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Subject: 塱原冬08/09 Long Valley winter 08/09 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 9/12/2008 12:18     Subject: 塱原冬08/09 Long Valley winter 08/09

12月9日 9 Dec
塱原農地部份 Agricultural fields in Long Valley
黑臉琵鷺 Black-faced Spoonbill x1
藍喉歌鴝 Bluethroat
灰頭鵐 Black-faced Bunting

河上鄉農地部份 Agricultural fields in Ho Sheung Heung
斑咀鴨 Spot-billed Duck x2

河上鄉風水林部份 Feng Shui Wood in Ho Sheung Heung
紅尾歌鴝 Rufous-tailed Robin x1
Author: HFCheung    Time: 9/12/2008 18:46

Exciting news! BF Spoonbill is in Long Valley.

HF Cheung
Author: bond    Time: 10/12/2008 13:23

add one more Cinnamon Bittern in Long Valley.
Author: sbena    Time: 14/12/2008 08:58

13 Dec 2008 ~16:00

Eurasian Hoopoe 戴勝 x 1
Common Starling 紫翅椋鳥 x 1

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 15/12/2008 10:30

Thanks Bena for the great record!
You finally got the Hoopoe tick! Congratulations!!
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 15/12/2008 10:31

14 Dec 08 morning
Bluethroat x1
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 16/12/2008 14:59

16 Dec morning
Bright-capped Cisticola x1
Common Teal
Citrine Wagtail x2
Author: Beetle    Time: 18/12/2008 18:05

18 Dec, 10:00 - 14:00 :

Bright-capped Cisticola x1 (near Yin Kong Public Toilet)
Grey-headed Lapwing x1 (in fields near Shek Sheung River)
Bluethroat x 1 or 2

[ Last edited by Beetle at 18/12/2008 21:14 ]
Author: ikelvin    Time: 29/12/2008 21:19


Cattle Egret
Little Egret
Common Buzzard*1
White Breasted Waterhen
Black-winged Stilt
Little Ringed Plover*2
Common Snipe
Wood Sandpiper
Spotted Dove
Oriental Turtle Dove*4
White-throated Kingfisher
Richard's Pipit
Red-throated Pipit
Olive-backed Pipit
Yellow wagtail
Citrine wagtail*1
White wagtail
Red whiskered & Chinese bulbul
Siberian Stonechat
Bluethroat *1
Common Blackbird*2
Zitting Cisticola
Yellow-bellied & Plain Prinia
Dusky Warbler*1
Masked Laughingthrush
Long-tailed Shrike
Common Magpie
Red-billed Starling
Black-collared Starling
Crested Myna
Common Myna
Scaly breasted Munia
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 30/12/2008 15:36

30 Dec 08 (data from regular LV bird survey)
Bluethroat x1
Citrine Wagtail x1
Blackbird x1
Oriental Turtle Dove x3
Author: pchunchiu    Time: 30/12/2008 16:44

30/12/2008 Morning
Agricultural Fields in Ho Sheung Heung:
Yellow-billed Grosbeak x 1
Siberian Rubythroat x 1
Besra x 1
Yellow-Crested Cockatoo x 1
Daurian Redstart x 1
Radde's Warbler x 1
A medium-sized Tern sp. x 1

Fung-shui Wood in Ho Sheung Heung:
Black-naped Monarch x 2
Author: kevinhlm    Time: 30/12/2008 17:25

I found a Hill Myna with a group of Crested Myna in the afternoon yesterday (29/Dec/08)
Author: ajohn    Time: 31/12/2008 15:36

I had an interesting sighting yesterday (30th) when I saw a Peregrine attaempting to catch the Yellow-crested Cockatoo at Long Valley
Author: thinfor    Time: 8/01/2009 10:58

31Dec was a cloudy day with gusty northerly wind.  The temperature was just in range of 11-16 degrees.  3 of us went birding in Long Yuen and not many birds were seen as expected.
12月31日是一個多雲及吹強勁北風的日子.  早上的溫度只有11-16度.  我們三人行到塱原觀鳥, 意料之內, 看到的鳥不多.

