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Subject: Digiscopy using Nikon P5100 [Print This Page]

Author: lwingkay    Time: 1/12/2008 22:17     Subject: Digiscopy using Nikon P5100

P5100 is pretty versatile in digiscopy except for the absence of an EVF which makes it difficult to be used in unshaded environment. The wide-angle end of its zoom lens is at 28mm. Suitably mounted on Swarovski's DCA adaptal tube, no vignetting will appear on P5100 despite the fact that its zoom lens is pushed to its widest. At 28mm, a larger field of view can be obtained on the camera. This field of view is so flat and the foreground and background so pressed together that images created are not only distortion free but also highly compact in perspective. Other than avian photography, there are actually many other uses that the digiscoping setup can live up to in photography. Here are a few from my digiscoping experience. Pleasant viewing.

1   Close-ups on birds of course



4   Close-ups on plants




8   Close-ups on alert species

9  Close-ups on the moon


11   Close-ups on insects


13  Unreachable landscape

14  Close-ups on interesting features in our surrounding environments



Author: cbryan    Time: 6/12/2008 23:48

finally i've got the chance to test my P5100 and Nikon 82ED 30x DSwide combination today at Long Valley.

It's also my first day to practise my digiscoping out in the fields other than in the parks.  the outcome are far from satisfactory, however still the subject is and however well the light condition, the subject reasonably close, and that i'm using a shutter cord, the images still looks soft.

I'm not sure whether it's due to the slight non-alignment of the camera with the scope axis since i'm using the griturn swing-out bracket.  Will try to get a dedicated adaptor and try again.  Meanwhile i'd very much like to seek advices and comments from digiscope veterans.

did some contrast and colour correction in ps.

originals can be found here: ... /72157610740412143/
Author: lsingfan    Time: 16/04/2009 20:02

Pictures are not bad! I am using the same gear (ED82 + P5100), stay tune here and keep sharing each other in the future.

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