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Subject: Scarlet Minivets [Print This Page]

Author: peregrine    Time: 3/12/2008 12:46     Subject: Scarlet Minivets

Dec 1, 08  Clear Water Bay Sheung YeungScarlet Minivets

Image Attachment: Short-Billed Minivet 1.jpg (3/12/2008 12:46, 153.38 KB) / Download count 657

Image Attachment: Short-Billed Minivet 2.jpg (3/12/2008 12:46, 111.2 KB) / Download count 707

Image Attachment: Short-Billed Minivet 3.jpg (3/12/2008 12:46, 76.73 KB) / Download count 628

Image Attachment: Short-Billed Minivet 4.jpg (3/12/2008 12:46, 83.86 KB) / Download count 658

Author: ajohn    Time: 3/12/2008 16:13

These are Scarlet Minivets, not Short-billed. Note the yellow spots in the tertials which should not be shown by Short-billed Minivet.

Short-billed Minivet has not been recorded from Hong Kong, but Scarlet is regular in forested areas. They're always nice birds to see though, and this is an unusual location for them (as far as I know)
Author: peregrine    Time: 3/12/2008 20:45     Subject: Scarlet Minivet

Thank you for correction it right.  I just tried my best to find the name from the guide book "The Avifauna of Hong Kong 2006 version."

These photos took in the morning at around 6.45 when the sun just rised.  These birds just stop over and happened my D80 with 300 f4 lens ready on my desk.
Author: tmichael    Time: 5/12/2008 17:11

Can the title for this post, plus the "Black Eagle" one please be changed, to reflect the birds' actual identities?

Mike Turnbull
Author: peregrine    Time: 5/12/2008 17:46     Subject: Scarlet Minivet

Not sure how to get both the titles changed.  Must I change it myself or HKBWS officer can help?
Author: Beetle    Time: 5/12/2008 21:44

Original posted by peregrine at 5/12/2008 17:46
Not sure how to get both the titles changed.  Must I change it myself or HKBWS officer can help?
you can find a "edit" button at the right bottom corner of your first post in the topic.
click into it and you can edit your title.
Author: tmichael    Time: 7/12/2008 20:36

Don't like to make further fuss about this, but they are now turning up as "Short-billed Minivet" (which they clearly aren't) in the photo thing on the main page!

Mike Turnbull

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