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Subject: Mai Po 米埔 Winter 2006/07 冬 [Print This Page]

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 1/12/2006 16:31     Subject: Mai Po 米埔 Winter 2006/07 冬

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 25 Nov –01 Dec 2006

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺 x 2 (#11)
044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 1 (female) (#24a)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (juv.)
282 Rufous-tailed Robin 紅尾歌鴝 x 1 (#13)
302 Japanese Thrush 烏灰鶇 x 1 (#18)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 2 (#18)
387 Chinese Penduline Tit 攀雀 x 5 (#8)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#16/17)

015 Purple Heron 草鷺 x 4
035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺 x 3 (#11)
037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 (#8) (1 x juv., 1 x adult)
111 Grey-headed Lapwing 灰頭麥雞 x 1
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#8)
283 Siberian Rubythroat 紅喉歌鴝(紅點頦) x 2 (#8)
285 Bluethroat 藍喉歌鴝(藍點頦) x 1 (#8)
387 Chinese Penduline Tit 攀雀 x 30 (#8)

026 Yellow Bittern 黃葦鳽 x 2
036 Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺 x 288 (#11)
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#3)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#15a)

082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (adult) (#20)

036 Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺 x 296 (MPNR) [Highest count so far of this winter]
037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (access road)
093 Slaty-breasted Rail 藍胸秧雞 x 1 (#11)
252 Red-rumped Swallow 金腰燕 x 2 (access road)
273 Chestnut Bulbul 栗背短腳鵯 x 10 (mangrove)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1

035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺 x 3 (#11)
037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)
074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 2 (#23)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (juv.) (#20)
--- Duck sp. 鴨 x 8300 (#16/17) (at 07:00) [include 1050 Tufted Duck 鳳頭潛鴨]

035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺 x 5 (MPNR)
036 Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺 x 288 (MPNR)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 2 (#15)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
WWF Mai Po

Author: tgraham    Time: 4/12/2006 08:35

Mai Po

Having missed the Water Rail the previous evening despite picking up yet another speeding ticket trying to get there on time I managed to see it today after a two hours wait its on pond 21 (#346)

An added bonus was Carrion Crow (#347) which I saw in the early morning and evening. The best place and time to see this uninspiring bird (sorry if I have offended any crow enthusiasts) is at the top end of pond 20 from the Cotton Pygmy Goose hide at about 4pm. The Crows gather there before flying off to roost.

I also saw Durian Jackdaw at Lut Chut. It appears to spend the day there although it can be hard to find

The target of 350 is so close but I leave HK on vacation on the 22nd December so I only have 18 days to see three more year ticks. Possible but unlikely but I will be out trying.

HK Twitcher
Author: ajohn    Time: 4/12/2006 14:08

After doing some research today I now believe the Water Rail in gei wai 21 on Saturday (seen by Graham on Sunday) is actually a 'Western' Water Rail, which has not previously been recorded in HK.

Although this is treated as the same species by most authorities, there is a suggestion in the recent Rasmussen book (Birds of South Asia) that it should be treated as a separate species.

Key ID features are the white undertail and lack of a brown 'mask' on the face but there are other supporting features (including the colour of the underparts, prominence of streaking on the upperparts and bill structure/colour).

If anyone has any photos of this bird (even 'record' shots) it would be very useful to post them or send me a private message.

Author: bkenneth    Time: 4/12/2006 17:29

Very interesting to see Hong Kong's version of a 'Big Year"!  

What else is there to get feasibly, if you don't mind me asking?

Author: tgraham    Time: 6/12/2006 13:39

Due to Mai Po being closed last winter I missed a number of birds.

I still have a chance of seeing any of the following. Its a long list so you would think it was possible to see three of them but I doubt it. I was out looking for Jay again this morning no luck I don't think they occur in HK any more.

