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Subject: [Outing] Report of Long Valley 4 Jan 2009 [Print This Page]

Author: HFCheung    Time: 5/01/2009 23:54     Subject: Report of Long Valley 4 Jan 2009

About 35 join the Long Valley outing on 4 Jan 2009.  Here is the bird list. Thanks Peter jr. and Bill for help.  Bill can add a group photo.

Long Valley 4 Jan 2009, partly cloudy, cool (16-18 deg), light wind, dry                       
Sp. No.        中文名稱        Common Name        Status
014        蒼鷺        Grey Heron        tick
018        小白鷺        Little Egret        tick
021        牛背鷺        Cattle Egret        tick
022        池鷺        Chinese Pond Heron        tick
067        黑鳶        Black Kite        tick
080        普通鵟        Common Buzzard        tick
101        白胸苦惡鳥        White-breasted Waterhen        tick
103        黑水雞        Common Moorhen        tick
106        彩鷸        Greater Painted-snipe        tick
107        黑翅長腳鷸        Black-winged Stilt        tick
116        金眶鴴        Little Ringed Plover        tick
133        白腰草鷸        Green Sandpiper        tick
134        林鷸        Wood Sandpiper        tick
136        磯鷸        Common Sandpiper        tick
144        扇尾沙錐        Common Snipe        tick
192        山斑鳩        Oriental Turtle Dove        tick
194        珠頸斑鳩        Spotted Dove        tick
199        小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡        Yellow-crested Cockatoo        tick
208        噪鵑        Common Koel        tick
229        普通翠鳥        Common Kingfisher        tick
230        白胸翡翠        White-throated Kingfisher        tick
255        黃鶺鴒        Yellow Wagtail        tick
256        黃頭鶺鴒        Citrine Wagtail        tick
257        灰鶺鴒        Grey Wagtail        tick
258        白鶺鴒        White Wagtail        tick
259        理氏鷚        Richard's Pipit        tick
260        樹鷚        Olive-backed Pipit        tick
261        紅喉鷚        Red-throated Pipit        tick
270        紅耳鵯        Red-whiskered Bulbul        tick
271        白頭鵯        Chinese Bulbul        tick
272        黑喉紅臀鵯        Sooty-headed Bulbul        tick
279        棕背伯勞        Long-tailed Shrike        tick
285        藍喉歌鴝        Bluethroat        tick
287        鵲鴝        Oriental Magpie Robin        tick
292        黑喉石鵖        Common Stonechat        tick
312        黑臉噪鶥        Masked Laughingthrush        tick
343        棕扇尾鶯        Zitting Cisticola        tick
345        黃腹鷦鶯        Yellow-bellied Prinia        tick
346        純色鷦鶯        Plain Prinia        tick
347        長尾縫葉鶯        Common Tailorbird        tick
349        褐柳鶯        Dusky Warbler        tick
354        黃眉柳鶯        Yellow-browed Warbler        tick
389        大山雀        Great Tit        tick
394        朱背啄花鳥        Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker        tick
397        暗綠繡眼鳥        Japanese White-eye        tick
418        黑尾蠟嘴雀        Yellow-billed Grosbeak        tick
421        斑文鳥        Scaly-breasted Munia        tick
424        樹麻雀        Eurasian Tree Sparrow        tick
433        黑領椋鳥        Black-collared Starling        tick
435        家八哥        Common Myna        tick
436        八哥        Crested Myna        tick
444        喜鵲        Common Magpie        tick

HF Cheung
Author: mbill    Time: 8/01/2009 00:30

Long Valley
黑尾蠟嘴雀        Yellow-billed Grosbeak        

理氏鷚        Richard's Pipit        

林鷸        Wood Sandpiper
褐柳鶯        Dusky Warbler        

黃鶺鴒        Yellow Wagtail   

棕扇尾鶯        Zitting Cisticola        

斑文鳥        Scaly-breasted Munia  

扇尾沙錐        Common Snipe        

珠頸斑鳩        Spotted Dove        

Author: wkcheng    Time: 8/01/2009 14:14

I am new to bird watching activity. I find several birds that cannot be identified. Please help.

#1 The 1st one was found near the bridge where Great Tit was saw.

#2 The 2nd one was found in the tree we saw the 1st Common Kingfisher. However, it was too far away so that the image is very small.

#3 The 3rd one was found on the way we were searching Greater Painted-snipe. Was it a female Common Stonechat?

Image Attachment: DSC_8125a.jpg (8/01/2009 14:14, 146.75 KB) / Download count 494

Image Attachment: DSC_8190a.jpg (8/01/2009 14:14, 50.08 KB) / Download count 531

Image Attachment: DSC_8194a.jpg (8/01/2009 14:14, 37.07 KB) / Download count 504

Image Attachment: DSC_9037a.jpg (8/01/2009 14:14, 41.39 KB) / Download count 510

Author: lchunfai    Time: 8/01/2009 15:05

#2 是棕背伯勞(黑色型)

#3 I think you are right . A female stonechat
我反而想知#1 是甚麼,個咀很特別

[ Last edited by lchunfai at 8/01/2009 15:07 ]
Author: ajohn    Time: 8/01/2009 16:54

#1 looks like a female Oriental Magpie Robin but the light and angle of the bird make it difficult to see the distinctive white areas.

#2 is a Long-tailed Shrike of the Dusky form

#3 is, as you thought, a Common Stonechat

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