Birding time 觀鳥時間: 0845-1230

Along Sheung Yue River 雙魚河沿岸
018 Little Egret 小白鷺   abundant
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹)   x2
133 Green Sanpiper 白腰草鷸   x1
136 Common Sandpiper 磯鷸   x3-5
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩   x1
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝   x2
289 Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝   x1 female

Long Valley 塱原
014 Grey Heron 蒼鷺   few
021 Cattle Egret 牛背鷺   x15
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼   x1
107 Black-winged Stilt 黑翅長腳鷸   x10
134 Wood Sandpiper 林鷸   abundant
144 Common Snipe 扇尾沙錐   x6
229 Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥   x2
230 White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠   x1
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚   few
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯   x2
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)   few (both male and female)
349 Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯   x1
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥   abundant
436 Crested Myna 八哥   abundant
Unknown Swallow   x1 (Should be a house swift)

Throughout the whole journey 全程經常出現
116 Little Ringed Plover 金眶鴴   x10
255 Yellow Wagtail 黃鶺鴒   abundant
258 White Wagtail 白鶺鴒   few
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞

[ Last edited by thinfor at 8/01/2009 10:59 ]
Author: kfmak    Time: 19/01/2009 17:33

Thank you Manson to lead me to LV!
Author: pchunchiu    Time: 20/01/2009 13:25

20/1/2009 Morning
Agricultural Fields in Ho Sheung Heung:
Baillon's Crake x 1
Red-throated Flycatcher x 1
Japanese Bush Warbler x 1

Fung-shui Wood in Ho Sheung Heung:
Black-naped Monarch x 1
Asian Stubtail Warbler x 1
Author: lrichard    Time: 20/01/2009 14:03

Are you sure of the Baillon's Crake? This would be a first record in mid-winter. All other records are in spring & autumn.
Author: pchunchiu    Time: 20/01/2009 14:30

I had made a very bad sketching just after I saw the crake flushed from some long grasses beside a flooded farmland. Please see below:

The crake was flushed by me and I had about 2 to 3 seconds to see it with naked eyes. It is a small crake (than white-breasted waterhen and common moorhen) which its back and wings are very pale brown in color with some white spots. Some dark streaks were also noticed on its mantle. It has a short tail and a less bulky body structure so that quails or buttonquails are ruled out. Please correct me if it is identified wrongly. Thank you!
Author: pchunchiu    Time: 20/01/2009 14:53

The red circle shows where I saw the crake:

Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 30/01/2009 23:23

Jan 30, 2009
Ruddy-breasted Crake 紅胸田雞

Image Attachment: IMG_8780.jpg (30/01/2009 23:23, 121.2 KB) / Download count 499

Author: pchunchiu    Time: 3/02/2009 11:57

03/02/2009 Morning
Agricultural Fields in Ho Sheung Heung:
Water Rail x 1
Red-throated Flycatcher x 1
Bluethroat x 1

Fung-shui Wood in Ho Sheung Heung:
Black-naped Monarch x 1
Barn Swallow x 1

P.S. A common magpie was seen building its nest on a electric tower.
Author: shey    Time: 3/02/2009 15:31

Photos of the Water Rail in HSH.

Image Attachment: WaterRail_LongValley_3Feb09_SYH (Medium).jpg (3/02/2009 15:31, 96.63 KB) / Download count 456

Author: cchristina    Time: 18/02/2009 17:38

A Brown Shrike appeared in Ho Sheung Heung on 18 Feb 2009

Author: Beetle    Time: 19/02/2009 00:43

18 Feb 2009:

Citrine Wagtail x 1~2
Bluethroat x 1

Red-throated Flycatcher x1
Author: shey    Time: 3/03/2009 13:05


Common Starling 1
Citrine Wagtail 2
Asian Barred Owlet 1
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 3/03/2009 18:15

Thanks Hey!!!

Common Starling, Long Valley, March 3, 2009

Image Attachment: IMG_9303.jpg (3/03/2009 18:15, 63.46 KB) / Download count 502

Author: Beetle    Time: 4/03/2009 14:02

4 March 2009,
The Common Starling was found again around 8:40a.m.~9a.m.

thanks hey and owen!

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