001        Pacific Loon
004        Horned Grebe
031        Black Stork
032        Oriental Stork
033        Black-headed Ibis
034        Glossy Ibis
038        Greylag Goose
039        Ruddy Shelduck
042        Mandarin Duck
048        Green - winged Teal
054        Common Pochard
055        Baer's Pochard
059        Velvet Scoter
060        Common Goldeneye
061        Smew
062        Red-breasted Merganser
066        Black-winged Kite
068        Brahminy Kite
070        Eurasian Black Vulture
084        Mountain Hawk Eagle
092        Common Crane
114        Common Ringed Plover
115        Long-billed Plover
132        Lesser Yellowlegs
154        Pectoral Sandpiper
166        Yellow-legged Gull
167        Slaty-backed Gull
168        Glaucous-winged Gull
169        Glaucous Gull
170        Pallas's Gull
171        Brown-headed Gull
174        Slender-billed Gull
175        Little Gull
177        Black-legged Kittiwake
190        Ancient Murrelet
198        White-bellied Green Pigeon
211        Grass Owl
218        Short-eared Owl
224        Common Swift
227        Crested Kingfisher
232        Collared Kingfisher
240        Rufous- bellied Woodpecker
241        Rufous Woodpecker
242        Grey-headed Woodpecker
243        Bay Woodpecker
246        Greater Short-toed Lark
248        Oriental Skylark
280        Japanese Waxwing
281        Japanese Robin
288        Black Redstart
291        Slaty-backed Forktail
294        Pied Wheatear
295        White-throated Rock Thrush
299        Orange-headed Thrush
311        Chinese Babax
324        Pale-footed Bush Warbler
338        Blunt-winged Warbler
339        Blyth's Reed Warbler
341        Thick-billed Warbler
342        Booted Warbler
348        Chiffchaff
362        Grey - crowned Warbler
363        Bianchi's Warber
364        Chestnut-crowned Warbler
365        Rufous-faced Warbler
376        Rufus - gorgeted Flycatcher
379        Fujian Niltava
392        Plain Flowerpecker
396        Chestnut-flanked White-eye
398        Crested Bunting
399        Grey - necked Bunting
403        Yellow-browed Bunting
404        Rustic Bunting
405        Yellow-throated Bunting
408        Black-headed Bunting
411        Japanese Reed Bunting
413        Common Reed Bunting
415        Grey-capped Greenfinch
419        Japanese Grosbeak
422        Chestnut Munia
425        Baya Weaver
426        Chestnut -tailed Starling
430        Rose-coloured Starling
441        Eurasian Jay

HK Twitcher
Author: kmike    Time: 8/12/2006 00:37

The "Western" Water Rail was seen again today on Pond 21. It was only seen late in the day - from 4:30 onward owing to the fact that this pond takes a long time to drain after the high tide.

The Daurian Jackdaw was aso seen in the same area.

Mike K

Image Attachment: DSCN9147-hkbws.jpg (8/12/2006 00:37, 0 Bytes) / Download count 9376

Author: ajohn    Time: 8/12/2006 12:22

Well done getting a photo of this bird Mike - I understand photography has been very difficult because the bird is only visible in the late afternoon and is usually in the reeds!

The key features to ID this bird as a 'Western' Water Rail are: the undertail coverts are white (not barred), there is no brown mask, the upperparts are not so heavily streaked, there is no brown on the breast, etc.

All previous HK records are thought to belong to the 'Eastern' (sub-)species indicus, so this is potentially a first for HK. Having seen the bird again earlier this week, and looking at photos of other birds, I am increasingly convinced that the 'split' is valid.

The bird has only recently been seen in late afternoon (4.00 onwards) because very high tides overnight do not drain until this time - there is then a relatively short window of opportunity before the gei wai starts to refill! Hopefully the tides will be more suitable in coming days and the bird will stay in the area.
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 8/12/2006 17:33

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 02 Dec – 08 Dec 2006

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

087 Peregrine Falcon        遊隼 x 1
094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#21) [Western race - New species for HK]

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
079 Eurasian Sparrowhawk 雀鷹 x 1
094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#21)
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1 (#20) [Rare record]

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨        x 1
049 Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 1 (#15) [1st report of the winter]
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (adult x 1, juvenile x 1)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 4
094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#21)
105 Pheasant-tailed Jacana 水雉 x 1 (#20) [Late record]
110 Northern Lapwing 鳳頭麥雞 x 2
148 Great Knot 大濱鷸 x 10 (boardwalk)
176 Saunders’s Gull 黑嘴鷗 x 12 (boardwalk) [1st report of the winter]
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8) [@ dusk]

