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Subject: 塱原生態遊花絮 Highlights of Long Valley Eco-tours [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 21/01/2009 13:03     Subject: 塱原生態遊花絮 Highlights of Long Valley Eco-tours

塱原項目在十二月中開始展開一連串的生態導賞團 - 塱原生態遊,目的是要提高參加者對塱原濕地的認識和濕地保育的重要性,同時介紹當地農耕文化,並推廣塱原保育計劃。所有塱原生態遊均由合資格的導賞員帶領,而參加者為中學教師及學生。塱原生態遊將會舉辦至2月14日,主要於星期六進行。

If you went to Long Valley recently during weekend, you may saw groups of youngsters walking around. They are actully participating eco-tours organized by HKBWS.
The Long Valley project started a series of Long Valley Eco-tours since mid December 08. This aims to raise the public awareness on Long Valley and wetland conservation. At the same time, to introduce them local agriculture and publicize the Long Valley MA project. All the eco-tours are guided by accredited guides and participants are secondary school teachers and students. The eco-tours will be held mainly on Saturday and will be finished by 14 Feb.

塱原生態遊花絮 Highlights :

Image Attachment: IMG_7145.JPG (21/01/2009 13:03, 110.81 KB) / Download count 741

Image Attachment: IMG_7151.JPG (21/01/2009 13:03, 174 KB) / Download count 927

Image Attachment: IMG_7172.JPG (21/01/2009 13:03, 104.29 KB) / Download count 771

Image Attachment: IMG_7181.JPG (21/01/2009 13:03, 121.53 KB) / Download count 740

Author: cwchan    Time: 21/01/2009 14:47

A meaningful event, better still if the participants were also advised not wearing bright colour clothing.
Author: HFCheung    Time: 21/01/2009 15:47

These tours were offered many time during this winter.  Hundreds of student/participants benefited from this event.

HF Cheung
Author: puppymic    Time: 21/01/2009 21:43

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 22/01/2009 10:24


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