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Subject: ID confirmation pls [Print This Page]

Author: msamuel    Time: 4/01/2009 19:14     Subject: ID confirmation pls

Taken at Mai Po on 1/1/2009

#1 Citrine Wagtail? 黃頭鶺鴒?

#2 Daurian Redstart? 北紅尾鴝?

#3 Red Turtle Dove/Eurasian Collared Dove? 火斑鳩/灰斑鳩?

Thank you
Author: lchunfai    Time: 4/01/2009 21:26


#2 係北紅
#3 ... o=lastpost#lastpost    <- 很有用( by cwchan 師兄)

[ Last edited by lchunfai at 4/01/2009 22:45 ]
Author: dick    Time: 4/01/2009 22:25

#3 red turtle ?
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 5/01/2009 09:45

#1 is Yellow Wagtail.
Author: cbryan    Time: 5/01/2009 21:51

#1 Citrine Wagtail? 黃頭鶺鴒?

#1 is a yellow wagtail instead of citrine wagtail because the yellow of its eyebrow doesn't go round its ear and back to its throat which should be the main difference between a citrine and a yellow.
Author: msamuel    Time: 7/01/2009 23:39

Thank you for every response.
I can take #2 as a Daurian Redstart.  But I am still not clear if #3 is a Red Turtle Dove or Eurasian Collared Dove?  Any more input?
Author: dick    Time: 8/01/2009 09:08

Original posted by msamuel at 7/01/2009 23:39
Thank you for every response.
I can take #2 as a Daurian Redstart.  But I am still not clear if #3 is a Red Turtle Dove or Eurasian Collared Dove?  Any more input?
for #3, pls check the neck and eye
Author: ajohn    Time: 8/01/2009 13:10

The structure of #3 suggests this bird is a Eurasian Collared Dove. It body seems fairly bulky and the tail is relatively long (RTD is very short-tailed)

The easiest way to separate these is by size (RTD is tiny) but this is hard to judge on the photo, although the bird seems too large for RTD. Other useful features are the pure white underwing and grey upperwing 'triangle' of ECD and the tail pattern.

Date is also a useful clue - RTD is commoner on passage (rarer in winter) but ECD is a localised resident, with a pair often seen near the car park at Mai Po.

I agree with Yellow Wagtail and Daurian Redstart for the other birds.
Author: msamuel    Time: 8/01/2009 20:29

Thanks everybody, in paricular ajohn for his clear identification, very much appreciate.

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