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#24)
036 Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺 x 359 [Highest HK record]
094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#21)
273 Chestnut Bulbul 栗背短腳鵯 x 26 (Mai Po Car Park)

045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 4
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (#16/17)
094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#21)
099 Ruddy-breasted Crake 紅胸田雞 x 1 (#21)
110 Northern Lapwing 鳳頭麥雞 x 4 (#20)

094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#21)
111 Grey-headed Lapwing 灰頭麥雞 x 1
445 Daurian Jackdaw 達烏里寒鴉 x 1

069 White-bellied Sea Eagle 白腹海鵰 x 3
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8) [@ 10]

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

Author: kmike    Time: 9/12/2006 23:49

A good range of quality birds today:

Black-faced Spoonbill - 50 +
Lesser White-fronted Goose (pond 8 )
Gadwall - 3
Lesser Tree Duck - 1

Eastern Marsh Harrier 5
Osprey 3
Buzzard - 3
Imperial Eagle - 1 imm
Greater Spotted Eagle - 1 imm
Besra - 1

Saunders Gull - 5

Daurin Jackdaw - 1
Carrion Crow - 1

Mike K
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 15/12/2006 18:13

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 09 Dec –15 Dec 2006

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 3
176 Saunders’s Gull 黑嘴鷗 x 5
301 Scaly Thrush 虎斑地鶇 x 1 (#18)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#18)
445 Daurian Jackdaw        達烏里寒鴉        x 1
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

9 species of raptors 猛禽:               
063 Osprey 鶚(魚鷹) x 3
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹)       
074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 5
078 Besra        松雀鷹 x 1
080 Common Buzzard 普通鵟 x 3
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (#16/17)
085 Common Kestrel 紅隼 x 1 (access road)
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼 x 1 (#16/17)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)
099 Ruddy-breasted Crake 紅胸田雞 x 1 (#21)
401 Chestnut-eared Bunting 栗耳(巫鳥)(赤胸(巫鳥)) x 1 (access road)

081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (juv.) (#24g)
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#14)

035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺 x 6
036 Black-faced Spoonbill 黑臉琵鷺 x 366 (New high count this Winter)
037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (juv.)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8) [@13]

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (juv.) (#15b)

9 species of raptors 猛禽:               
063 Osprey 鶚(魚鷹)       
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹)       
078 Besra        松雀鷹 x 1 (#16/17)
080 Common Buzzard 普通鵟       
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (juv.) (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 (adult) (#20)
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼 x 1 (#20)

--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8) [@13]
049 Mallard 綠頭鴨 x 1 (#8)

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
WWF Mai Po

Author: kmatthew    Time: 19/12/2006 13:42

Mai Po 17/12/2006

The Lesser White-Fronted Geese were seen at the first bird hide, where they were resting until i group of tourist came by and scared it away.

other species:

Lesser Whistling Duck x1
Greater Spotted Eagle x2
Eastern Marsh Harier x1
Black Faced Spoonbill x6
Author: tgraham    Time: 20/12/2006 14:35


Mai Po 15.30-17.00

Ferruginous Duck 1
Pochard 4 (#348)
Lesser White fronted Goose 2

HK Twitcher
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 21/12/2006 18:43

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 16 Dec –  21 Dec 2006

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (#8)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 3 (#16/17)
066 Black-winged Kite 黑翅鳶 x 1
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (#16/17)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#16b)
066 Black-winged Kite 黑翅鳶 x 1
085 Common Kestrel 紅隼 x 1 (access road)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 3 (male) (#20)
054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 4 (#20) [1st report of the winter at Mai Po]
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#20) [1st report of the winter at Mai Po]
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 (#8, #23)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (PSFSC)
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1 (#13)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x1 (juv.) (#8)
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1 [with groups of Collared Crow at dusk]

[glow=blue]Merry Christmas![/glow]

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
WWF Mai Po

Author: kmatthew    Time: 22/12/2006 09:33


The Carrion Crow was at pond 20 with a group of Collard Crow. There was no sign of the Common Pochard or the Ferruginous Duck, but many Tufted Ducks present in pond 20.

