Subject: 塱原生態遊花絮 Highlights of Long Valley Eco-tours [Print This Page] Author: HKBWS Vicky Time: 21/01/2009 13:03 Subject: 塱原生態遊花絮 Highlights of Long Valley Eco-tours
If you went to Long Valley recently during weekend, you may saw groups of youngsters walking around. They are actully participating eco-tours organized by HKBWS.
The Long Valley project started a series of Long Valley Eco-tours since mid December 08. This aims to raise the public awareness on Long Valley and wetland conservation. At the same time, to introduce them local agriculture and publicize the Long Valley MA project. All the eco-tours are guided by accredited guides and participants are secondary school teachers and students. The eco-tours will be held mainly on Saturday and will be finished by 14 Feb.