download count 1174

Image Attachment: [Siberian Crane白鶴 (20/11/2008, Poyang Lake鄱陽湖)] Siberian crane.jpg (22/11/2008 00:24, 55.75 KB) / Download count 508

Image Attachment: [Oriental White Stork 東方白鹳(20/11/2008, Poyang Lake鄱陽湖)] Oriental white stork.jpg (22/11/2008 00:24, 87.95 KB) / Download count 652

Image Attachment: [Swan Goose 鴻雁 (20/11/2008, Poyang Lake鄱陽湖)] Swan goose.jpg (22/11/2008 00:24, 62.58 KB) / Download count 488

Image Attachment: [Bean Goose 豆雁 (19/11/08, XiuShui修水)] Bean goose.jpg (22/11/2008 00:24, 53.99 KB) / Download count 496

Image Attachment: [Tundra Swan 小天鵝 (20/11/2008, Poyang Lake鄱陽湖)] Tundra swan.jpg (22/11/2008 00:24, 75.59 KB) / Download count 527

Image Attachment: [White-naped crane 白枕鶴(20/11/2008, Poyang Lake鄱陽湖)] White-naped crane.jpg (22/11/2008 00:24, 41.89 KB) / Download count 467

Image Attachment: [Lesser white-front geese 小白額雁 (20/11/2008, Poyang Lake鄱陽湖)] Lesser whitefront geese.jpg (22/11/2008 00:24, 46.59 KB) / Download count 515

Image Attachment: [Poyang Lake, 20/11/08] Hoopoe.jpg (28/11/2008 22:54, 129.1 KB) / Download count 492

Image Attachment: [Poyang Lake, 20/11/08] Oriental skylark.jpg (28/11/2008 22:55, 97.53 KB) / Download count 564

Author: calexander    Time: 22/11/2008 12:47

Chinese Water Deers 獐
Poyang Lake

Image Attachment: Chinese Water Deers.jpg (22/11/2008 12:47, 94.5 KB) / Download count 532

Author: HFCheung    Time: 22/11/2008 14:57

Great photo.

HF Cheung
Author: calexander    Time: 28/11/2008 22:52

Mr Lin has upgraded his camera to EOS 50D and EF 300 f2.8L IS. He said he welcomes rental of his lens and/or camera if his customer needs. So next time perphaps we can just bring the binoculars and compact flash cards to Jiangxi!

Below are just some more of our photos:

Image Attachment: Lao Lin.jpg (28/11/2008 22:52, 76.17 KB) / Download count 550

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