Other species:

Pheasant-Tailed Jacana x1
Lesser Whistling Duck x1
Author: tgraham    Time: 22/12/2006 11:13



A last desperate bid to find one more year tick failed

The only bird of note was a Common Pochard on pond 20

Therefore I'm stuck on 349 for the year

I fly out today and return on the 3rd January when I start again ........ just joking once is enough

HK Twitcher
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 4/01/2007 14:50

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 22 Dec – 29 Dec 2006

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 1 (#20)
196 Emerald Dove 綠背金鳩 x 1

054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 3 (#20)
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (male) (#20)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (adult x 1, juv x 1)(#13)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 (#20)
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#8)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1 (male) (PSFSC)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (PSFSC)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
061 Smew 斑頭秋沙鴨 x 1 (#20) (1st year male) [2nd HK record]
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#24)

054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 3 (#20)
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 3
105 Pheasant-tailed Jacana 水雉 x 1 (#20)
236 Eurasian Hoopoe 戴勝 x 1 (#20)
371 Verditer Flycatcher 銅藍鶲 x 1 (Uncommon record for Mai Po)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1
427 Red-billed Starling 絲光椋鳥 x 11260 (flying over #20 at dusk) [Highest record]

044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 1 (#20)
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 2 (malex1, femalex1) (#20)
078 Besra 松雀鷹 x 1
82 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1

305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 2 (male) (#18)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 (#20)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (juv.) (#8)
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼 x 1
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#18)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
040 Common Shelduck 翹鼻麻鴨 x 1 (#16/17) [1st report of the winter][Uncommon record in the Reserve]
054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 3 (male x 2, female x 1) (#20)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (juv.) (#22)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 2 (#12, #18)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
WWF Mai Po

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 5/01/2007 16:50

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 30 Dec 2006 –  5 Jan 2007

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 5 (#16/17)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (#22)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)
054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 1 (#20)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (#16/17)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 4 (#16/17)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 2 (#8, #18)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1
308 Dusky Thrush 斑鶇 x 1 (#8) [Uncommon record for Mai Po]
371 Verditer Flycatcher 銅藍鶲 x 1 (#15a) [Uncommon record for Mai Po]

035 Eurasian Spoonbill 白琵鷺 x 1 (#3)
283 Siberian Rubythroat 紅喉歌鴝(紅點頦) x 1 (#9)

301 Scaly Thrush 虎斑地鶇 x 1 (#18)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (#18)
141 Eurasian Woodcock 丘鷸 x 1 [Uncommon reported record]
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#23)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#12/13)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1 (#17/18)
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1 (#18)

050 Spot-billed Duck 斑嘴鴨 x 15 (#24b)
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 2 (#8)
283 Siberian Rubythroat 紅喉歌鴝(紅點頦) x 5 (#8)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#19)

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
WWF Mai Po

Author: wsimon    Time: 8/01/2007 22:52

7-Jan-2007  16:20

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher 白眉姬鶲(female) at access road near #7.
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 12/01/2007 18:31

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 06 Jan –12 Jan 2007

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1
306 Pale Thrush 白腹鶇 x 1 (#18)
301 Scaly Thrush 虎斑地鶇 x 1 (#18)

056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛!鴨 x 1 (#20)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 16 (#20, #16/17) [Highest Count of the Winter]
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (juv) (#16/17)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 2
372 Yellow-rumped Flycatcher 白眉姬鶲 x 1 (#7) [Female - Escaped bird?]
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 3 (#19,#13)

074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 2 (#20)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (MP Car Park)

335 Black-browed reed warbler 黑眉葦鶯 x 1 (#16b) [Good Winter Record]
372 Yellow-rumped Flycatcher 白眉姬鶲 x 1 (#9) [Same bird as 8-Jan]

081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (juv.) (#11)

081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (juv. & adult) #20
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 (adult) #20
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x1 (#23)

Not many records this week!

If you visit Mai Po this weekend it's worth looking at the Lut Chau ponds (south of gei wai #22, just walk over the bridge). Many of the partially drained ponds and scattered fish feed are attracting a nice selection of birds. Good numbers also including Kites (nearly 100), >100 Black-headed Gulls, Starlings (several thousand), Crested Myna (50) and Collared Crow (40) (plus the Carrion Crow).

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 15/01/2007 12:22     Subject: Baikal Teal (male) : 15th January 2007

A male Baikal Teal reported this morning on gei wai #8 (i.e. from the Tower Hide).
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 19/01/2007 17:09

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 13 - 19 Jan 2007

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 1
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#16b)
372 Yellow-rumped Flycatcher 白眉姬鶲 x 1 (#9) [Same bird as 8-Jan]

044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 5 (Deep Bay)
372 Yellow-rumped Flycatcher 白眉姬鶲 x 1 (#9) [Same bird as 8-Jan]
---   Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

026 Yellow Bittern 黃葦鳽 x 1 (#22)
037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b) [Is this the first ever over wintering LWDuck?]
044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 2 (#8) [male]
046 Baikal Teal 花臉鴨 x 1 (#8) [male] [1st report of the winter]
052 Garganey 白眉鴨 x 126 (#20 & #15) [Very high mid-winter count]
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (#6)
---   Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#19)
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1 (#16/17)

074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 5 (#16/17)
207 Plaintive Cuckoo 八聲杜鵑 x 1 (#16/17)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 4 (2@#16b & 2@#24e)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 8 (#20)
085 Common Kestrel 紅隼 x 1 (#24f)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 1 (#12/13)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 3 (Southern MP)
054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 1 (#20c)
283 Siberian Rubythroat 紅喉歌鴝(紅點頦) x 6 (#8)

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 29/01/2007 13:54

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 20 Jan 2007 –  26 Jan 2007
The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

054 Common Pochard 紅頭潛鴨 x 2 (#20)
221 Himalayan Swiftlet 短嘴金絲燕 x 1 (access road)

263 Buff-bellied Pipit 黃腹鷚 x 1 (access road)
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1 (Lut Chau)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#11)
037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 6 (#20)
418 Yellow-billed Grosbeak 黑尾蠟嘴雀 x 4 [malex1, femalex3] (#18)
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1 (#10)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#24)
085 Common Kestrel 紅隼 x 1 (#24)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (#8)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#12/13)

046 Baikal Teal 花臉鴨 x 1 (#20)

Gei wai #19 is going to be drained on coming Wednesday (31st January 2007); hundreds of egrets, herons and Black-faced Spoonbill are expected to be attracted. The draining will last for 7 days until next Monday (4th February 2007). Highest number of birds is expected starting from the 3rd day of the draining. It is obviously a very good opportunity to photograph lots of birds feeding in a reasonable distance.

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
WWF Mai Po

Author: kmike    Time: 29/01/2007 22:24

This afternoon during the waterfowl roost count a male Falcated Duck and a female Baikal Teal were seen on Pond 20 around 5:30pm

There was also a Red-throated Flycatcher in the casuarinas.

Mike K
Author: Hendrix    Time: 29/01/2007 22:36

female Baikal Teal   ops:  ops:

no wander I try but can't find the male one    :|
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 2/02/2007 16:54

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 27 Jan 2007 –  2 Feb 2007
The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

040 Common Shelduck 翹鼻麻鴨 x 2 (boardwalk)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 20
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#20)
058 Greater Scaup 斑背潛鴨 x 1 (female) (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 (boardwalk)
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼 x 1 (boardwalk)
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1 (#20)

040 Common Shelduck 翹鼻麻鴨 x 2 (boardwalk)

044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 1 (#20)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 26 (MPNR) [Highest count of this winter]
046 Baikal Teal 花臉鴨 x 1 [female] (#20)
302 Japanese Thrush 烏灰鶇 x 1 [male] (PSFSC)
305 Grey-backed Thrush 灰背鶇 x 4 (S. MP)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 1 [male] (#20)
085 Common Kestrel 紅隼 x 1 (#24)
094 Water Rail 普通秧雞 x 1 (#18)
402 Little Bunting 小(巫鳥) x 1 (#16/17)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#18)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)

236 Eurasian Hoopoe 戴勝 x 1 (#22)
238 Eurasian Wryneck 蟻鴷 x 1 (#18)
306 Pale Thrush 白腹鶇 x 1 (#18)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#18)

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
WWF Mai Po

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 9/02/2007 17:46

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 03 –  09 Feb 2007

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

263 Buff-bellied Pipit 黃腹鷚 x 1 [male] (#8)
285 Bluethroat 藍喉歌鴝(藍點頦) x 1 (#10)
308 Dusky Thrush 斑鶇 x 5 (#8)
413 Common Reed Bunting 蘆(巫鳥) x 1 (#8)

044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 1 (#20)
263 Buff-bellied Pipit 黃腹鷚 x 1

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#14)
037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨        x 1 (#15)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#23)
050 Spot-billed Duck 斑嘴鴨 x 15 (#24d)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰        x 1 [juv.] (#23)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 [adult] (#20)
251 Barn Swallow 家燕 x 203 [roosting] (#24a)
335 Black-browed reed warbler 黑眉葦鶯 x 1 (#24c)
377 Red-throated Flycatcher 紅喉姬鶲 x 1 (#18)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#24)
037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨        x 1 (#15b)
110 Northern Lapwing 鳳頭麥雞 x 1 (#8)
308 Dusky Thrush 斑鶇 x 1 (MP Access Road)
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#8)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 2 (#24)
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#15b)
445 Daurian Jackdaw 達烏里寒鴉 x 1 (#23)
--- Egret (Little & Great) x 1828 (MP Car Park Egretry) [Highest count in 3 years]

056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#15b)
418 Yellow-billed Grosbeak 黑尾蠟嘴雀 x 1 (#18)

The Ferruginous Duck has been hanging around the feeding area on Pond #15b from about lunchtime onwards for the last 2 days.

Bena Smith
WWF Reserve Officer

Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 16/02/2007 17:08

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 10 – 16 Feb 2007

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (#3)

040 Common Shelduck 翹鼻麻鴨 x 15 (boardwalk)
108 Pied Avocet 反嘴鷸 x 8600 [New high count] (boardwalk)
164 Mew Gull (kamtschatschenis) 海鷗 x 1 (boardwalk)
167 Slaty-backed Gull 灰背鷗 x 1 (boardwalk)

026 Yellow Bittern 黃葦鳽 x 1 (#24a)
030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#3)
037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 3 (adult x 2, juv x 1)
181 Caspian Tern 紅嘴巨鷗 x 1 (boardwalk)
445 Daurian Jackdaw 達烏里寒鴉 x 1 (#23)
Go to Summary of Mai Po Morning Bird Count

056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#15)
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼 x 1 (#14)
181 Caspian Tern 紅嘴巨鷗 x 5 (boardwalk)

044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 1 [female] (#20)
046 Baikal Teal 花臉鴨 x 1 [male] (#16/17)
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#15)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#15)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 [adult x 1, juv x 1] (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 [adult] (#20)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#15)

Summary reports from each ‘Mai Po Morning Bird Count’ can now be downloaded directly from the WWF website ( Two counts are completed each month and results will be posted regularly so visitors can be better informed of expected bird numbers and species present on the Reserve.

As this is a new development, your comments and feedback are welcomed upon the content, style, user friendliness, etc. of the summary reports. If you have any please email them to Bena Smith ( Thank you.


由於是項張貼為新嘗試,非常歡迎大家就內容、版面和使用難易度等提供意見。如有任何意見請電郵至Bena Smith (。謝謝!

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
WWF Mai Po

Author: kmike    Time: 22/02/2007 00:57

A short visit for the midday high tide produced the following:

Black-faced Spoonbill - 5

Spotted Eagle - 1 ad (16/17)
Eastern Marsh Harrier - 2
Peregrine - 1 or 2

Ferruginous Duck - 1 (15b)
Lesser Treeduck - 1 (15b)
Gadwall - 10 (16)
Common Shelduck 10 (boardwalk)

Long-billed Dowitcher - 1
Red Knot - 5
Great Knot - 20
Whimbrel - 1
Barwit - 3

Heuglin's Gulls 50+
Saunders' Gull 60+

Pale Martin - 1 (first of the spring?)

Mike K
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 23/02/2007 17:08

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 17 – 23 Feb 2007

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#15)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2 (#10)
263 Buff-bellied Pipit 黃腹鷚 x 2 (#8)
337 Paddyfield Warbler 稻田葦鶯 x 1 (#8)

171 Brown-headed Gull 棕頭鷗 x 1 (boardwalk)
282 Rufous-tailed Robin 紅尾歌鴝 x 1 (#18)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#15)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (#23)
145 Long-billed Dowitcher 長嘴半蹼鷸 x 1 (boardwalk)
193 Red Turtle Dove 火斑鳩 x 1 (#18)
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲 x 1 (PSFSC)
--- Pale Martin (fokiensis) 棕沙燕

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#24)
037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15)
040 Common Shelduck 翹鼻麻鴨 x 10 (#16/17)
045 Gadwall 赤膀鴨 x 10
056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#15)
074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 2 (#15, #20)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (#20)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 [adult x 1, immature x 1](#15, #20)
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼 x 1
387 Chinese Penduline Tit 攀雀 x 6 (#24)
709 Eurasian Collared Dove 灰斑鳩 x 1 (#15)

074 Eastern Marsh Harrier 白腹鷂 (澤鷂) x 1 [female] (#16/17)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 [adult] (#8)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 [adult] (#4)

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
WWF Mai Po

Author: kmike    Time: 26/02/2007 23:28

Two good days at Mai Po:

The first, Saturday 24th Feb produced a wonderful combination at Pond 3.

First a Greater Spotted Eagle flew over and flushed out a Bonelli's Eagle and an Imperial Eagle. Then we found the Lesser White-fronted Geese on the edge of a big group of Cormorants and another immature Imperial Eagle perched in a tree above the pond. Not bad for 2 minutes birding!

There were good numbers of waders on the Scrape including the same Long-billed Dowitcher as Thursday (and Gary Chow saw Nordmann's Greenshank), and at the suth end of the reserve two adult Imperials Eagles, another Greater Spotted Eagle and thelong-staying Carrion Crow.

There were also a Red-rumped Swallow and a Pacific Swift  amongst good numbers of Huse Swifts and Barn Swallows on Lut Chau, and lots of Saunders' Gulls  and 220 Heuglin's Glls from the Boardwalk.

Today the Carrion Crow and Daurian Jackdaw were on the southern edge of Pond 20 along with 30 or more Collared Crows, two Large-billed Crows and a few Eurasian Magpies.

Mike K
Author: WWF Mai Po    Time: 2/03/2007 18:54

米埔雀鳥記錄 Bird Records from Mai Po Nature Reserve : 24 Feb – 02 Mar 2007

The following list is taken from data on the WWF Visitor Centre chalk board, birders note book, HKBWS BBS and Bird Line (English and Chinese).

081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 2
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2
083 Bonelli’s Eagle 白腹山鵰 x 1 (#3)
131 Nordmann's Greenshank 小青腳鷸 x 1 (#16/17)
145 Long-billed Dowitcher 長嘴半蹼鷸 x 1 (#16/17)
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1
--- Lesser White-fronted Goose 小白額雁 x 2 (#3)

044 Falcated Duck 羅紋鴨 x 1 (boardwalk)
263 Buff-bellied Pipit 黃腹鷚 x 4 (access road)

056 Ferruginous Duck 白眼潛鴨 x 1 (#24)
445 Daurian Jackdaw 達烏里寒鴉 x 1 (#20)
446 Carrion Crow 小嘴烏鴉 x 1 (#20)

050 Spot-billed Duck (haringtoni) 斑嘴鴨 x 31 (MPNR)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 [adult] (#22)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 2 [adult x 1, immature x 1] (#16b)
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼 x 2 (access road)
Mai Po Nature Reserve Morning Bird Count (2964 birds counted)

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)
082 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 x 1 [immature, feeding on Tufted Duck(see photo below)] (#15b)

Katherine Leung 28-Feb-07 Pond #15b : Imperial Eagle

037 Lesser Whistling Duck 栗樹鴨 x 1 (#15b)

030 Great Bittern 大麻鳽 x 1 (#24d)
081 Greater Spotted Eagle 烏鵰 x 1 (#23)
087 Peregrine Falcon 遊隼 x 1 (#14)
387 Chinese Penduline Tit 攀雀 x 3 (#24)

Cormorant feeding at gei wai #3 will end in the coming week, don't miss the chance to see big flocks of waterbirds (cormorant, egrets and Black-faced Spoonbill). The feeding start at 07:30a.m. on Tuesday and Friday. For more information, please contact the Mai Po Office at 2471 6306.

Katherine Leung
Assistant Reserve Officer
WWF Mai Po

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